Notes : Animation : no Text/Audio Narration : Title: Differentiated Instruction Why Bother?? Scene (breaking down the different learning styles using multiple intelligence models) Graphics: yes Audio: yes Slide number: 1 Skill or Concept: Pretraining This first slide is to introduce you to the different terms used in Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence model. Hi! My name is Allison. I am an elementary school teacher. I am here to remind teachers about the different learning styles our students have, and to help teachers realize the ways we as teachers can help students with simple tools like: Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Assessment, this will help get us on the right track to helping our students learn effectively. To your right are terms that you will need to know. Click on each one for a description. Personalization: Allison the on-screen avatar is here to go through introduce the terms that will be used throughout the presentation. Her desire is to help teachers see that they can reach all students with a little effort and know how.

Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles

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Page 1: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles


Animation : no

Text/Audio Narration:

Title: Differentiated Instruction Why Bother?? Scene (breaking down the different learning styles using multiple intelligence models)

Graphics: yes Audio: yes

Slide number: 1

Skill or Concept: Pretraining

This first slide is to introduce you to the different terms used in Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence model.

Hi! My name is Allison. I am an elementary school teacher. I am

here to remind teachers about the different learning styles our

students have, and to help teachers realize the ways we as teachers can help students with simple tools like: Howard Gardner’s

Multiple Intelligence Assessment, this will help get us on the right

track to helping our students learn effectively. To your right are

terms that you will need to know. Click on each one for a


Personalization: Allison the on-screen avatar is here to go through introduce the terms that will be used throughout the presentation. Her desire is to help teachers see that they can reach all students with a little effort and know how.

Page 2: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles

Notes: Segmentation: Differentiated instruction is a topic some teachers shy away from and are not comfortable with.

The different learning styles are broken down for the teacher to assess the students learning style to know how best to approach differentiated instruction.

Animation (no):

Text/Audio Narration:

Title: Differentiated Instruction Why Bother?? Scene (breaking down the different learning styles of students)

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 2

Skill or Concept: Recognition

No two students learn in the exact same way. As a teacher what do you feel would help you feel more comfortable reaching out to your students’ learning


Once the reader has moved onto this page Allison begins to speak. “It is important that as a teacher you are aware of the ways in which your students learn and how you can best reach them. Many times without them even knowing that they are learning.” (Click on audio by Allison). You can click on the sound icon to hear Allison ask the teachers a question.

Page 3: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles

Notes: Personalization. Making a connection with instructing students and how teachers also differentiate in how they learn to teach material. If teachers can relate to the students’ learning styles in a personal way and relate to the fact that everyone has a way in which he or she comprehends the material that is presented.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration:

Title: Connecting to the reasons for differentiation Scene: Becoming aware of teachers differentiated instruction for themselves

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 4

Skill or Concept: Making a connection

Once the reader has moved onto this page Allison begins to speak. “ Take a look at the cartoon above. Think back to when you first started teaching and how excited you were to have others share new ideas with you. I would like to say that you can have that feeling today when you realize how making learning something personal for your students will help them to succeed. “

Page 4: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles



The Verbal student learns best when they are taught with spoken words or through text. Students do not do well with abstract material.

Examples of verbal and linguistic understanding are to the right.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: Once the reader has moved onto this page Allison begins to speak. “Understanding each of the different forms of intelligences and learning styles will help the teacher to better identify these qualities in each student. The verbal student learns well through the spoken word and written text.” (Click on audio by Allison).

Title: Verbal/Linguistic Learners Scene Understanding Verbal/Linguistic Learners

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 5

Skill or Concept: Identify/Understand

Verbal/Linguistic : Use language to learn. Learn through listening to

teacher and having material explained in words.

Examples•Understanding of words

•Oral and written skills are developed

•Learns grammar rules and able to apply them.

Page 5: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles


Segmentation:This student learns by relating material to logic. Math is a subject that is easily related to.

The narrator reads the definition of logical/mathematical learners and gives a brief description.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: Once the reader has moved onto this page Allison begins to speak. “The Logical/Mathematical learner relates to numbers and making patterns. They are able to reason things out.” (Click on audio by Allison).

Title: Logical/Mathematical Learners Scene Understanding Logical/Mathematical Learners

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 6

Skill or Concept: Identify/Understand

Examples•Understanding of numbers and their

representation.•Recognize patters.

