Nightmare On Elm Street

Nightmare on elm street opening sequence analysis

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Nightmare On Elm Street

Mise-en scene In this opening sequence an industrial and run down area is presented filled with steal

leaking pipes and other industrial equipment. This already isn't a comfortable setting, creating a relationship between the audience and character as they have been taken out of their comfort zone. This creates an unsettling feel and fear for the audience and character as their minds have been taken to an unfamiliar, alien like surrounding.

The unsettling feel to this opening sequence can also be built upon through the characters costume. The first character we see is an unidentified person applying a glove of knives to their hands, we can already tell that this person is dangerous and a threat. By the first character having knives upon their fingers immediately tells the audience that this person is settled and familiar to these surroundings as they are in control.

Mise-en scene In contrast to this first character an innocent girl is also shown in

this opening sequence wearing nothing but a 'nighty' which is in a complete juxtaposition to the surroundings that she has found herself in. The unsettling feeling is emphasized by the clothing the female is wearing as the audience have no idea as to why the innocent young girl is walking around in a dangerous industrial environment in something that you would normally sleep in.

Camera The use of the directors camera angles also conveys the idea of fear and

isolation to the audience. The scene begins with a mysterious figure, we know that this person is dangerous as an establishing close up shot is used as they are assembling what appears to be his weapon.

The idea of isolation is portrayed through the next establishing shots as presented with a young innocent girl who is seen isolated in her shadow at the end of a corridor. This shot is conveying that she is isolated and extremely vulnerable as she is all alone in an unfamiliar environment.

camera Following on from the previous establishing shots, the next shot used is a close up

of the young girls face showing with a fearful expression. This immediately shows the audience that she is scared of the environment that she is in as she is isolated as she has been taken out of her comfort zone.

After this close up of the girls face there is a mid shot of the same corridor but this time there is a sheep 'running' across it. A comparison can be make between this sheep and the girl as the sheep is also out of place and in a strange environment, this shot also reinforces the strangeness and disorientation of this opening sequence.

Camera Moving on from the corridor we are then presented with the girl

isolated amongst the industrial setting through the use of mid to longer shots. A raise in suspense and fear is created as no shot has been given to the unknown person/creature that is chasing her. The sense of the unknown is again creating a sense of uneasiness but is also foreboding what is going to happen next. The camera in this scene has been operated extremely well as it does a very good job isolating the innocent girl, going into detail in such an unusual setting and also creates fear through the use of the unknown.

SOUND The uneasiness and scary nature of this scene is also

portrayed through the use of sound. As we know at the start of the seen we can see an u know person assembling what appears to be a glove of weapons. The diegetic sound of this unknown characters heavy breathing creates a creepy vibe and the audience identify that this person is a villain as they pant over their weapon showing that they are excited over their evil plan. The non-diegetic sound creates a scare factor as it uses a creepy keyboard sound which is done to make the music sound futuristic and strange. The most important use of sound in this opening sequence is definitely the girls scream as it conveys violent and deathly imagery.