
Music Video Loactions

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For my music video I will be using several different locations. Some of these locations will conventional to the electronic genre, and then some will challenge certain characteristics of the genre. I want to do this to highlight the changes that are happening within this genre. In the past few years, music videos of similar genres have started using more natural locations, as apposed to the conventional urban locations. So, you could say these natural locations could now be seen as being a convention of the genre, but technically they are not going by the history of the genre. A large fraction of genre’s music videos show architecture and buildings that are man made, and use modern styling.

With my storyline so far I have managed to work out roughly what locations that I will need for shooting. These are:

-A train + tube-Coffee Shop-A city(either London or Cambridge)-Fairground-Beach-Forest-Bedroom/bed-Inside of a car-Swimming pool or lake

As you can see from the current list of locations I am going to be using a large range of modern and natural surroundings in order to possibly make my story more complex. I am also hoping that the constant change in locations may create the effect that more time has actually passed. This could result in a stronger characterisation being formed of the actresses.

In the next few slides I have included some photos of the locations that I am going to be using and possible intertextual references that I could include.

Key:-Modern location-Natural location

BeachThis location will probably only be used very briefly during the duration of my music video. The image I have included in this power point show the beach that I am going to use. However, this picture was taken in the morning, but for my music video I aim to use the beach at night. This is to fit into the time frame in which my video happens. The scenes that will take place on the beach will be some of the last few shots that will be in the music video. They aren’t really that important to the overall storyline because they won’t contribute to nothing other the aesthetics. I am still aiming to try and capture as much footage as possible in order to not have to carry out any re-shoots. I only plan on using a few cuts from the beach, one of these possibly being of a girl screaming out of excitement when the music has been paused. I think this could add some form of characterisation to one of the girls that makes her seem more daring and possibly reckless . These shots may be some of the difficult shots to shoot due to the dependency on naturally occurring things. The two biggest problems that I could experience are bad weather and the tide possibly being in. Both may result in me being unable to film, which could cause a slight delay in my shooting schedule. Hopefully, my shooting will not be delayed so that I can shoot all my other footage in time for the shooting deadline.

The inspiration for this shot has come form several different locations. I originally gained the inspiration from XXYYXX’s music video for ‘DMT’, but after seeing some the of the intertextual references that were used in that music video I chose to take joint inspiration from them too. The two biggest influences come from two different films named ‘Another Earth’ and ‘The Piano’. I have included an image from ‘The Piano’(right), to show the similarities between the two shots.

ForestThe scenes that I shoot in the forest are going to be some of my favourite shots to shoot in my music Video. I have got ideas for these shots using a blue smoke grenade in the middle of the forest. I chose the colour blue for the smoke because I think this could would stand out the best against the darkness of the forest. I originally considered using a safety flare for these shots, but the cost was too much for me to compensate getting one for this music video. I wanted to use a very secluded location for these shots because I want emphasise on how close the two girls relationship is and that can be highlighted best in a secluded location. The forest provides both privacy for shooting and for the girls to do as they wish. I want these shots to be very shaky in terms of the camera work. The two girls will be running around with the smoke grenade, so I want their speed and bounciness to be shown in how the film is shot. This like the beach location is a very natural location which means the shots could be challenging the conventions of the genre. The tall tress are nothing to do with man made objects, they are old living things that were around before the electronic genre. The tress have a very traditional feel present with them due to their age. This is what makes them challenge the genre. The electronic genre reminds us of tall and modern skyscrapers, not tall and traditional trees.

Locations like forests are now used in a large amount of teen drama TV shows, examples of two of these are ‘Skins’ and ‘Glue’. Both focus on teenagers and young adult lives. This gives my music video and these shows the same demographic of audience. This demographic is roughly the age group of around 16 to 24. This is because this demographic cane relate to the images and actions that they are watching on the screen. Therefore they have more interest in this type of content. (Right: Glue, episode 3, use of blue flare)


• I plan on using Sandringham forest for this section of my music video. The map below shows the rough location that I will be using. The forest surrounds Sandringham Estate. As you can see from the map there are wide areas of forest that I can use where filming will be undisturbed.

