My Music Magazine Textual Analysis

My music magazine textual analysis

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My Music Magazine Textual Analysis

Page 2: My music magazine textual analysis

Front cover

Title pulse conveys a pulse of a beat, which makes it obvious it’s music magazine.

I used alliteration with Ladyhawke and Live

I used browns, reds and blacks to portray the genre of music my magazine is, as Indie album covers are usually black, white and red. Yellow top is

iconography of a Lakers top, the bright yellow colour is from the 80’s so it’s retro. The guitar helps show the genre of music this magazine is based upon. Her red glasses go with the colour scheme.

The scenery is dull and therefore takes no attention away from the text and photo. This also shows this magazine is a serious niche music magazine.

Assume the reader knows who these bands are, creating a community and brand loyalty.

‘Rusty’ text effect creates a rebellious feel to magazine- making a youth subculture

Page 3: My music magazine textual analysis

Contents pageDark lighting and dark clothing- serious artists, and dominant people

Headings in big bold fonts make it easier for the reader to navigate round the magazine and remains structured

Separate box for advert for subscription- realism. Advert for radio- other platforms

small photo of feature artist- no eye contact and relaxed body language- makes her seem likeable- iconEach page has a small description- makes it easier for reader to get to what they’re interested in

The heading ‘This Week’ conveys this type of review is in the contents page weekly- structured- brand loyaltyMode of address in review is casual but informative, my magazine is an informal read packed with music information

Similar colours as front cover, makes it easy for reader to feel part of the brand

Page 4: My music magazine textual analysis

Double page spreadPhoto is dark with light only showing artist face and clothes- mysterious Photo is reflected by title, the artist seems to be coming out of the shadowsText is bold but distressed- rebellious artist

Exciting language used- ‘bang’ creates instant force and bang is a sound- her music is loud

Word ‘controversy’ is in red, makes her seem rebellious and fiery

The mode of address is casual, but without any slang- professional

The place Camden is mentioned- reader expected to know of it’s connotations of a place where Indie people socialise

Information about her new album- realism

Review box- readers get more feedback about artist- interested in music

Smaller photos represent snapshots of her gig, like the photos printed in photo booths- fun and modern