Moodboard for Nunnington

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This kind of style of portraiture photography is how I would like my photography to look like. I like the immediate focus on the face and the slight contrast of colours as it really brings out the different features on the face and draws attention to them.

One feature I look at straight away when I look at this photograph is the eyes. They are very piercing and contrasting. I would like replicate this in at least one of the images. Variation from this would also be good to portray more emotion in different ways. Different angles will also allow my photos to look different.

With my plan I want to replicate the room colours by using make up. The image on the right you can see how the make up artist tied the red eye shadow, lipstick & nail vanish. I like the way all the colours tie together as it really shows a consistent theme.

There will be a colour scheme that will be featured within each room. These colours will have different connote different feelings e.g. the red in the picture on the left connotes love & lust.

This is one of the rooms in Nunnington Hall. From this photograph, you can see that the primary colours used are brown and off-white. These colours contrast but work well together so if I were to photograph in this room the make up on the models face would work well together. Colour co-coordinating is important for my project.

In other rooms of the house, you will feel different things which will again be portrayed through the models facial expressions & the colour of make up featured on her face. In this room you can also see dead animals, which gives the room an eerie feeling which would be interesting to replicate through the models facial expressions and make up colours.

Page 4: Moodboard for Nunnington

• Hopefully (what my plan is) I can bring the three ideas from the photos I looked at on the slide above and successfully bring them altogether into my own idea.

• The theme overall is discovery, although I have researched some of the rooms at Nunnington Hall, I will overall be discovering the rooms for the first time. This will allow me to think on the spot & be spontaneous in my thinking (emotions wise & creative wise with the make up).

• I have chosen to look at the colour of the room & the feeling of the room. With this information, I will try & replicate this colour & feeling in portrait form. I will so this by using make up & facial expressions. To link with the theme of discovery, I am waiting until the day to find out the context, colour & feeling of a room. I will be discovering this & I will discover along the way constant themes throughout the house.

• Although my plan is to discover the rooms once I am in the house, I have looked at a few rooms that can be found & categorized to find the main colours. I will be doing this on the day. The colours connote different feelings & emotion, as does the architecture of the room. I want the model to interpret these emotions into a facial expression whilst I look at the colours & put these on her face. One of the images I looked at is of a subject with different colours on her face. I like the idea of the merging of colours & how they work and contrast against one another.

• The main portraiture photographer I have gained inspiration from is Martin Schoeller, as his portraits are very vivid with colour & are focused only on the face. Another photograph I looked at has a green background & a slight green filter which makes the overall image cold & links the colours together. I could do something like this for my photographs.