Task Jobs included within the Task Time Frame to complete Extra Information/Images Planning and design (team, storyboards, basic proposal, contingency plans) Throughout the planning and designing stage, I will get a small team together that is capable of creating the game. The proposal will be presented to the team and questions can be asked about the game. As well as this, storyboards will be created for each level, giving the production team an idea of how the game will look. Contingency plans will also be produced to ensure that the game will be completed by the end deadline. Team members that will be recruited must be able to complete these jobs between them: · Concept Artist—will provide all drawings and sketches, e.g. for level design, character design, etc. · Level Designer—will be able to design a functioning level/map, having a knowledge about lighting, interior and decoration to ensure the levels function properly and are true to the games design. · Modeller—will be able to convert the 2D drawings into 3D digital characters that can be imported into the game. They will work close with the level/character designers to ensure what they're creating is true to the design. · Texture Artist— will be responsible for making elements of the game look realistic and textured, this will be vital for making the products within the store look life-like. · Creature Setup Technician—they should be able to create a controlling system that can change the character models into digital puppets 4 weeks Contingency Plan includes: 4 weeks will be given to complete each task, (some may vary depending on the size), the bulk of the task should be completed within the first two weeks, allowing the team to go back over it in the last two weeks, after having a chance to step back and think about their work. This will ensure that it is to a high standard and can give them the chance to add in extra ideas or features they may have later thought of. This is also useful for those who are absent, as it gives them a large period of time to catch up. The release date of the game will be 10th June 2017, this will mean it’s a new game for summer and will be played more by the audience as many will

P5(A) - Production Process Chart

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Page 1: P5(A) - Production Process Chart

Task Jobs included within the Task Time Frame to complete Extra Information/Images

Planning and design (team,

storyboards, basic proposal,

contingency plans)

Throughout the planning and designing stage, I will get a small team together that is capable of creating the game. The proposal will be presented to the team and questions can be asked about the game. As well as this, storyboards will be created for each level, giving the production team an idea of how the game will

look. Contingency plans will also be produced to ensure that the game will be completed by the end deadline.

Team members that will be recruited must be able to complete these jobs between them:

· Concept Artist—will provide all drawings and sketches, e.g. for level design, character design, etc.

· Level Designer—will be able to design a functioning level/map, having a knowledge about lighting, interior and decoration to ensure the levels function properly and are true to the games design.

· Modeller—will be able to convert the 2D drawings into 3D digital characters that can be imported into the game. They will work close with the level/character designers to ensure what they're creating is true

to the design.

· Texture Artist— will be responsible for making elements of the game look realistic and textured, this will be vital for making the products within the store look life-like.

· Creature Setup Technician—they should be able to create a controlling system that can change the character models into digital puppets which can be moved and controlled within the game.

· Animator—will be able to add motion to the characters, allowing them to behave and move in a certain way.

· Programme/coder—they will be able to programme the game so that it works the way we want it to, for example allowing points to be added to the overall score when the trolley crashes into certain items.

· Project Manager—they will play a vital role in making sure each part of the project is completed on time, as well as ensuring that all internal issues are resolved.

4 weeks

Contingency Plan includes: 4 weeks will be given to complete each task, (some

may vary depending on the size), the bulk of the task should be completed within

the first two weeks, allowing the team to go back over it in the last two weeks, after

having a chance to step back and think about their work. This will ensure that it is to a high standard and can give them the chance to add in extra ideas or features

they may have later thought of. This is also useful for those who are absent, as it gives them a large period of time to catch up.

The release date of the game will be 10th June 2017, this will mean it’s a new game for summer and will be played more by

the audience as many will have more time on their hands, for example when going on holiday. The Deadline for creating the game will be a week before the 10th of June, this will give those working on the

game extra time to catch up if the scheduling doesn't go to plan and

production ends up behind.

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Task Jobs included within the Task Time Frame to complete Extra Information/Images


(levels, characters, menus and

gameplay, sound)

Within the development stage the team will work together in order to create levels, characters and menus, as well as developing ideas for the gameplay and beginning to figure out how the gameplay will allow users

to interact with the game itself. Sound effects will be discussed as well as hiring a vocal actor in order to create background commentary for the game. All of the team will be needed in order to make progress on

the development of the game, either working together or working alone to complete their job. For example, the level designer, concept artist, modeller, animator and texture artist will work together in order

to create the games design, however the creature setup technician will work alone in order to give the characters, that are created, movement.

4 weeksActors to be considered for the voiceover

include Seth Rogen, Samuel L. Jackson, James Franco.

Alpha testing (developers testing first

version of the game)

During this stage, the first round of testing will take place, the game will primarily be tested by the developers of the game, and potentially release to a select number of audience members in order to

receive feedback for what they dislike or how the game could be better. This stage will be used in order to ensure that everything within the game functions properly, such as when the main character interacts with

the shelves, the shelves will react the way we desire (to fall down and have its content fall out too).