CityFor these shots I am either going to use London or Cambridge for this fragment of my shooting. Overall I would like to give the impression that the girls are in London because my audience would be more likely to recognise the location and therefore maybe find the video more relatable. If I am unable to get to London for my shoot I am going to use Cambridge as a substitute. Hopefully, both locations will give the same impact in my music video. Using a city is possibly one of the most modern locations that I could use. This will be a location that will still to the characteristics of this genre. Cities are used in a large range of music videos in almost all genres, but they are primarily used in genres such as hip-hop and electronic. Below I have included a screenshot form Jay-Z and Kanye West’s ‘No Church in the Wild’ music video. Both artists are known for their contribution to the hip-hop world, but the genre uses very similar subject matter and shots to my genre for my music video. This screen shot show a street in London during a riot between the police and citizens of London. The video was an attempt at a political statement when it was released.

The urban surroundings are something I want to use during the duration if my music video. This is to fit with the urban sound of the artists music. I don’t want my video to be as much of a political statement, because I’m not focusing on the same stories in our media. I do however want to emphasise the urban city as much as possible through using shots of modern transport and modern architecture.

Transport (Trains+ Cars)For a good proportion of my music video I plan on showing the girls on or around transport. This is for two primary reasons:1. The transport will emphasise the modern genre and stick with the conventions of the genre. I will show the girls on a train and in a car. These are both modern methods of transportation, so they will bring around the idea that the girls are part of modern culture. The locations in which these transportations are used will mostly be urban. This then uses the same qualities as the city location(s). The urban background for these transportation shot will remind the demographic of today’s modern society.2. I want there to be a possibility that the transportation can be seen as a form of metaphor. The transportation could be seen by the audience as showing the development of modern society. The transportation could be seen as a way of travelling into the future where society is going to be different. This fits in well with my characters, they will be playing a lesbian couple, so the transportation could be seen as taking to them to a place where their relationship is more excepted. Homosexual relationships are slowly becoming more excepted, but they still receive abuse from some segments of society.

For the transport that is used I plan on using the train footage in daytime and the car footage at night time. This is to emphasise the speed of the train, and showing how the more technology develops the faster we accelerate into the future. The speed of this transport will be best highlighted at daytime. Then the shots involving transport in the car will be shot at night in order to emphasise the lights as the car travels. I would like to use this part of the transport scenes to possibly use a form of time-lapse edit. This will form a nice aesthetic with the darkness of the lights and the contrasting street lights.

Coffee ShopFor these parts of my music video I plan on using a lot of close up shots. This may take some emphasis away from the actual location, but this will not effect the storyline of the music video too much. I want to use these shots to characterise both girls at the very beginning of the video. This will be one of the first locations that is shown, so I need to use these cuts to introduce the girls properly. I also need to use these scenes to bring around the emphasis on their relationship, this is what will hopefully be done through the duration of close up shots. By using these close ups the audience will start to focus more on the characters, than the actual location. The close ups will focus on certain aspects of the girls, like their hands touching, them looking at each other or activity with their lips. By bringing emphasis to body parts like the lips my film may start to form a collection of voyeuristic shots. I don’t want to have too many voyeuristic shots because I don’t want it to appear as if I am sexualising the girls in any way possible. I want to emphasise the lesbian relationship, not sexualise it.

I chose a coffee shop for this section of my music video because it is a traditional location that has been used in books, movies and music videos for dates in love scenes. An example of one that comes to mind is ‘500 Days Of Summer’. I have included a screenshot (right), that shows roughly what I want to have some of my shots look like. A shot like this will probably be one of the first shots I edit into this sequence. It will help to establish the location, and show that the girls have moved from their last location. This will most likely be a mid-shot, because I believe a wide shot could bring too much focus to the location, rather than the girls and their relationship.