HOW TO PLAN AND EXECUTE HOW TO PLAN AND EXECUTE LITERARY RESEARCH IN LITERARY RESEARCH IN AYURVEDA AYURVEDA Dr. J.S.R.A. Prasad Associate Professor Dept. of Sanskrit Studies School of Humanities University of Hyderabad [email protected]

Literary Research in Ayurveda

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Dr. J.S.R.A. PrasadAssociate Professor

Dept. of Sanskrit StudiesSchool of Humanities

University of [email protected]

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3 day Workshop on Research Methods, Manuscript Writing and Career Opportunities in Ayurveda08/09/2016

“A scientific thing is just anything that you don't understand, as soon as you understand it, it is not scientific anymore” – Charles kettering

“Progress in science is impossible without a paradox” - Niels Bohr

“Philosophies of one age have become absurdities of the next, and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow” - William Osler

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3 day Workshop on Research Methods, Manuscript Writing and Career Opportunities in Ayurveda08/09/2016

Myths about Ayurveda

- is inherently religious- is all about kashayas and churnas- has no proper solutions for current problems- Philosophy and medicine are different- colleges won't attract cream of the crop- knowledge can be acquired based on


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3 day Workshop on Research Methods, Manuscript Writing and Career Opportunities in Ayurveda08/09/2016

वैयाकरणकिकरातादपशब्दमृगाः क्व यान्ति�त स�त्रस्ताः ।

नट-किवट-भट-गणक-भिभषक्-श्रोकित्रयमुखक�दराभिण यदिद न स्युः ।।

The grammarian is a hunter who wants to kill the beasts, which appear in the form of ungrammatical words. Where could these beasts go to save themselves, unless they find the mouth-caves of actors... doctors... etc.?

"लङ्घनं परमौषधम्”The word 'लङ्घनं' has two meanings..

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3 day Workshop on Research Methods, Manuscript Writing and Career Opportunities in Ayurveda08/09/2016

Literary Research in Ayurveda

Literary Research

1. Text aided 2. Computer aided

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3 day Workshop on Research Methods, Manuscript Writing and Career Opportunities in Ayurveda08/09/2016

Importance of Sanskrit in Ayurvedic Research

Definitions- एकित इकित आयुः । सततं याकित इत्यर्थ1ः । (Ashtanga Samgraha)- प्राणो कि3 भूतानामायुः । (Tai.Up. 2.3.1) So, Ayus = प्राण आयुव5द = the science of प्राण/life शिशला - मनश्शि8शला/शिशलाजतु (नामैकदेशे नाममात्रग्र3णम्)

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Declensional forms

शीतं सशक1 रं मन्थं जाङ्गला�मृगपभि?णः ।घृतं पयः सशाल्यन्नं भज�ग्रीष्मेन सीदकित ।।

Compound words

समस्थूलकृशा भक्तमध्या�तप्रर्थमाम्बुपाः ।

सम-स्थूल-कृशा भक्तमध्य-अ�त-प्रर्थम-अम्बुपाः ।

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Validity of words

दृ8य�ते वातलः केशिJन्तित्पत्तलः शे्लष्मलस्तर्था ।


न नकं्त दधिध भुञ्जीत न Jाप्यघृतशक1 रम् ।नाऽमुद्गयूषं नाऽ?ौदं्र नोष्णं नाऽऽमलकैर्विवTना ।।


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नकं्त दधिध न भुञ्जीत ।

न उष्णं भुञ्जीत ।

न J अकिप अघृतशक1 रम् । (भुञ्जीत)

न अ-मुद्गयूषं (भुञ्जीत)

न अ?ौदं्र (भुञ्जीत)

न आमलकैः किवना (भुञ्जीत)

Shades of Negation

Styles of Interpretation

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Inquiring further...

दधि� what substance is that? Dravyam!

(द्रव्यमाश्रयल?णं पञ्Jानाम्) Which dadhi? Cow/Buffalo

Pharmaco-dynamics of curd?

