Learning the world Learn the World

LTW - Basic English I - Lesson 3

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Learning the world

Learn the World

Page 2: LTW - Basic English I - Lesson 3

Learning the world

Class 3


Hello, welcome to our third class. Today we are going to learn:

1. Alphabet;

2. Physical and psychological characteristics;

3. Simple Present and Present Continuous.

Page 3: LTW - Basic English I - Lesson 3

Learning the world

1. Alphabet

Let’s play!Game time: now we are going to make a Spell Competition. Use the vocabulary you

already know to challenge your classmate.

Punctuation Sheet:


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2. Physical and psychological characteristics

Hoje vamos aprender como fazer isso sem pagar nenhum mico. Mas vale uma dica: lembre-se de alguém que você conhece que tenha esses atributos físicos, fica bem

mais fácil de lembrar o vocabulário depois.

Let’s go for it!

Altura e Peso – Height and weightTem altura / estatura mediana. – He’s average height.

Não é gordo nem magro. – He’s average weight.É alto / baixo. – He’s tall / short.

É gordo / magro. – He’s fat / thin.É esbelto. – He’s slim.

É magricela. – He’s skinny.

Cabelos e Olhos – Hair and EyesTem o cabelo preto e comprido. – He has long black hair.

Tem o cabelo loiro e curto. – He has short blond hair.Tem o cabelo castanho e encaracolado. – He has curly brown hair.

É loiro / moreno. – He’s blond / dark-haired.É ruivo. – He’s red-haired.

Tem o cabelo liso. – He has straight hair.Tem o cabelo ondulado. – He has wavy hair.Tem olhos castanhos. – He has brown eyes.

Tem olhos castanhos claro / escuro. – He has light / dark brown eyes.Tem olhos verdes / azuis. – He has green / blue eyes.

Outras características físicas – Other physical featuresÉ careca. – He’s bald.

É meio careca. – He’s kind of bald.Usa peruca. – He wears a wig.Tem barba. – He has a beard.

Tem bigode. – He has a mustache.Tem cavanhaque. -  He has a goatee.

É bonita / linda. – She’s pretty / gorgeous.É gordinho. – He’s chubby.É fortinho. – He’s stocky.É musculoso. – He’s built.

Tem ombros largos. – He has broad shoulders.É atraente. – He’s attractive.

Está um pouco acima do peso. – He’s a little overweight.Tem a cintura fina. – She has a slim waist.Tem quadris largos. – She has wide hips.

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3. Simple Present and Present Continuous

Last class we studied a little about Simple Present tense. Now we are going to compare what we saw to a new verbal tense: Present Continuous.

Simple Present = a habit, something is true or what happens for a long time.Present Continuous = something is happening right now.


I like pizza. / I am eating pizza.You don’t eat bananas. / You aren’t eating bananas.He works. / He is working now.She listens to music a lot. / She is listening to music right now.It smells so bad. / It’s smelling so bad.Do we travel? / Are we traveling?You hate apples. / You are hating apples.They love children. / They are adopting a child.


A) Describe those people using what you already know:

a) What’s her name? How does she look like?


b) What’s his name? How does he look like?

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1. John   (read) a book now.

2. What   (you do) tonight?

3. Jack and Peter   (work) late today.

4. Silvia   (not listen) to music.

5. Maria   (sit) next to Paul.

6. How many other students   (you study) with?

7. The phone   (not ring).

B) Rewrite the sentences in the correct order.

  1  I'm for looking glasses. my


2  What of reading? book are kind you


3  is Pamela Why crying?


4  Paul University. National is Kharkov economics studying at


5  Why is laughing? everyone


6  for waiting you Are me?

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7  you are When leaving?


8  John Saudi working is in at moment. Arabia the


9  you? the Is for company same Jennifer as working


10  having - Saturday come? I'm want do party to you next a