3 weeks N/A

Beta testing (identifies bugs and glitches – can become

available to some users (e.g. in pre-


The Beta testing stage will be utilised to identify any bugs or glitches that are present within the game, such as for example if Bert were to get stuck inside the shelves instead of bumping into them. This will ensure

that the game runs smoothly and the audience will be able to play it smoothly. This test will be available to some of the audience who have pre-ordered the full game, this will allow other parties to test the game and identify any problems or give feedback on what they think should be changed. After the end of the

beta testing process, all of the glitches within the game should have been altered, allowing for the game to run smoothly without any interruption.

4 weeks

Pre-order can be available around 2-3 months before the games release, around April 2017, this will allow time for user to purchase the pre-order for the team to select a few audience members in order

to test the game out before its fully complete.

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Task Jobs included within the Task Time Frame to complete Extra Information/Images

Marketing – (trailer/poster)

Marketing will begin during the first stages of production this will allow for the team to create marketing posters, as well as a trailer that can be played during the advertising slots before other games. The trailer

can be created between the team , as it will need involvement from many of the team members including the animator, texture artist, etc. A poster will also be created to advertise the game throughout social

media, these will be posted on the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Page that will be created in order to promote the game as well as interact with the audience, such as encouraging gamers to post a screenshot of

their high score and repost/retweet some of them to the page. The social media pages will also include a countdown to the games release and links to purchase the game on all stores.

Marketing of the video game will begin during the first stages of production, we will start with an announcement and the creation of social media sites including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, this will

allow the game to be brought to the audiences attention. We will release a teaser trailer to entice the audience, giving them a first look at the game, such as what the aim will be and what the visuals are like

within the game, the teaser trailer will only be around 30 seconds long. After the release of the teaser trailer, a kick-starter page will be set up in order to provide funding for the games creation, along side the creation of the kickstarter page, we will release a YouTube video of game footage, this has proved a good

technique in the past to entice a large audience and get the attention of more people. Whilst going through each development stage, we can update a development blog which will allow us to show our progress, ask

for opinions from the audience, as well as interact and engage with the audience. The overall marketing will be drip fed to the audience, this will prolong the excitement and ‘hype’ for the game, allowing the audience to become more intrigued throughout the process. Closed alpha invites can also be distributed to a number of audience members, this will allow them to test a rough copy of the game and give us the opportunity to receive feedback on the gameplay and other aspects of the game, this will later be followed by open beta

testing which can be offered to some of those that have pre-ordered the game, this will create ‘buzz’ around the game and may encourage more people to download it once it comes out. In addition to this, stalls could be held at exhibition shows in order to give the audience more of an idea about the game, as well as giving them access to beta testing. Announcements about DLC’s, upgrades, pre-order offers, etc. will be promoted on social media , as well as advertisements on TV, Radio, in magazines etc. and the introduction of guerrilla marketing which will include giving out stickers and releasing small merchandise such as phone cases, etc. The last piece of marketing will be a release launch trailer which will last around 45 seconds to enhance the

interest of the audience a final time before the release.

13 weeksSocial media accounts can be used to exclusively

announce the release of the DLC’s during the post release schedule stage.

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Publishing the game will be completed by hiring distribution companies in order to allow them distribute the game across a wider variety of devices, as well as ensuring the game is available on

Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store. The project manager will be able to organise contact with the other distribution companies to ensure that they are able to distribute the game. The game will

also be released to the public after the creation of the logo and posters in order to promote the game. The games distribution and availability will be promote through social media to begin with and may

later venture across to YouTube or television advertisements, depending on the popularity of the game. The game will be released on August 15th 2017. August is a popular time for the release of mobile

phone games, this year alone 38 games were released for iOS software, including Asphalt Extreme, DC Legends and F1 2016, August is just after Summer and so people are beginning to venture back inside

and most will look for a game to play now that its colder outside and they have nothing to do, therefore this gives games a better chance of being downloaded than if they were to be released in Summer.

2 Weeks

Major publishers and retailers that are popular within the digital distribution sales, include

Steam, PlayStation Store, Amazon.com, GAME, GameStop, etc.

Post release schedule

(DLCs, special offers, etc.)

The post release schedule will begin with special offers to allow as many people to download and play the app as possible, whilst the game is free to download, some users may become frustrated or bored of playing the game and not purchase any upgrades to allow them to enhance the game play, however by having special offers, for example halving the price of some of the upgrades or creating a bundle for gamers to purchase may entice people back into the game to purchase the upgrades and play the game

again. The special offers will be available on and off throughout a two-month period, however a DLC, that will become available on the 2-month anniversary of the games release, will include the chance to

purchase a different level, the DLC will cost £5, and will give the user the opportunity to explore two other stores to destroy and collect points, in order to beat their high score, this may refresh the game

for many of the gamers and encourage others to download and play the game, if they see advertisements for the DLC.

8 weeks

Upgrades will cost between £0.50 and 1.99, for example, a pack of three power boosts will be

£0.50, with a larger pack costing between £1.00 and £1.99, or added time onto each round

costing around £0.69, these can be placed into bundles for the special offer periods, such as four

power boosts and 15 seconds extra costing around £1.50.

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