- Rasa : Amla

- Guna : Guru

- Veerya : Ushna

- Vipaaka : Amla

- Prabhava: Vaatashamaka, kapha-pitta-kara

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Definition of rasapañcaka

Rasa – रसल?णमास्वादः । (characteristic of rasa is taste)Guṇa – किवश्वल?णाः गुणाः । (characteristic of guṇa is universal)Vīrya – कम1ल?णं वीय1म् । (characteristic of vīrya is to produce an

action)Vipāka – परिरणामल?णः किवपाकः (characteristic of vipāka is produce

digestion and assimilation)Karma/Prabhāva – किZयाल?णं कम1 ('action' is the definition of


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शरदग््रीष्मवस�तेषु प्रायशो दधिध गर्वि3Tतम्।

रक्तकिपत्तकफोत्थेषु किवकारेष्वकि3तं J तत्॥C.S. 1.27.227॥

curd is prohibited in autumn, summer and spring and it is also unwholesome in hemothermia and disorders of Kapha

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मुद्गःRasa – मधुरGuṇa – लघ,ु रू?Vīrya – शीतVipāka – मधुरKarma/Prabhāva –

कित्रदोष3र, शुZजनन, J?ुष्य

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माभि?कं भ्रामरं ?ौदं्र पौभित्तकं मधुजातयः।माभि?कं प्रवरं तेषां किवशेषादभ््रामरं गुरु॥२४३॥

माभि?कं तैलवणd स्याद्घतृवणd तु पौभित्तकम्।?ौदं्र ककिपलवणd स्याच्छ्वेतं भ्रामरमुच्यते॥

२४४॥वातलं गुरु शीतं J रक्तकिपत्तकफाप3म्।

Honey is of four kinds, viz., bee-honey, wasp-honey, insect-honey and large-bee-honey. Bee honey is the best of them and wasp-honey is specially heavy.

Bee-honey is of the color of oil and large-bee honey is said to be of the color of ghee, Insect-honey is tawny and wasp-honey is stated to be white.

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घृतम् शर्क� रा

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यत्त्वगस्थि�गतं पापं देहे तितष्ठतित मामरे्क ।प्राशनात् पञ्चगव्यस्य दहत्वग्नि*नरिरवेन्धनम् ।।

How to Interpret religious words?

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एकं शास्त्रम् अधीयानो न किवद्याच्छास्त्रकिनश्चयम् ।तस्मात् बहुश्रुतः शास्त्रं किवजानीयाश्शिmकिकत्सकः ।।

(Su.Sam. 1.4.7)

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Current Scenario “Ongoing research is proceeding in such a way

that it is of more value to modern medicine than Ayurveda. It doesn′t strengthen Ayurveda and Ayurvedic practice. Ayurvedic research outcomes have not trickled down to professionals use; neither do they benefit Ayurveda students or Practitioners” - Prof. R.H. Singh (2010)

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3 day Workshop on Research Methods, Manuscript Writing and Career Opportunities in Ayurveda08/09/2016

World view of Ayurveda vs Biomedicine

AyurvedaMicro cosmic organism

to Macro cosmic organism

(यर्था किपण्डे तर्था ब्रह्माण्डे)

BiomedicineMacro cosmic organism

to Micro cosmic organism

“it was believed that this principle could hardly operate in the absence of perceived similarity between the substances in the external and internal to man. The man and cosmos here look to be in an energy-based dynamic relation where the flow is directed from higher to lower levels” - Dr. Sanjeev Rastogi et. al. 2012

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a) mobile

1. living beings with placenta and membranes (including humans, animals, wild animals etc.)

2. birds, snakes, fish, crocodiles, tortoises

3. microbes, ants, bed bugs

4. vegetable kingdom

Process of Evolution

b) non-mobile

1. trees which bear fruit without flowers

2. trees with fruits and flowers

3. grass varieties and veins

4. food grains.

