Analysis of codes and conventions in Mad Max: Fury Road For AS Media studies Coursework https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IJ8_Jf891k

Opening scene analysis Mad Max Fury Road

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Page 1: Opening scene analysis   Mad Max Fury Road

Analysis of codes and conventions in Mad

Max: Fury RoadFor AS Media studies Coursework


Page 2: Opening scene analysis   Mad Max Fury Road

Creation of enigma

• 0.07 – 0.17 – recordings of old news bulletins give an insight into the setting of Mad Max: Fury Road’s world by telling viewers about wars over oil and water. This non-diegetic sound also encourages us to wonder if protagonist Max’s quest/journey will be directly involved with this background to the story.

• 0.50 – camera shows mid shot of Max, before it tilts down to reveal a two-headed lizard; enigma is created for the audience as they will begin to ask themselves if the lizard and Max are connected, and if so, how.

Page 3: Opening scene analysis   Mad Max Fury Road

Introduction to characters

• At the beginning, there is a black screen and first five seconds subsequently feature non-diegetic narration from Max, partly introducing him to audience and who he is and how his ‘world is fire and blood’.

• Fifty seconds into the beginning, the audience is introduced to Max when there is a mid-shot of him standing next to his car on the edge of a desert, with his back to the camera – viewers are still kept in the dark regarding his identity.

Page 4: Opening scene analysis   Mad Max Fury Road

Setting up plot

• Max hears whispers of the ghosts of his dead friends between 1.06 and 1.14 which correspond with the scurrying and later crushing a lizard: they communicate that Max is trying to stamp out bad memories of these characters and possibly his regret at being unable to save them. This scene also makes viewers think that the film’s story will largely revolve around Max taking revenge against whoever killed his friends.

• 1.50 – other cars, a truck and three motorcycles follow Max’s car through the desert; this surprises the audience and sets up the plot as it shows why Max suddenly drove off, yet it makes them wonder why he is being chased. Having this included in the film’s first 5 minutes sets up the plot and Max’s adventure n the desert.

Page 5: Opening scene analysis   Mad Max Fury Road

Pace and rhythm (editing, mise en scene, camera shots and movement) (Part 1)• At 0.27, trees are shown to be

blowing in a storm, before this image fades to black – this image and edit suggest that the main story of the film is set a long time after this event

• Between 1.29 and 1.38, straight cuts are used quickly to show Max picking up his belongings, getting into his car, along with a close-up of the engine at the front and the wheels – intensity of the scene is conveyed and a build up of action is created for the viewers.

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• Max’s captors all have shaven heads, black trousers and black round their eyes – this costume and make up show the shared identity that these characters hold and thus the fact that they are part of a group.

• Max’s long hair and beard signify that he doesn’t take care of his appearance.

Pace and rhythm (editing, mise en scene, camera shots and movement) (Part 2)

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Mood and tone (non diegetic music)

• 3.37- intense, fast-paced music that dominantly features violins is played when Max escapes from his captors and runs away; this allows viewers to engage with the situation and the atmosphere.

• 5.12 – action music starts to play when Max jumps onto the hook in an attempt to escape – the intensity of the scene is emphasised.