Perkins Program Improvement Accountability and Improvement Plans Required by Perkins IV Legislation

Perkins Program Improvement

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Page 1: Perkins Program Improvement

Perkins Program Improvement

Accountability and

Improvement Plans

Required by

Perkins IV Legislation

Page 2: Perkins Program Improvement


ADHE is required to formulate policy and guidance with regards to improvement plans and sanctions.

General description is contained in Arkansas Perkins State Plan approved by OVAE.

Overview was provided at Perkins Fall Workshop.

Draft guidance is ready for distribution to institutions for feedback prior to finalizing policy.

Webinar is foundation for discussion with presidents or other appropriate campus representative since improvement plan status may revise traditional approaches to use of Perkins funds.

Will have finalized policy by late February, 2010 so that improvements plans can be prepared by March 31, 2010.

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ADHE must evaluate the CTE activities of each local recipient that receives Perkins funds.

Local recipient must implement an improvement plan for any core indicator that fell below 90% of the core indicator performance targets.

Improvement plan must give special consideration to performance gaps of special populations.

If ADHE determines that the local recipient is not properly implementing its annual plans, or is not making substantial progress in meeting its performance targets, ADHE shall provide technical

assistance to the local recipient to implement an improvement plan.

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ADHE may withhold from the local recipient a portion or all of the local recipient's annual allocation if the local recipient:

fails to implement an improvement plan.

fails to make any improvement within the first program year of implementation of its improvement plan.

fails to meet at least 90% of the performance target for the same core indicator 3 consecutive years.

ADHE shall use withheld funds to provide through alternative arrangements services and activities to students within the area served by such recipient to meet the purposes of Perkins IV.

ADHE will provide notice and opportunity for a hearing before sanctions are imposed.

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Perkins Handbook Reference (to be revised)

IP Year 1 2009-10:

State will monitor development of Improvement Plan and approve Annual Plan based upon needs identified in Improvement Plan. State and local will review current Annual Plan to determine if amendments need to be made in 2009-10 funded activities.

IP Year 2 2010-11:

State staff will continue to monitor and provide technical assistance and may also prescribe uses of funds.

IP Year 3 2011-12:

State staff will continue to provide technical assistance and monitor the recipient for improvements. Staff may become more prescriptive with use of funds.

IP Year 4 2012-13:

State staff will continue to provide technical assistance and monitor the recipient for improvements. Staff may recommend that a portion or all of the recipient’s funds be redirected to an alternate provider.

Recommendations for sanctions will be made by state staff to the ADHE director who will inform the presidents of the affected institution.

Recommendation for sanctions will be submitted by ADHE to the State Board of Career Education who has final approval authority.

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In determining whether to impose sanctions, ADHE may waive

imposing sanctions:

due to exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances, such as

a natural disaster or a precipitous and unforeseen decline in the

financial resources of the eligible recipient

based on the impact on the local recipient's reported

performance of the small size of the CTE program operated by

the local recipient.

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OVAE uses a 10-Year Growth Model to negotiate core indicator

performance targets.

The same model is used by ADHE to negotiate local core indicator

performance targets.

Model assumes that at the end of 10 years, core indicators 1P1-4P1

would achieve 100% and 5P1 and 5P2 would achieve 25%.

Annual increases are determined based upon the difference in

beginning baselines and the 100%/25% ten-year targets.

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Indictor Baseline

Transition Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 10Gap

(Target less



Actual Actual Negotiated Negotiated Predicted Predicted

PYE08 PYE09 PYE10 PYE11 PYE12 2018


1P1 49.96 78.82 77.62 58.78 64.67 69.67 100.00 50.04 5.00

2P1 68.16 59.11 66.44 74.00 78.00 81.18 100.00 31.84 3.18

3P1 25.33 63.07 41.67 50.00 58.40 100.00 84.00 8.40

4P1 64.12 62.46 59.75 68.00 73.00 76.59 100.00 35.88 3.59

5P1 23.73 19.96 21.95 23.93 24.03 24.16 25.00 1.27 0.13

5P2 14.43 16.90 19.63 14.63 14.73 15.79 25.00 10.57 1.06

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To assess the effectiveness of state/local efforts to achieve progress in


Optimize return on investment of federal funds

Federal/State/Local negotiated targets based on 10-year growth


Locals must accept state levels or negotiate a different target

Locals must provide data required to calculate performance targets

Data must be disaggregated for each core indicator

Data must allow state/locals to identify and quantify any disparities

or gaps in performance between sub-groups of students and all

students (race/gender/special populations/CTE program area)

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STEP 1Document

Performance Results

STEP 5ImplementSolutions

STEP 4Pilot Test and

Evaluate Best Solutions

STEP 3Choose

Best Solutions

STEP 2Identify

Root Causes

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STEP 1Document

Performance Results

Data collection by locals

Performance documentation must also include subgroups

Race/Gender/Special Populations/CIP Program Area

Valid, reliable, complete

Failure to report required data is also cause for improvement plan

Compare performance levels between institutions (state and

national), across diverse student populations, and across different

program areas

Document over time using statistics, charts and graphs

Understand the problem completely before you seek solutions.

