Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King JR

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Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King is probably the most famous person associated with the civil rights movement.King was active from the start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955 to 1956 until his murder in April 1968. If he didn't speak out to the world then this planet would be full of discrimination and todays society wouldn’t be how it is.


“ A man who won't die for something is not fit to live”

He was born on January 15th 1929 in Atlanta,Georgia.His name was originally Michael King Jr but he later changed his name to Martin Luther King Jr.During his school life he skipped 9th and 12th grade and entered college at the age of 15.

Martin Luther King

The Montgomery Boycott,in which African Americans refused to ride city buses in Montgomery,Alabama it took place from December 5 1955 to December 20th 1956.On December 1 1955 four days before the boycott began, Rosa parks, an african american refused to give her seat to a white man on a Montgomery bus. She was arrested and fined.And then the boycott leader a young pastor called Martin Luther King emerged and that was the start of his inspirational story.

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Martin Luther king was inspired by the non violent teaching of Gandhi in India.But how was Mr King jr an inspiration to christians in today's society?Well his determination in changing the world is the reason.He protested his entire life to change the world forever.

How is Martin Luther king an inspiration to Christians today?