Rowdy Entertainment Evaluation By Sagar Desai

Media evaluation by sagar desai

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Rowdy Entertainment Evaluation

By Sagar Desai

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Our task was to create a media product that appeals to our target audience of teenagers. After countless hours of filming and planning we finally finished, we have also been able to get feedback on our target audience,

The genre we have decided to do is Teen Drama, our research was based on Teen comedy but we wanted to show that we understood both convections of teen drama and comedy. Therefore we did teen comedy for our preliminary task and for our main task we did teen drama.

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Production Timeline

Planning Filming editing rough cut

Final cut audience feedback and audience survey

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Shooting schedule

We produced a shooting schedule to show how much work we put into making our video. We filmed for 4 days to make sure everything was perfect.

We filmed for 3 hours each day but on the final day we stayed for an extra 30 minutes to make sure everything was perfect

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Which films do our sequence relate to?

These films relate to Teen drama as the main characters are teenagers who are having some sort of teenage problem in their lives.

The Breakfast Club

Juno Accepted

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Does our character relate to other characters

Our character does relate to other Character, we see that in many teen dramas there is always a student who is lazy and does not care about his education.

Our character relates to those in the movie The ‘Breakfast Club’ our character is lazy and easily distracted. In the movie we see another character who is very similar to ours, he is John Bender.

He has a very lazy attitude towards life and doesn't care about his education, this relates to our character as he is also lazy and his room looks like a mess, whereas john bender is quite similar but his choice of clothing shows that he is someone who is unorganized and very lazy.

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Does our actor fit into the genre of Teen Drama

The character is a teenager who is having a typical teenage dilemma, he is trying hard to focus on his revision but when he decided to take a 5 minute break he ends up falling asleep which keeps the audience guessing what happens the next morning.

He is unorganised and lazy he would rather play video game and listen to music than revise.

Last minute revision for an exam (common teenage problem)

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develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

We can relate to real media products as we used voice over's to allow the audience to understand the narrative

Props – shows the different objects and the way the character dresses can describe to the audience about the kind of character he is.

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Media institutions

The institution that might distribute our product would be 20th Century FOX

They have distribute a variety of teen comedies that have been successful.

This institution is a very well known and respected film company as it has made millions on Teen Dramas and Tv Dramas.

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Media Institutions

If I were to distribute this film internationally I would distribute my film through Universal pictures. This means that when Releasing it internationally It will let in wide range of audiences. The film would be released in America where most films gain worldwide success. This is due to their audience as there are a lot of successful movies that have been shown in America, which have later go on to won awards.

If we had released the movie in Britain it would not get as much recognition. In Britain there is a limited audience for British cinema therefore it would be a better decision to distribute our film in America as it world be able to gain worldwide success.

I think our product would be produced internationally despite the location and actor being British. This is because the film has a wide storyline which relates to international audiences.

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Media institutions

TV would be the another way to introduce our media product as channels such as E4 can show previews or even trailers of our tv drama, by doing this they will be able to attract a wider range of audience.

E4 is known for its young audience, they have won many different awards for their channel. This means that they would be able to reach out to the audience. It shows that it’s very popular tv channel amongst teenager.

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Research For the research we watched trailers and opening sequences to teen

comedies , we then explained the different conventions and how editing, mise en scene and camera were used.

individual analysis of the following movies:The Girl Next DoorAcceptedSuper BadEasy A

Research I did for Girl Next Door

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How Does Our Sequence Look Professional?

Credits – in sync and all the same fonts this shows the consistency to our audience as they can watch the video and understand who did had what part to play in the process of making the video.

Editing – the quality of the video and the consistency between the shots look professional.

Music – its original and it flows with the following scenes. Voice over- sound quality is clear and it gives the audience an

understanding of the character as we are hearing his thoughts.

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Research and Planning

Script Storyboard

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Research and Planning

Target audience. We created a Facebook profile to show what our target audience is interested in

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Research and Planning

Location- We compared two different location of our main task and preliminary task And decided to shoot at this location. The reason is that the bedroom for a teenager gives them personal space and they consider it theirSanctuary

Costume –plain top and the shorts don’t match showing a very typical teenager who is unorganized.

Props – mess on the table shows the audience that the teenager is unorganised and very untidy .

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Our media product represents groups of teenagers it uses the genre of drama to attract the audience into watching the product.

The positive stereotype we have broken is that the main character is Asian .

common stereotype that people relate to them is that they are clever and very hard working.

Negative Stereotype the location is set in a bedroom rather than a school this shows that the

stereotype of Asians who work hard and are mainly focused on thier school work , this would be done in a school. However, we decided to set our video in a bedroom, this is where a teenager would most likely spend the day in his/her room breaks the stereotypical convection of how we think of Asians.

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Conventions of Teen Drama

Voiceover being recited at the start. This is to give the audience an understanding of our narrative. The audience can concentrate more upon what is being shown.