Two categories of living beings have been narrated based on five elemental theory in Ayurveda:

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The Goal of AyurvedaThe equilibrium of all dhAtus

(13) is the goal of Ayurveda -

"धातुसाम्यकिZया Jोक्ता त�त्रस्यास्य प्रयोजनम् ।”

What is body? दोषधातु मलमूलं कि3 शरीरम् - body is

the substratum of tridoshas, sapta-dhAtus and trimalasवायुः किपत्तं कफश्चोक्तः शारीरो

दोषसङ्ग्र3ः ।मानसः पुनरुदिrष्टो रजश्च तम एव J ।।

The vAyu, pitta and kapha are शारीरदोष s and the rajas and tamas are the मानशिसकदोषs.

The Bio-energies, Vata, Pitta and Kapha represent input-output, throughput and storage respectively as in any dynamic system – Alex Hankey, 2004

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“The earth is the essence of all beings. Water is the essence of the earth. Herbs are the essence of the water and man is the essence of the herbs.” (Ch. Upanishad 1.1.2)

“These Five Mahabhutas are cosmic elements which create, nurture and sustain all forms of life, and after death or decay they absorb what was created earlier; thus they play an important role in preserving and sustaining the environment” (O.P. Dwivedi; 2001)

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TridoshasCorrelation in the functioning of tridosha and soma

(visarga), surya (AdAna) and anila (vikshepa):किवसगा1दानकिव?ेपैः सोमसूया1किनला यर्था ।धारयन्ति�त जगrे3ं कफकिपत्ताकिनलास्तर्था ।।

The mind, soul and the body are like a tripod, on which entire creation exists. And purusha is the substratum.

सत्त्वमात्मा शरीरञ्J त्रयमेतत्त्रित्त्रदण्डवत् ।लोकस्तिस्तष्ठकित संयोगात्तत्र सवd प्रकितधिष्ठतम् ।।

स पुमांशे्चतनं तmाधिधकरणं स्मृतम् । (C.S. Su. 1/46)

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आयुस् = Lifeशरीरेन्द्रि�द्रयसत्त्वात्मसंयोगो धारिर जीकिवतम्

।किनत्यगश्चानुबन्धश्च पया1यैरायुरुच्यते ।।

What is life? Jivitam. (jIvayati – prANAn dhArayati)

Ayurvai prANaH (upanishad);

AyuscetanAnuvrttiH (C.S.); yaH prANaH sa vAyuH. So


अकिवद्यादिदकृतदे3सङ्घाते प्रकितकिबत्त्रिम्बता शिJच्छशिक्तः जीवलोकेस्तिस्मन् जीव

इत्यभिभधीयते ।– modern science does not

know this.Life It is not just the process

of respiration and heart beat. It is much more than that with regard to the existence of soul.

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Literary Research in Ayurveda

Literary Research

1. Text aided 2. Computer aided

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1. Text aided

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Use of Pramāṇas Means of Valid


organ/SubjectWhat to Infer?

प्रत्यक्षम् त्वक् (touch) पाभिणना प्रकृकित-किवकृकितयुक्तम् ।

J?ुस् (eyes) वण1ः, संस्थानम् (स्वरूपम्), प्रमाणम्, छाया, शरीरप्रकृकितवण1ः, शरीरकिवकृकितवण1ः

श्रोत्रम् (ears) अ�त्रकूजनम्, अङु्गलीस्फोटनं सत्त्रिन्धपव1णाम्, स्वरकिवशेषगतशब्दाः

न्द्रिजह्वा (tongue) आतुरपरिरप्रशे्नन आतुरमुखरसं किवद्यात् । (न ह्यस्य प्रत्य?ेण ग्र3णमुपपद्यते ।)

- यूकापसप1णेन – शरीरवैरस्यम् ।- माभि?कोपसप1णेन – शरीरमाधुय1म् ।

घ्राणम् (nose) सव1शरीरगतान् आतुरस्य प्रकृकितवैकारिरकान् घ्राणेन परी?ेत ।

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अनुमानम् अग्नि�नः (metabolic fire)


