P5 Science - Plant Transport System

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Page 2: P5 Science - Plant Transport System

You may refer to Textbook pages 6 to 10.

Page 3: P5 Science - Plant Transport System

Parts of the Plant Transport


Water-carrying Tubes

Food-carrying Tubes

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Page 5: P5 Science - Plant Transport System
Page 6: P5 Science - Plant Transport System
Page 7: P5 Science - Plant Transport System

Why do plants need a transport system?

• Plants need water for photosynthesis as well mineral salts to stay healthy.

• The water and mineral salts go into the plants through the root hairs.

• These can only be transported through the water-carrying tubes in the stem also known as xylem.

Page 8: P5 Science - Plant Transport System

Why do plants need a transport system?

• Food made in the leaves need to be transported to the other plant parts in order for the plant to survive.

• This can only be transported by the food-carrying tubes,also known as phloem.

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Page 10: P5 Science - Plant Transport System

Tubes for Transporting

Food-carrying tubesPhloemWater-carrying tubes

XylemSugar is producedIn the leaves.The food-carryingtubes transportthis sugar from the leavesto the otherparts of theplant.

The root hairsfound on the rootsTake in waterand mineral saltsfrom the soil. The Water-carryingtubes take waterfrom the rootsto the other partsof the plant.

Take note that the water-carrying tubes are on the inner side& the food-carrying tubes are on the outer side.

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Tubes for TransportingFood-carrying tubes


Water-carrying tubesXylem

Note the arrows forthe water & food

carrying tubes andthe directionthey travel.

Page 12: P5 Science - Plant Transport System

In this picture, the food-carrying tubesare cut. So, this plant is NOT able totransport food from the leaves to theother parts of the plant.

But the water-carrying tubes which are on the inner part of the stem are NOT CUT. So this plant is still able to transport water from the roots to theother parts.

Page 13: P5 Science - Plant Transport System

These flowers shown above did not receive these colours naturally.Can you explain how they got these colours now that you are

aware of the water-carrying tubes in stems?

Page 14: P5 Science - Plant Transport System

This experiment is exciting. Look atCelery stalk that has been

divided into two parts. Each partis put in different colours.

after about 1 day, you’ll noticethat the water carrying tubes in

each half will be different incolour – according to the

colour of water they were put in.

Each celery is put into differentcoloured water.

after a day, take out the celerystalks and cut across the stem.

You will notice that the water-carrying tubes in each will

have the colour of water thatthe stem was put in.

Page 15: P5 Science - Plant Transport System

Do Workbook Activity 1.1: Do Workbook Activity 1.1:

In the FlowIn the Flow

Do Workbook Activity 1.1: Do Workbook Activity 1.1:

In the FlowIn the Flow

Write down your observations and Write down your observations and conclusion in your workbook page conclusion in your workbook page
