Madrassa : Origin Aims and Objective

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Page 2: Madrassa : Origin Aims and Objective

Ayesha NazRoll no: 06

Class : B.Ed. (hons) sem viii

Subject: Contemporary issues and trends in education

Topic: Madrassa : Origin Aims and Objective

Submitt to : Sir Ahmad Nadeem

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MADRASSA  Madrasa is the Arabic word for any type of

educational institution, whether secular or religious (of any religion).

The word is variously transliterated  madrasah medresa madrassa medrese etc.

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In the West, the word usually refers to a specific type of religious school or college for the study of the Islamic religion.

People of all ages attend, and many often move on to becoming imams.The certificate of anʻālim.

A good number of the ḥuffāẓ(plural of ḥāfiẓ) are the product of the madaris.

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An important function of the madaris is to admit orphans and poor children in order to provide them with education and training.

Madaris may enroll female students; however, they study separately from the men.

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Dar-e-Arqam is a first place which was used by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a hidden location where he could quietly carry on his divine mission.

He used the place for few years during the initial period of Islam to preach teachings of Islamic faith, establish contacts and devise strategy

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After Hijrah (migration) the madrasa of "Suffa" was established in Madina on the east side of the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi mosque.

where Hazrat Muhammad was the teacher and the students were some of his followers. 

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Ubadai-bin-as-Samit was appointed there by Hazrat Muhammad as teacher and among the students.

The curriculum of the madrasa, there were teachings of The Qur'an, The Hadith, fara'iz, tajweed, treatises of first aid, etc.

There were also trainings of horse-riding, art of war, handwriting and calligraphy, athletics and martial arts.

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Omar bin Abdul Aziz was a scholar of the first rank and surrounded himself with great scholars like Muhammed bin Kaab and Maimun bin Mehran. He offered stipends to teachers and encouraged education

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MOSQUES Mosques were places of education,

where both religious and the so-called worldly sciences were taught.  They played a pivotal role in the lives of Muslims. 

From the start, the mosque was the center of the Islamic community, a place for prayer, meditation, religious instruction, political discussion, and a school.

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Once established, such mosques could develop into well-known places of learning, often with hundreds, sometimes with thousands of students, and frequently contained important libraries.

Notable examples are the Mosques in Madina, Cairo (Al-Azhar) and Damascus

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PRIMARY SCHOOLING The primary schooling also included lessons in

writing of Arabic along with reading.

Along with the primary studies, the students were also taught the basic arithmetic which would enable them to carry out calculations related to the Zakat and the inheritance.

For more advanced learning one could avail the schooling in the bigger mosques. This would cover instruction in Arabic grammar and poetry, logic, algebra, biology, history, law, and theology

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The first school connected with a mosque, was set up In Medina every mosque had an elementary school for the education of both boys and girls.

 Children usually started their schooling around the age of five. The very first thing they learnt was how to perform Salah and the recitation of the Qur’an.

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Some of the Madrasas attached to the mosques were world-class centres of learning at their time.

The world-renowned Al-Azhar University is the oldest university in the world. Now, one can find over a hundred thousand students studying in it.

  Throughout the history of Islam, the mosque has

always played an important social role. It has been a place of prayer, a centre of political activities, an educational institution, and a focal point of communal life.

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Al-Ghazali, Al-Farabi, and Ibn Sina (Avicenna), among many others, after teaching in public schools, retired to their private libraries and studies, but continued to teach

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To form each of our students to appreciate Qur’anic texts with confidence, reciting in the correct manner and with insight and providing every opportunity to memorise the Qu’ran.

To teach the basic and necessary Islamic injunctions.

  To prepare our students to acquire a moral

attitude to live as Muslims, taking guidance from the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) in line with the principles and practices.

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To impart Islamic Education for future generations.

Provide leadership courses and teacher training enabling an effective delivery of Islamic Education.

Provide guidance and further facilitate advance studies in the Islamic Sciences.

Provide Islamic academic research and development opportunities.

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Ensure that girls and boys have equal access to all areas of the Islamic syllabus and all students are treated fairly and equally.

To establish a caring and secure environment that facilitates excellence in Islamic education with values of discipline and respect.

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Work for curriculum reform by introducing like COMPUTER, Mathematics, Science, Urdu, English And Arabic for the betterment of Madarssa education

To ensure students enjoy their study at the Madrasa and develop a love of learning and a strong desire to continue their education as a lifelong experience.

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MCQ1)The madrassa used to preach teaching of islam was:





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2) The madrassa ‘suffa’ was established in :





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3)The word madrassa is derived from the language:





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4) The scholar of first rank was :

a)Hazrat zaid

b)Muhammad bin kaab

c)Ubaida bin as smit

d)Omar bin abdul aziz

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5) Notable mosque Al Azhar is located in:





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ANSWERS c a c d b

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Define madrassa?

Describe the origin of madrassa in short?

Enlist the 5 aims and objectives of madrassa?

Describe the role of mosque towards education?