बलम् (strength) व्यायामेन

शब्दादिद (sound etc.) शब्दादिदग्र3णेन

मनस् (mind) अर्था1व्यभिभJारेण

किवज्ञानम् (knowledge) व्यावसायेन

रजस् (attachment) सङे्गन

मो3ः (passion) अकिवज्ञानेन

Zोधः (anger) अभिभद्रो3ेण

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रोगप्रकोपणं आप्तोपदेशेन ।

रोगयोनिनT आप्तोपदेशेन ।

आत्मानं आप्तोपदेशेन ।

अधिधष्ठानं आप्तोपदेशेन ।

वेदनं आप्तोपदेशेन ।

संस्थानं आप्तोपदेशेन ।

वृन्द्रि�स्थान् आप्तोपदेशेन ।

?यस्थान् आप्तोपदेशेन ।

उदकd आप्तोपदेशेन ।

नामानं आप्तोपदेशेन ।

योगं आप्तोपदेशेन ।

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Ayurvedic Philosophy of Evolution

The growth of the embryo in mother's womb is akin to the process of evolution.

बीजात्मकैम13ाभूतैः सूक्ष्मैस्सत्वानुगैश्च सः।मातुश्चा3ाररसजैः Zामात्कु?ौ किववध1ते ।।

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svabhAvam, kAla, Isvara, yadrcchA, niyati and pariNAma are the logical factors for embryo genesis, as per Sushruta.

24 tattvas are the primordial factors in the above process. avyakta (maya) - mahat (immature mind) - ahankara (stimulation) – instigated by karma prerita vAyu

शब्दस्पश1श्च रूपश्च रसगन्धावनुZमात्।त�मात्राणां किवशेषास्स्युस्स्थूलभावमुपागताः।।

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Contd...Garbhasya catvAri caturvidhAni bhUtAni mAtA pitr

sambhavAni |

AhArjAnyAtmakrtAni caiva sarvasya sarvANi bhavanti dehe || C.S. 4.2.26

AhArajAni mAtApitrsambhavAni AtmakrtAni - tanmAtras (these are the genes)- breaks up

by karmaprerita vAyu and they reunite, this is what described as 'किनत्यग', and 'अनुबन्धग' in the definition of Ayus.

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Body is a conglomeration of atomic molecules-

"तं Jेतनावश्शिस्थतं वायुर्विवTभजकित, तेज एनं पJकित, आपः क्लेदयकित, पृथ्वी सं3न्ति�त, आकाशं किववध1यकित । एवं किववर्धिधTतः स यदा 3स्तपादादिदभिभरङै्गरुपेतस्तदा शरीरधिमकित संज्ञां लभते ।।" (S.S. Sh. 5/3)

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Ambiguity in Terminology

Sometimes it is difficult to convey the impregnated meaning of Sanskrit/Ayurveda terminology into a foreign language like English. But, it is not the weakness of Sanskrit. Hence let's consider the following wise words of Sushruta -

न शक्यश्च?ुषा द्रषंु्ट दे3े सूक्ष्मतमो किवभुः ।दृ8यते ज्ञानJ?ुभिभस्तपश्च?ुभिभरेव J ।।

शरीरे Jैव शास्ते्र J दृष्टार्थ1 स्स्याकि�शारदः ।दृष्टश्रुताभ्यामवापोह्याJरेग्नित्Zयाः ।। (S.S.)

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Organic Chemistry Vis-a-Vis पञ्चमहाभूतs

Entire creation can be classified into two divisions: 'Organic' and 'Inorganic.' पञ्Jम3ाभूतs can be explained in the modern terminology such as:

carbon (पृशिर्थवी) hydrogen (आपः) oxygen (तेजः) nitrogen (वायुः) ozone (आकाशम्)living body is known as 'panchIkrta bhUta

sambhavam', that is individualized.

