Music Video Production Mood Board. By Jessica Grundy.

Music video production mood board

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Music Video Production Mood Board.

By Jessica Grundy.

Camera Angles

A wide variety of camera angles will be featured such as close ups of body features and facial expressions, mid shots of somebody, establishing shots of more than one person and zoom in and out shots. Also, to show the location of where my footage was filmed I will use a aerial shot.


The setting of my footage will vary on whether being featured inside a house or outside. Depending on the conditions of the weather and if the house in question is good enough for my footage.


The most popular props used are cars, music instruments, a stereotypical pretty woman or a good looking guy, motor bikes, stunt doubles, backing dancers and seating stools. However, with my budget I believe I will only be using a car, music instruments if I can find one and seating stools.


No matter the genre stereotypically in every music video the female character always seems to be wearing short, skimpy clothing showing off certain features. However, my music video will be counter typical and therefore will not feature these types of clothing but instead normal day wear or night wear.


The genre that I am thinking of doing are between pop or R&B. However, the images I have selected are mainly from the R&B genre.


With the two genres I am torn between using for my music video they will both require the same kind of lighting which is high key. This is very stereotypical with in the chosen genres videos.


A contemporary music video would have to contain a lot of shots to keep the audience interested even though the video will not be telling a story or the audience what is happening. These images I have selected show this because they don’t really make sense or tell a story but still interest the viewer.


However, a performance video is to entertain the audience and also to inform them with what the song is about such as from my chosen images you can evidently see which song is about love and which song fits more into the dance genre.


Where as, from a narrative video you can get a anecdote not just from the lyrics but also with how the camera work is used. Close ups and extreme close ups can show a characters emotion through one shot which tells us a lot about how they’re feeling. Also, from the expression of dance which is stereotypically shown on a song about love and heartbreak.