Oklahoma Blue Thumb Water Education overview

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The State of Oklahoma Blue Thumb Water Quality Education Program overview with information about non-point source pollution and watersheds.

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  • 1. Blue Thumb WaterPollution Education Program

2. People and the choices they make. 3. Clean Water Act -Safe for Humans 4. Home for Fish 5. Learn about streamsEducate the public aboutStream Protection 6. Sub-watersheds 7. Natural Watershed 8. Effects of DevelopmentOnly 8%developmentchanges therunoffpatterns inthewatershed. 9. Point Source Pollution 10. NonpointSourcePollutionPollution that comes from diffuse sourcesdifficult to point to the exact source. 11. How doesnonpoint sourcepollution get toour streams? 12. Nonpoint Source Pollution Examples Soap and detergent going down a storm drain 13. Fertilizers andpesticides canbe nonpointsource pollutants. 14. Grass Clippings and 15. Automotive Products 16. Sediment from landclearing forhomes, businesses, and new streets. 17. Soil fromagriculture 18. Animal WastePoultry 19. Feed lots for cattle or swine barns 20. Pick upafteryourPET! 21. Resource Extraction 22. What is our #1 pollutant? 23. Agriculture &developmentcan contributeto sediment. 24. Streams need their riparian areas! 25. Pop Quiz 26. Fertilizers andpesticides canbe nonpointsource pollutants. 27. Read the LABEL! 28. Grass Clippings and 29. Use a mulching mower and compost. 30. Conserve waterCollect water in a rain barrel Build a rain garden Use native plants which are pest resistant, good for wildlife, need less watering and fertilization 31. Fishable &Swimmable 32. Water Chemistry+ Biological Community + Physical Habitat = Stream Health 33. Chemical Monitoring 34. Dissolved OxygenNitrate/nitriteOrthophosphateChlorideChemical Monitoring pHWater clarityTemperatureAmmonia nitrate&Site observations 35. Biological CollectionsSome species of bugs andfish are very tolerant ofpollution. Some are veryintolerant. Stream lifetells an important tale! 36. Macroinvertebrate collections 37. FishCollections 38. HabitatAssessment 39. Tell peopleabout yourcreek! 40. Is there anything everyonecan do? 41. Get outandplay in a creek!