Call: India- 8179191999 ,USA- 404-232-9879 HTML5 and CSS3 Online Training

Online HTML5 and CSS3 Training in Hyderabad-By Experts NareshIT

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Call: India- 8179191999 ,USA- 404-232-9879

HTML5 and CSS3 Online Training

Page 3: Online HTML5 and CSS3 Training in Hyderabad-By Experts NareshIT


HTML4 Drawbacks HTML5 Intro o Introduction o HTML5 HISTORY o New Features and groups o Backward Compatibility o Why HTML5? o Power of HTML5 o m or mobi or touch domains o Common Terms in HTML5 o Structure of HTML5

Document HTML5 Syntax o The DOCTYPE: o Character Encoding: o Dynamic Attributes o Standard Attributes o HTML5 - Fonts Reference o HTML5 - Character Encodings

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HTML5 Events o offline o oncontextmenu o ondrag o ondragend o ondragenter o ondragleave o ondragover o ondragstart o ondrop o ondurationchange o onoffline o ononline etc..

HTML5 Attributes o accesskey o contenteditable o draggable o spellcheck o subject o title etc.. HTML5 Replaced Elements o <abbr> o <object> o <iframe> o <del> o <pre>

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HTML5 New inline elements o <meter> o <mark> o <progress> o <time> HTML5 Input Types (More meaningful elements) What is a Webform? (Web Forms 2.0) o Introduction o color(color chooser) o date (popup calendar) o datetime (datetime chooser) o datetime-local (datetime chooser) o email (Email Entry)

o month (month year chooser) o number (spinner) o range (slider) o search (Search Query Input) o tel Telephone Input) o time (TimeSelector) o url (URL Entry) o week (WeekChooser) HTML5 Form Elements o <datalist> o <keygen> o <output>

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HTML5 Form Attributes New attributes for <form> and <input> New attributes for <form>: o autocomplete o novalidate New attributes for <input>: o autocomplete o autofocus o form o formaction o formenctype o formmethod o formnovalidate o formtarget o height and width

o list (autocompleting suggest box) o min and max o multiple o pattern (regexp)(Validating TextFields) o placeholder (TextFieldswith TemporaryHints) o required (TextFields with Required Values[non-empty]) o step

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HTML5 Drag/Drop (Deeper Integration with OS) o Introduction o Make an Element Draggable o What to Drag? Where to Drop? o Drag and Drop Events HTML5 Geolocation(Deeper Integration with OS) o Introduction o Locate the User's Position o Handling Errors and Rejections o The getCurrentPosition() o Geolocation object o Reading users location?

HTML5 Multimedia (playing video and audio is easier than ever) o Introduction o What is Multimedia? o Browser Support o Multimedia Formats o Video Formats o Sound Formats o What is Ogg format

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HTML55 Media (playing video and audio is easier than ever) o Introduction o New Media Elements o What is Ogg? o <audio> o <video> o <source> o <embed> o <track> o Web o YouTube in HTML5

HTML5 Video (playing video and audio is easier than ever) o Introduction o Video on the Web o Video with JS o How It Works? o Video Formats and Browser Support o HTML5 Video Tags

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HTML5 Audio (playing video and audio is easier than ever) o Introduction o Audio With JS o Audio on the Web o How It Works? o Audio Formats and Browser Support o HTML5 Audio Tags WebRTC (Real-time Communication between Browsers) (Stay connected) o HISTORY OF WEBRTC o WebRTC Architecture o What is WebRTC?

o KeyFeatures o AppEngine o SIP o Capturing Audio & Video in HTML5 o HTML Media Capture o What is twinsee?

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HTML5 Web Storage (Expect the unexpected) o Introduction o What is HTML5 Web Storage? o Browser Support o The localStorage Object o The sessionStorage Object HTML5 App Cache (Offline Storage) o Introduction o What is Application Cache? o What is Offline Storage? o Cache Manifest Basics o HTML5 Cache Manifest

HTML5 Web Workers (Background JavaScript) o Introduction o What is a Web Worker? o Check Web Worker Support o Create a Web Worker File o Terminate a Web Worker

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HTML5 SSE (One Way Messaging) o Introduction o What is Server Sent Events? o One Way Messaging o Browser Support o The EventSource Object HTML5 Microdata (More meaningful elements) o Introduction o Microdata common formats o Properties Datatypes o Microdata Vocabulary o WHATWG HTML spcification

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HTML5 – MathML (Integrating Mathematical formulas in Web) o Introduction o MathML Versions o Features of MathML o List of MathML Tags o Presentation MathML o Namespace o Using MathML Characters o Matrix Presentation o Math Formulas CSS 1.0 and 2.0 o Introduction o CSS Basics o CSS Introduction

o CSS Syntax o CSS Versions o CSS Id & Class o CSS Styling o Styling Backgrounds o Styling Text o Styling Fonts o Styling Links o Styling Lists o Styling Tables o CSS Borders o CSS3 Browser Support

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PhoneGap o Introduction to PhoneGap o Why PhoneGap? o PhoneGap and 7 mobile Environments o PhoneGap Build Twitter Bootstrap (Powerful mobile front-end framework) o What is Twitter Bootstrap? o History o Why use Bootstrap? o What Bootstrap Package Includes? Download Bootstrap o File structure o PRECOMPILED BOOTSTRAP o Basic Examples

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Bootstrap Tables o Basic Table o Optional Table Classes o STRIPED TABLE o BORDERED TABLE o HOVER TABLE o CONDENSED TABLE o Contextual classes o Responsive tables Bootstrap Forms o Form Layout o VERTICAL OR BASIC FORM o INLINE FORM o HORIZONTAL FORM o Supported Form Controls

o CHECKBOXES AND RADIOS o SELECTS o Form Control States o Form Control Sizing o Help Text

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Bootstrap Button Groups o Basic Button Group o Button Toolbar o Button Size o Nesting o Vertical Buttongroup Bootstrap Button Dropdowns o Split Button Dropdowns o Button Dropdown Size o Dropup variation

Bootstrap Input Groups o Basic Input Group o Input Group Sizing o Checkboxes and radio addons o Button addons o Buttons with dropdowns o Segmented buttons

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Bootstrap Navigation Elements o Tabular Navigation or Tabs o Pills Navigation o VERTICLE PILLS o Justified Nav o Disabled Links o Dropdowns o PILLS WITH DROPDOWNS Bootstrap Navbar o Default navbar o Responsive navbar o Forms in navbar o Buttons in navbar o Text in navbar o

Non-nav links o Component alignment o Fixed to top o Fixed to bottom o Static top o Inverted navbar o Bootstrap Breadcrumb

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Bootstrap Plugins Overview o Data Attributes o Events o Bootstrap Transition Plugin o Bootstrap Modal Plugin o Bootstrap Dropdown Plugin o Bootstrap Scrollspy Plugin o Bootstrap Tab Plugin o Bootstrap Tooltip Plugin o Bootstrap Popover Plugin o Bootstrap Alert Plugin o Bootstrap Button Plugin o Bootstrap Collapse Plugin o Bootstrap Carousel Plugin o Bootstrap Affix Plugin

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We provide Quality IT Training. We are a IT Corporate

Training and consulting company providing expert,

professional and advanced IT Corporate training courses

to our clients’ success and their need for continuous IT skilled in latest technologies

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We look forward to having you as a part



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For Online Training Call: +91-8179191999 USA:404-232-9879