Location ideas

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Page 2: Location ideas

Indoor LocationFor the beginning of my film opening I want a old, grungy room where the hostages will be situated. I want it to look realistic and due to the research I have conducted, many thriller films use this type of interior. I have my own garage that will fit perfectly for the idea that I want however, when the hostages escape I will have to film somewhere else because outside of my garage is just grass area. I will add certain props and move things to create the ideal look that I want. I will have two chairs with the characters sat blindfolded. I think it will look tense and thrilling if I perfect the overall look. I will also turn the lights off so it creates a dark, gloomy effect and to add suspense. I will most likely need to clear some things to enable the characters to escape and move around during the shot.

Page 3: Location ideas

Outdoor LocationThe outdoor location is the one that is hardest to find as I need a alley/wall type area so that the characters can act out the scene properly. I want to follow the idea of them being trapped and scared so a thrilling location is very important. Old, grungy fencing or walls is ideal as it follows the connotations of a thriller film. I wanted an alleyway where the character is face to face with the villain. It will most definitely make it more intense and scary is the space is smaller. This is a location near my local area that I might use in specific the alleyway. Hopefully, it will be darker to be a lot more scary. I think the entrapment of the walls will hopefully be effective and I may need to add some props also. I will want the girl at the dead end and then the man holding the sister at the other.

Page 4: Location ideas

Other IdeasI have also looked around other potential areas that I might use such as lanes instead of alley ways and other houses. A house might be more effective. However, I am going to do some primary research around to see what will look better. My aim is to get a dirty, shabby location that will intensify the characters situation and importantly make it more intense to follow the conventions of a thriller film. It would be perfect if the outdoor location I want was embedded within the house or situated near it however, I don’t think I will find a house suitable but I will have to look.