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STEP 2Identify

Root Causes

Analyze performance data.

Determine the most important and direct

causes of performance gaps.

May require use of supplemental data

from a variety of college, community,

national sources.

Root causes should be limited to those

which can logically be addressed by

improvement strategies and specific


Use multiple methods to identify and

evaluate potential causes.

Select a few critical root causes as the

focus of improvement efforts.

Don’t settle for conventional wisdom and symptoms. Never stop asking why.

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STEP 3Choose

Best Solutions

Identify and evaluate potential solutions to performance


Include both improvement strategies and program models.

Review and evaluate the underlying logic of these solutions

and the empirical evidence of their demonstrated


Don’t be too quick to adopt best practices before getting the facts straight.

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STEP 4Pilot Test and

Evaluate Best Solutions

If needed and if appropriate, conduct pilot testing and

evaluation of solutions on a smaller scale before choosing to

implement major program strategies.

Use practical but rigorous methods and tools for evaluating


Make sure the strategy works somewhere before you attempt it everywhere.

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STEP 5ImplementSolutions

Implement chosen strategies.

Implementation should include a

method of evaluation.

Prepare to include implementation

strategies in Local Annual Plan.

Don’t say the problem is solved until strategies have been fully implemented

and results achieved.

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January 22, 2010 PYE09 performance results provided to institutions

March 31, 2010 Improvement plans due to ADHE

April 30, 2010 ADHE approves improvement plans

June 1, 2010 PYE11 Annual Plan due to ADHE

July 1, 2010 Activities in support of improvement plan implemented as part of

PYE11 Annual Plan

November 2010 Performance results for PYE10 provided to institutions;

determines whether institutions are released or must remain in

improvement plan status

December 31, 2010 Mid-year improvement plan status report due to ADHE

August 15, 2011 Improvement Plan Report and Annual Plan Program Report due to


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Portal Format


Program Year to Begin Implementation: ____drop down box________

Describe Staff Involvement (Describe who was involved in developing the

Core Indicator Improvement Plan.)

Institutional Approval (Improvement Plan requires signature of institutional

president/chancellor. An Improvement Plan Assurances page contained in the

portal must be printed, signed and forwarded to ADHE before the improvement

plan is approved.)

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Portal Format

STEP 1Document

Performance Results

Document Performance Results (Describe the performance (current and

historical) of CTE students in the core indicator area. The description

should be thorough, including an analysis by race, gender, special

populations, and CIP program area. Describe source of data used if other

than that supplied by ADHE.)


By Race

By Gender

By Special Populations

By CIP Program Areas

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Portal Format

Identify Root Causes (Use the analysis of performance results to

determine the most important and most direct causes of the performance

gaps, with particular emphasis on special populations. Describe these root

causes so that solutions can be developed.)


By Race

By Gender

By Special Populations

By CIP Program Areas

STEP 2Identify

Root Causes

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Portal Format

Select Best Solutions (Identify and evaluate potential solutions to

performance problems with particular emphasis on improving performance

of sub-groups. Determine strategies that can improve performance. If

appropriate, identify those that will utilize a pilot project prior to full


STEP 3Choose

Best Solutions

STEP 4Pilot Test and

Evaluate Best Solutions

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Portal Format

Implement Solutions (Describe activities that will be included in the next

Annual Plan cycle and how those activities will be evaluated. Describe non-

Perkins resources that may be used to supplement Perkins funding.)

STEP 5ImplementSolutions

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Portal Format

Current Year Amendments:

Review current annual plan to see if funds need to be reallocated to

improvement plan areas. Describe possible amendments.

Report Mid-Year Progress:

Evaluate progress and provide update to ADHE by December 31 each year.

Report Annual Progress

Evaluate progress after one year to determine if it is necessary to continue the

Improvement Plan. If so, amend each section of the Core Indicator Improvement

Plan and submit to ADHE for approval by August 15 each year.

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