•Reasoning skills are developed.

Logical/Mathematical: Relates to numbers and logistics. Think in a

conceptual manner where the student makes connections with patterns and bits of information.

Page 6: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles


There is a picture of a child who is working hands on to build something. Being able to take an original object and build a replicate is a skill that comes easily for visual learners.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: Once the reader has moved onto this page Allison begins to speak. “The visual/spatial learner is able to create from seeing an original object to replicate it. Doing math or figuring out problems in his or her mind is not a problem.” (Click on audio by Allison).

Title: Visual/Spatial Learners Scene Understanding Visual/Spatial Learners

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 7

Skill or Concept: Identify/Understand

Visual/Spatial: Learn through seeing. Learn best through seeing

how things work. Diagrams and illustrations help the student to

connect with material.

Examples•Able to replicate objects

based on the original.•Able to manipulate

objects in his or her mind.•Notices color differences.

Page 7: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles


As the photo in the slide shows that bodily learners are active and learn with their whole body.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: Once the reader has moved onto this page Allison begins to speak. “ The bodily/kinesthetic learner uses his or her entire body to learn. She or he has and uses both fine and gross motor skills. Getting up and moving around helps to stimulate the brain.” (Click on audio by Allison).

Title: Bodily/Kinesthetic Learners Scene Understanding Bodily/Kinesthetic Learners

Graphics : Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 8

Skill or Concept: Identify/Understand

. Bodily/Kinesthetic: Learn through movement. The student

enjoys interacting with others and the materials around them.

Examples•Uses his or her body to

relate to others.•Fine and gross motor

skills.•Has developed

coordination and balance skills.

Page 8: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles


Students learning material set to a beat or a pattern as seen in the picture helps students to relate to music.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: Once the reader has moved onto this page Allison begins to speak. “Musical/rhythmic students are able to take material and relate it to a beat or pattern. Recognizing musical forms and patterns come easily, as does playing an instrument.” (Click on audio by Allison).

Title: Musical/Rhythmic Learners Scene Understanding Musical/Rhythmic Learners

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 9

Skill or Concept: Identify/Understand

Examples•Able to keep a rhythm or

beat.•Able to recognize musical

forms.•Relates to music with instructional material.

Musical/Rhythmic: Learn with rhythm, sounds, and patterns to

memorize new material.

Page 9: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles


Students learn through what they see in nature and are able to relate to their everyday life.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: Once the reader has moved onto this page Allison begins to speak. “Naturalists love to be outdoors! They enjoy relating nature to everyday events. Science projects are an enjoyment for these learners.” (Click on audio by Allison).

Title: Naturalist Learner Scene Understanding Naturalistic Learners

Graphics: Yes Audio” Yes

Slide number: 10

Skill or Concept: Identify/Understand

Naturalist: Learns by observing what is going on around him or her

in relation to nature. Enjoys activities that incorporate nature.

Examples•Interested in plants and

animals.•Able to observe patterns

in nature.•Loves being outdoors.

Page 10: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles


A group of girls sharing with one another the information they have learned and are discussing their answers with one another. Being able to work with others and relate to one another is a skill that can be built upon.

Informational text is added to give the reader information about the graphics and text with descriptions.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: Once the reader has moved onto this page Allison begins to speak. “Working as a team is great for interpersonal learners. They are able to recognize when others are having a hard time and reach out to help others. Taking other peoples feelings, thoughts, and ideas into consideration are a positive trait.” (Click on audio by Allison).

Title: Interpersonal Learners Scene Understanding Interpersonal Learners

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 11

Skill or Concept: Identify/Understand

Interpersonal: Relates well to others and learns from sharing or

communicating with others.

Examples•Recognizes that those around him or her have

feelings.•Works well with other

students. •Acknowledges others and

their opinions.

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Students who desire to work on their own often have a strong sense of self. Learning from ones own mistakes and achievements to become a stronger person.

Informational text is added to give the reader information about the graphics and text with descriptions.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: Once the reader has moved onto this page Allison begins to speak. “The intrapersonal learner enjoys keeping to him or herself. He or she looks-out for his or her best interest. Working on his or her own on projects is a personal choice.” (Click on audio by Allison).

Title: Intrapersonal Learners Scene Understanding Intrapersonal Learners

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 12

Skill or Concept: Identify/Understand

Intrapersonal: The quiet student who keeps to him or herself. Learns by relating material to him or herself

and the relationships that the student has to the material.

