Dominant Images takes up most of the page makes it stand out and attracts the target audience. This is a typical convention for a front cover. The use of red and capital letters makes the certain words stand out loads, this attracts the audience and appeals to them. With the ‘FREE’ in capital letters it is one of the first things you notice with it also being in the colour red on a black The words ‘you’ve all been waiting’ for draws the attention of readers because it makes them feel like they are getting something exclusive with the magazine. This is a key convention as it makes readers want to buy it even more, making the magazine more The title of the magazine is one of the first things you notice as the white and red on the black background contrast well and catches the eye of the audience. I think ‘Elvis’ being on the front cover makes the target audience I am trying to attract want to buy the magazine more. It is something they are interested in and this is why I included it on the cover.

Own Final

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Dominant Images takes up most of the page makes it stand out and attracts the target audience.

This is a typical convention for a front cover.

The use of red and capital letters makes the certain words stand out loads, this attracts the audience and appeals to them. With the ‘FREE’ in capital letters it is one of the first things you notice with it also being in the colour red on a black background it is one of the most vibrant parts of the page.

The words ‘you’ve all been waiting’ for draws the attention of readers because it makes them feel like they are getting something exclusive with the magazine.

This is a key convention as it makes readers want to buy it even more, making the magazine more popular.

The title of the magazine is one of the first things you notice as the white and red on the black background contrast well and catches the eye of the audience.

I think ‘Elvis’ being on the front cover makes the target audience I am trying to attract want to buy the magazine more. It is something they are interested in and this is why I included it on the cover.

Page 2: Own Final

A key convention I have used again here is a bold title and a small paragraph underneath introducing readers to what is included in the article.

Editing styles I have used here is making the box’s behind the writing transparent and this also made the text easier to read. I found that a couple of double spreads I had analysed did this and it was quite effective.

The caption down the bottom ‘ I wanna try and make him live forever’ i put there as another convention, the part of the writing had been taken from the text and this is a key convention I have repeatedly seen in loads of magazine double spreads.

The way I laid out the interview into columned paragraphs is a key convention I liked and have seen many times before. The amount of writing I did would attract my audience as it isnt too much but is detailed and gives key information which is what they want as they bought the magazine to read this, (advertised a lot on front cover).