The teenager having to deal with problems in his life, as exams can be very stressful.

Music we used for teen drama is upbeat and has a high tempo which tells the audience that he has forgotten about his 5 minute break and is more focused on playing video games and watching television.

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Audience Feedback

Mise-en-scene is a vital role to how we attracted our audience in our video our main actor is wearing casual clothing but he is very unorganized in what he wears.

The location of our main task was in a bedroom , we did this as teenagers can relate to staying in their room for most of the day and forgetting to clean it up.

The use of lighting used in our main task is trying to show he is tired and its very late at night. This gives the audience an understanding of the scene and what is happening

This pie chart shows that we successfully reached our target audience. The pink half of the pie chart represents how many people posted our video onto thier social network pages even though they did not like our facebook page. Around 23 people posted the video onto thier facebook profile which meant our video was going viral.

The other half of the pie chart is the organic side, this meant that the people who had liked our facebook page watched our video and enjoyed it by leaving a comment or a like. Overall, I feel that we distributed our product successfully in order to reach out to our target audience which consisted of teenagers.

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Audience Survey Questions

What do you prefer drama or comedy?

What do you look for in a film?

What is your Favourite teen Drama movie?

What is your Favourite Teen Comedy movie?

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Our Audience survey


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Secondary Audience

- Our main audience is Teens. However adults may also watch our film as its not all about a teenagers life , It will show the audience they type of character this individual is which is why most adults may enjoy.

- However some adults may prefer to not see our film as the main character is a teenager, this may be hard for them to related to and can make them un-interested.

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How did you attract/address your audience?

We used our audience survey to ask them question about what genre they enjoyed. This gave us an idea of how to approach the main task, by gaining the feedback it helped us understand what teenagers are interested in.

We also used social networking site of Face book as we set up a face book page so that other teenagers became aware of what we were doing, in the end we gained a lot of positive feedback.

We also used Wordpress which allowed us to create our blogs, by using wordpress where it allows everyone to see our blogs and comment on them.

Facebook page Wordpress YouTube Account

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Main target audience are Teenagers

Aged 14-19

ones that complete all their work and always focus on their task. Which normally are called the “geeks”.

Gender type is male

Male teenagers tend to be more lazy and distracted, this is being shown in our Main Task.

Audience For Our Media Product?

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How does your media product represent particular social groups

This represents the social group of the “Geeks” and “slackers”.

However further into the video you can see that he has a lazy attitude and gets easily distracted which shows that he is a lazy individual.

Negative Stereotype many students work hard and focus in school but in our video

He represents himself as one half of the geeks as he has his books out and getting ready to learn.

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How does our mise-en-scene appeal to our target audience

Mise-en-scene appeals to our target audience as we use things such as;

Props– we used headphones and other hand held game devices to show appeal to our target audience

Location– set it in a teenagers bedroom as we felt that the audience can relate to themselves as they may have an untidy room, which can distract them from their education

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Editing We used After effects and I movie to edit our audience feedback, which

was very useful. Photoshop – to make our Logo We also used After effects to make our make official bumper Link to our Bumperhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRpJ540wveY

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How did we improve the quality of our filming

We used features such as: Different camera shots – high angle shots and We used a professional camera for high quality we used tripods so that there was no uneasiness of the camera shacking

when filming High angle/low angle – to define the status of characters Quite rooms so that the speech of characters was clearly heard Music which was used for a professional look, without music it would not

keep the audience interested .

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Preliminary taskFor the planning and preparation of our preliminary task, we created the script for the actors and a storyboard of the clip. This is so we it came to filming we knew exactly what we wanted to do so we do not waste time. All together we completed the following: SHOT-LIST SCRIPT STORYBOARD SETTING/LOCATION However due to the file of the preliminary not being able to export we has

some problems uploading it onto our blog. Despite all this we were able to post it up onto the blog and onto our

Facebook page as we got likes on our facebook page which meant that they enjoyed watching it.

Link to our Final cut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ke9vNCR-RM

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Budget for our video

All props were either what we could find around the house or paid for from the shops.

Everything else such as getting to the location was done by talking the bus or walking on foot.

Editing was done by the software's on the Macs such as After-effect and Imovie. This gave us better access to computers which meant that we could the improve the quality of our sequence, so that it looked professional.

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Strengths and Weaknesses

Task Strengths Weaknesses Improvements ?

Main Task Well organized.We had all the equipment ready before we started filming.Worked well together as a team .Everyone in our group knew what they had to do before we started filming.

To many retakes.Time management

Finding an appropriate time for everyone to meet up .

i think we could used a location that had more space as the bedroom became very crowded .

Opening Sequence

The quality of the video was good. the editing was consistent throughout the video.Storyline was more clear with the voice over being added

The choice of music at the start could have been better

We could have picked a better choice of music which showed a better depiction of the genre .