Examples•Has definite dreams and

goals for self.•Makes decisions based

on self.•Strong sense of identity.

Page 12: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles


The narrator will instruct the learners to follow each step and record their information either on paper or through the internet. Once this is complete the learners will compare their answers with one another and discuss how they can make changes in the classroom to help address students’ needs.

Animation: Yes

Text/Audio Narration: Once the reader has moved onto this page Allison begins to speak. “Invite the teachers to review and even take the multiple intelligence assessment to see what style of learning best suits them. Then have teachers share with one another their results and if they feel that they are true.”

Title: Differentiated Instruction and learning styles

Scene Demonstration of an Intelligence Assessment

Graphics: Yes Audio: Yes

Slide number: 13

Skill or Concept: Process

•Step 1: Have students take Intelligence assessment. Paper and pencil

version (on slides 13 & 14) or online at

http://www.spannj.org/BasicRights/appendix_b.htm#test if it is an online


•Step 2: Use the multiple intelligence scoring sheet to get results.

•Step 3: Use the form to fill out each students intelligence checklist to

see what strategies are best to help the student.

•Step 4: Follow the strategies in the classroom.

Page 13: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES TESTWhere does your true intelligence lie?  This quiz will tell you where you stand and what to do about it.  Read each statement.  If it expresses

some characteristic of yours and sounds true for the most part, jot down a "T." If it doesn't, mark an "F." If the statement is sometimes true, sometimes false, leave it blank.

 1.  _____  I'd rather draw a map than give someone verbal directions.

  2.  _____  I can play (or used to play) a musical instrument.

  3.  _____  I can associate music with my moods.

  4.  _____  I can add or multiply in my head.

  5.  _____  I like to work with calculators and computers.

  6.  _____  I pick up new dance steps fast.

  7.  _____  It's easy for me to say what I think in an argument or debate.

  8.  _____  I enjoy a good lecture, speech or sermon.

  9.  _____  I always know north from south no matter where I am.

10.  _____  Life seems empty without music.

11.  _____  I always understand the directions that come with new gadgets or appliances.

12.  _____  I like to work puzzles and play games.

13.  _____  Learning to ride a bike (or skates) was easy.

14.  _____  I am irritated when I hear an argument or statement that sounds illogical.

15.  _____  My sense of balance and coordination is good.

16.  _____  I often see patterns and relationships between numbers faster and easier than others.

17.  _____  I enjoy building models (or sculpting).

18.  _____  I'm good at finding the fine points of word meanings.

19.  _____  I can look at an object one way and see it sideways or backwards just as easily.

20.  _____  I often connect a piece of music with some event in my life.

21.  _____  I like to work with numbers and figures.

22.  _____  Just looking at shapes of buildings and structures is pleasurable to me.

23.  _____  I like to hum, whistle and sing in the shower or when I'm alone.

24.  _____  I'm good at athletics.

25.  _____  I'd like to study the structure and logic of languages.

26.  _____  I'm usually aware of the expression on my face.

27.  _____  I'm sensitive to the expressions on other people's faces.

28.  _____  I stay "in touch" with my moods.   I have no trouble identifying them.

29.  _____  I am sensitive to the moods of others.

30.  _____  I have a good sense of what others think of me.


Page 14: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles


Place a check mark by each item you marked as "true."  Add your totals.   A total of four in any of the categories A through E indicates strong ability.   In categories F and G a score of one or more means you have abilities as well.


Linguistic Logical- Musical Spatial Bodily- Intra- Inter-

Mathematical Kinesthetic personal personal

7____ 4____ 2____ 1____ 6____ 26_____ 27_____

8____ 5____ 3____ 9____ 13____ 28_____ 29_____

14____ 12____ 10____ 11____ 15____ 30_____

18____ 16____ 20____ 19____ 17____

25____ 21____ 23____ 22____ 24____

Totals: _______ _______ _______ ________ _______ _______ _________

Page 15: Multimedia Presentation of Learning Styles


Society for quality education. (2011). Society for quality education. Retrieved from http://www.societyforqualityeducation.org/index.php/blog/read/back-to-the-drawing-board1/Statewide Parent Advocacy Network. (n.d.). Multiple Intelligences Worksheets. Retrieved from http://www.spannj.org/BasicRights/appendix_b.htm#test