Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning - Scott Hibberson and Sue Watling

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Page 1: Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning - Scott Hibberson and Sue Watling
Page 2: Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning - Scott Hibberson and Sue Watling

Making a difference with technology-enhanced learningScott Hibberson, Subject specialist

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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

»What kind of difference can technology enhanced learning make?

»What’s the current state of play?»What are students saying?»What’s the challenge?


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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

Making a difference in what way?


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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

What’s the current state of play?

» Increased focus on getting the basics right»Lots of pockets of innovative technology-enhanced

practice – often led by individuals or course teams»Some examples of large-scale institutional moves to

change delivery models› Flipped learning› Online modules or regular online sessions

Looking at strategic, institution-wide use of technology…


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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

Broad brush TEL environment in HE and FE


More variation

Gaining fast

Widely used


» e-portfolio» Social media, collaborative

spaces» Online assessment» Online learning resources» Lecture capture» Online submission and

feedback» VLE

» Network» Wi-Fi» Devices and


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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

What are students doing and saying?


CC-BY 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/mUyyEN

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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

Jisc student digital experience tracker data

»Data from the pilot of the Jisc student digital experience tracker

»Designed to provide a snapshot of students' digital experience

»Feb-April 2016»10,753 students across HE, FE and skills»http://bit.ly/student-tracker-report


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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

What are students doing and saying?


1 in 7students believe that when

technology is used by teaching staff it helps their learning experience

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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

In the previous six weeks of their course…


9 in 10students found

information online

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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

In the previous six weeks of their course…


7 in 10produced work ina digital format

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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

In the previous six weeks of their course…


5 in 10students worked

online with others

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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

In the previous six weeks of their course…


3 in 10of students created a

personal record oftheir learning

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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

Broad brush TEL environment in HE and FE



Gaining fast

Widely used


» e-portfolio» Social media, collaborative

spaces» Online assessment» Online learning resources» Lecture capture (HE)» Online submission and

feedback (HE)» VLE

» Network» Wifi» Devices and


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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

Mainstreaming technology-enhanced learning

»Staff and student digital capabilities»Moving from pilots and projects to large scale service»Holistic and wholesale embedding»Planning for both innovation and service delivery»Evidencing impact and value


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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

So how do we get there?

Click to icon to add image


Technology that works


Strategic approach

Review current support Time, CPD,


Embed in curriculum

Students as partners

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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

Sources of guidance and inspiration

Click to icon to add image

http://bit.ly/telconnectmore 16/6/16

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Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning

Scott HibbersonSubject [email protected]


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Technology Enhanced Learning at the University of Hull


Sue WatlingAcademic TEL Advisor University of [email protected]@suewatling

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Session Aims

»TEL at Hull»TEL Team projects »Developing Digital Capabilities »Support from Jisc

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TEL at the University of Hull

»Faulty of Education: impact on classroom pedagogy of mobile and digital technologies

»School of Law and Department of History: using clickers to elicit student feedback in lectures

»Library and Learning Information (LLI) › Social Media group › Hull Award › Digital Student

» Hull Immersive Visualisation Environment (HIVE) »Archaeology, History, Chemistry, Business Studies:


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Changing VLE is an opportunity tochange pedagogical practice and revisitdigital capabilities

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• Sometimes I think the internet is the problem. Many students express frustration at where to find things, to the extent that I think some give up looking.

• I know my students are digitally savvy, I only have to look at them in lectures, they’re always online, but since we adopted the policy of making module guides only available on the VLE they don’t seem to be accessing them. It’s like they want us to push the information towards them and are not prepared to look for it.

• ‘…you’ve got to slow up the digital environment which is a challenge. I think that’s the danger of virtual learning, that’s the difficulty, students are not really reading. I think virtual learning environments do somehow discourage deeper reading and its affects degrees. I think it’s that fundamental.

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Jisc Discovery Tool

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Digital Storytelling »Jisc Adviser Chris Thomson https://


»Digital Stories for accreditation, evidence base, explanations, raising awareness, overcoming challenges, sharing practice, alumni etc etc

»Audacity recording software http://www.audacityteam.org/download/

»WeVideo editing software https://www.wevideo.com »What Makes a Good Story (video link) https://


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»We have not been using the VLE to its potential …i.e. for student participation and not just instructions.

»I will look into the possibility of sharing my social bookmarking site with my students to promote the use of peer-reviewed articles in their assignments.

»I’ve been introduced to things I would probably otherwise not have encountered such as Social Bookmarking, and participated in Blogs and Wikis which again, I probably would not have done.

»The emotions involved helped me reconnect with the Student viewpoint. This has impacted on my teaching style.

»There extensive opportunities to consider evidence-base for the use (or not) of social tools, enabled a critical perspective on applying new experiences for teaching purposes.

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