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Living in the Past Fullerö - OpenArch Conference, Foteviken 2012

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  • 1. Living in the Past

2. Living in the Past Happy and I'm smiling, Walk a mile to drink your water. You know I'd love to love you, And above you there's no other. We'll go walking out While others shout of war's disaster. Oh, keep on giving, Let's go living in the past. Once I used to join in Every boy and girl was my friend. Now there's revolution, but they don't know What they're fighting. Let us close our eyes; Outside their lives go on much faster. Oh, keep on giving, We'll keep living in the past. Ian Anderson, Jethro Tull, Living in the Past 1972 3. Peter Lindbom PhD Archaeology Uppsala University Iron Age Studies 1993, Guide, Eketorps borg, Riksantikvariembetet 1994-2000, Researcher in the SIV-project, Uppsala & Stockholm 2000, Guide, Riksantikvariembetet 2006, Dissertation; Weapons in the time of the Wreccas, 150-500 AD Field Archaeology 2001-2004, Riksantikvariembetet, E4:an 2008, Kulturmiljvrd Mlardalen, stergtland 2010, Riksantikvariembetet, Uppland Road 288 2009-2010, 2011-present, Fuller Park, Project leader Theme Park 4. The Third Task (TTT) For years Universities and Museums have strived to accomplish this task and to disseminate interesting facts and knowledge about the Cultural Heritage to the public, but 5. 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 55000 60000 65000 70000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Visitorsannually Year Museums, visitors in Uppsala annually Gustavianum Upplands Museet Gamla Uppsala Museum Source UNT 6. Open Air Museums (OAM:s) Serious OAM:s represent scientific information with the purpose of study, education and enjoyment An OAM:s is a non-profit permanent institution An OAM:s is a Museum, archaeological reconstructed and scientifically based, true to scale architectural reconstructions, collection of intangible heritage resources, connected to scientific research Fuller Park Is a private profit oriented Company Is in the business of selling exotic adventures and leisure time experiences for a profit in the Tourist Industry Is not a Museum, but focus on giving the visitor a good time, and adventurous experiences in an authentic, scientificaly based Iron Age setting, with the purpose of disseminating knowledge about the Vikings and their Culture 7. Hybrid Museums (HM:s) An HM:s is a non-profit permanent institution But with governmental and/or EU funding Examples; Sweveral European examples Foteviken , the project Vikingaliv that is planned in Stockholm, but is not really an OAM, but more like a private initiative.. Fuller Park Is not a Museum, but a private profit oriented Company Edutainment= facts+fantasy Is in the business of selling exotic adventures and leisure time experiences doing, living history; experimental archaeology, in an Iron Age environment or a Viking World 8. Reality, Tourism and Cultural Heritage In 2009 the Swedish Government issued new directives for the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Enterprise These ministries in turn issued directions for Riksantikvariembetet, Lnsstyrelsen and the Museums, but also to VisitSweden and InvestSweden Who produced Att tnka i tid and Vision 2020 One result is that the government grants disappair and are superseed by samverkansmodellen, i.e a pot of money to be distributed by Statens Kulturrd (KUR) to Landstinget in each County, and then according to a regional Cultural plan, but no new funds to the Museums and Cultural Heritage institutions Another result is Vision 2020; InvestSwedens bold plan of how Sweden is to succeed in growing as a Tourist destination and double the profits of the Tourist Industry to 500 billion until 2020 The Tourist Industry is the fastest growing business in Sweden, bigger than both the Car- and Manufactoring Industry combined, with about 160 000 employees and an annual turnover of 252 billion SEK 9. Tnka i tid (think in time) Make Sweden into a new attractive Tourist destination Double the profits of the Tourist Industry to 500 billion in 2020 To implement and start cooperation with the traditional Cultural Heritage Institutions in order to increase travelling to and Tourism in Sweden Vision 2020 Instead of the traditional role as the protector of the Cultural Heritage, the Government gave new directives to Riksantikvariembetet; Make the Cultural Heritage more accessible to the Public Develop the Cultural Heritage (let the private entrepreneurs and Tourist businesses in, in order to get external funding) Protect the Cultural Heritage 10. Tnka i tid + Vision 2020 = ??? 11. