Magazine Analysis Front Cover: As Media Studies

Magazine Analysis

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Magazine Analysis

Front Cover: As Media Studies

Masthead- The masthead is brightly coloured and in serif font. This helps to distinguish the name of the magazine from the rest of the cover so that it is recognisable to consumers.

Feature Headline- the feature headline ‘ADORING ADELE’ is written in an orange font, the same colour as the masthead. This font is more transparent however as the main focus is on ‘VOGUE’. The feature headline links to the main image and helps to bring the focus back to Adele’s face.

Cover Lines- The cover lines on the left and right hand side of the magazine are written in a mixture of serif and sanserif fonts. The font that is written in a large, white and bold font is that way as it captures the audiences attention and gives information about interesting stories or celebrities that will feature within the issue.The serif font underneath this is written in italics and is smaller and more transparent than the coverlines. This information is still important and gives more information into the articles.

Colours- The colours of the font have been used to create an “Autmn” look which relates to an article within the magazine. Further more they link with the image of adele and the colour of her hair and what she is wearing.

Hotspots- Adele’s face is positioned on the four hotspots of a page this keeps the focus on Adele’s eyes as well as the use of a close up.

-Adele is a powerful, female, English singer; she is admired by the british female population which could be why she was featured on the front. Adele was also an ordinary citizen before she found fame which could be why the magazine has used subtle colours for adeles make up- to make her seem much more modist and relatable.

-The majority of “vogue” readers are young females interested in fashion. This however conflicts with the close up of Adele’s face. As vogue is a fashion magazine it would be expected that the main image would show some sort of fashion item, however this picture could depict that It is ‘fashionable’ to look like Adele.

-”Vogue” is also originally an American magazine that was targeted at a higher social class. The sophisticated look and references to Adele’s Britishness show that the magazine aims to portray the modern British woman to its readers.

Masthead- The masthead is uses the four main colours on the

front cover of the magazine. It is in a speech bubble and is slanted

at an angle. This makes the masthead stand out and appear much more important than the


Secondary Images- The secondary images that feature on the cover are about fashion or boybands. This fits with the house style of the magazine as it is aimed at teenage girls.

Main Image- The main image of the magazine is a picture of Pop and R&B singer Rihanna. The outfit that the magazine has chosen to photograph Rihanna wearing is blue and white, this is effective as it stands out from the colour scheme that the magazine has choses and helps to keep the celebrity as the main focus of the cover.

Banner- The banner at the bottom of the magazine is effective as it interests the readers. The word ‘EXCLUSIVE’ attracts the audiences attention

Strapline- The use of the strapline “I weed on a hamster” interests the readers as it is an interesting quote from the article inside. This is a marketing technique that encourages people to buy the magazine so that they can read the rest of the article inside.

Puff- The puff shows different items of clothing. By presenting this as a puff it interests young girls who are keen on fashion making them want to buy the magazine.

Coverlines- The coverlines on this magazine are effective as they are only one or two words or phrases this interestes the reader and without giving away too much of the magazines contents.

Headline- the headline “THE STROKES” is positioned on the

lower two hot spots. It is also written in large

serif font in bright pink. This makes it a main

focus on the magazine as it is more

predominant than the mast head.

Strapline- The use of the strapline towards the top of the page helps to bring the focus off the main image and the headline. This helps to bring attention back to the magazine and the rest of the contents.Main Image- The main image on this front cover is the focus point. The band are positioned infront of the masthead to make them seem more important. Also the two band members positioned further forward are positioned on hotspots which brings focus to the band.

Columns- The magazine has three columns on the front cover. The first column is the largest so that the focus is on that column as this is the third with the masthead on.Grid- The magazine is split into a 3 by 4 grid three columns and four rows. The fourth row is where the coverlines have been placed this is because if the cover lines were placed down the left and right hand sides of the magazines at least two of the band members would have been cut off and this would take away from the focus on the band