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Congre ss Museums Ski sport Golf Motor Horses Sportarenas Amusement-& ThemeParks Otherleisure-& Totalamountofworkhoursannually Revenueannually The Tourist Industry Branch/Revenue 5000 Companies, 18500 Mkr, 2009, Source VisitSweden 12. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Congress Sport arenas Amusement- & Theme Parks Museums TotalamountofWorkhoursannually Revenueannually Branch Comparison Source Invest Sweden 13. Let us close our eyes; Outside their lives go on much faster. Oh, no, no, keep on giving, We'll keep living in the past. 14. How? 15. The Global traveller and Company DINK:s (Double Income No Kids) Active Family WHOP:s (Wealthy Healthy Older People) Position Themes; Urban Nature Natural Playground Swedish lifestyle Vitalised Meetings VisitSweden:s targeted visitor groups 16. Fuller Park Just a bold vision, or a step beyond towards the future? 17. What is Fuller Park? Fuller Park has five legs; Mall Sports centre Hotel and Congress Theme Park Housing project 18. Mall The Mall is about 45 000 m 33 000 m are to let 6000 m General Consumer goods (Dagligvaruhandel) All in all nearly 100 shops A Food Court 19. Sports, Gym, Hotel, Spa, Conferenc e A full sized indoors Football field with 3000 seats About 55 rooms for visiting athletes, trainers, families at moderate prizes Two indoor Multi arenas, with 500 spectator seats each A modern well equipped Gym. A four star Hotel, with 400 single/double rooms (Capella), Spa- and Conference facilities 20. Housing project Uppland will grow to 800 000 inhabitants, Uppsala 250 000, The Housing project consists of an area of 280 000 m, with 400 villas or apartment buildings With space set aside for a school and Kindergarten 21. Work opportunities 1500-2000 new jobs in the park and an additional 4000 jobs in the Uppsala region jobs; for people who have difficulties in getting on to or coming to the jobmarket During the building process several hundred people will work in the construction business 22. -Oh, keep on giving, Let's go living in the past 23. Theme Park Amusement Park Open all year round The Viking concept is strong and well known all over the World The theme of the Park is the Vikings and their ancestors in Uppland, Svithjod and the Theme Park 24. Edutainment A complementary way of working together the Museums and the Universitys role as educator and disseminator of knowledge about the Past Living History, with Craftmen, role figures and guides, who show and entice the public to take part and create and their own adventures and positive experiences in recreated Past world To create several amasing 25. Living history A Viking village with handicraft, a living marketplace, with children, women, warriors, merchants, berserks, and slaves Storytelling about Ibn Fadlan,the vikings in the East and the Rus Ingvars disasterous voyage to the East 26. Attractions A mound of Royal proportions (Kungshg) The Fuller grave, a chamber grave, and the Emperors Dona The Boat grave tradition, a Vendel Period boatgrave and one from the Viking Age from Valsgrde A Stave church, to show the religious continuty and have Viking weddings in Fuller Park Authenticity and historical setting The Fuller ring 27. Storytelling The storyteller Thulen tells the audience the Saga about the Vikings and their mythical anscestors; Ecgtheov, Beowulf, the Svea kings, Adils, Ottar, and Egil About the Gods, Asir och Vanir, the holy spring, and the heathen temple in Gamla Uppsala and about the Christian missionaries 28. Fridtjofs life and contemporary Europe The Roman Empire The Scandinavian wars, the Weapon sacrifices, The Huns The Germanic warriors and mercenaries The growth of the Germanic Kingdoms The Fuller grave 29. Valsgrde Boat graves and Horses The Boat graves from Uppland Men, women and children, daily life Vendel Period- and the Viking Age The Returnees and the historical setting in the World Meet Wiglaf, a chieftain from the 6th Century Meet Wladimir, a mercenary or vring from 30. Meet Wiglaf 31. Meet Wladimir 32. groups The Global traveller and Company: Vitalised Meetings, Stagparties, Weddin gs, Feasts, Conferences, DINK:s; and the Urban Nature, Uppsala and its surroundings, and packaging Active Family; and the Natural Playground, Theme & Amusement Park, Mall, Sports Centre WHOP:s; Swedish Lifestyle; Culture & Nature, Uppsala and its The Helm from Valsgrde 8 33. Events; Global traveller and Company Viking bouts, Weddings in the, Feasts in the Mead Hall, Jule and Midsummer blot DINK:s; Uppsala and its surroundings, as package together with other parties in order to sell Uppsala as a destination Active Family; Theme & Amusement Park, Mall, Sports Centre, something for everyone WHOP:s; Culture & Nature, Uppsala and its surroundings, Museums, Show Fuller Parks Goals Cooperation with the Academy, Museums and Tourism Industry in order to make Uppsala a mature export ready World class destination