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Resources for Interdisciplinary Research

- Scientific basis of ancient Indian rituals, traditions and customs

- Philosophy Vis-a-vis Medical science- Genetics in Ayurveda – 'Ayurgenomics'- Grammatical analysis of Ayurvedic texts/commentaries- Ayurvedic references in Sanskrit Literature- Karma-vipaka and Vis-a-vis Medical Astrology- Yoga & Ayurveda- Medical Humanities

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Understanding Context Thorough understanding of a text/concept – don't

depend upon translations – verify it on your own Get contextual reference for all quotations from

samhitās/Sanskrit texts Verify twice when you copy any quote/reference

from the web Aims & Objectives

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Some examples in Literary ResearchSome examples in Literary Research

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Suradhyaksha – Arthashastra

Original sentence: मेषशु्रकिङ्गत्वक्क्वार्थाभिभषुतो गुडप्रतीवापः किपप्पलीमरीJसम्भारः कित्रफलायुक्तो वा मैरेयः ।

Disjuncted phrase: मेषश्रुकिङ्ग-त्वक्क्-क्वार्थाभिभषुतो गुडप्रतीवापः किपप्पलीमरीJसम्भारः कित्रफलायुक्तो वा मैरेयः ।

मेषश्रुकिङ्ग-त्वक्क्-क्वार्थ-अभिभषुतः गुड-प्रतीवापः किपप्पली-मरीJ-सम्भारः कित्रफला-युक्तः वा मैरेयः ।Problem: is it six case singular number between मेषश्रुकिङ्ग-त्वक्क् or a dwandwa compound?

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Framework MethodologyThe present study is a theoretical research based on review of literature of the major classical texts…

Gaps in researchemphasizes on 'what is lacking in XYZ's research' or 'what XYZ could not attempt' and so on and so forth

SummaryAt end of each chapter – as demonstrated by Caraka in his magnum opus

Discussion and ConclusionVery important part of a thesis/dissertation draft

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Tantrayukti Method

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Translations...and Problmes

Vāta - Vāyu&AkāśaPitta - Agni&ĀpasKapha - Āpas&Pṛthvī

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Importance of Etymology

etymology is the complement of grammar (तदिददं किवद्यास्थानम् व्याकरणस्य कात्स्�य1म्)

etymology is essential for the proper understanding of the Vedic words (अर्थापीदम�तरेण म�त्रेष्वर्थ1प्रयोगो न किवद्यते)

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Some Nomenclature Vāta = वाकित इकित (वा=गकितगन्धनयोः) Pitta = किपतकित इकित किपत्तम् (पत्लृ – गतौ) Kapha = के शिशरशिस/जलेन वा फलकित इकित (फल= किनष्पत्तौ) Śleṣman = श्शिश्लष्यकित हृदयादौ इकित (श्शिश्लष= आशिलङ्गन)े Medas = धिमद्यकित/त्त्रिस्नह्�यते इकित (ञी धिमदा= स्ने3ने) Majjā = मज्जकित इकित (मज््ज= शु�ौ) Ojas = उब्जकित व्यक्तीभवकित इकित । (उब्ज= आज1वे) Dhamanī = शुकिषरवत्त्वात् धम्यते इकित (ध्मा-शब्दाग्नि�नसंयोगे) Peśī = पेशयकित गभ1म् इकित (किपश= अवयवे) Guḍūcī = गुडकित-र?कित इकित (गुड= र?णे)

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Contd... Rasa = रस्यते/आस्वाद्यते इकित (रस= आस्वादने) Māṃsa = म�यते बलकरम् इकित (मन्= ज्ञाने) Ojas = उब्जकित व्यक्तीभवकित इकित । (उब्ज= आज1वे) Śirā = शेककित/द्रवकित इकित (शुक= गतौ) Dhamanī = शुकिषरवत्त्वात् धम्यते इकित (ध्मा-शब्दाग्नि�नसंयोगे) Peśī = पेशयकित गभ1म् इकित (किपश= अवयवे) Srotas = स्वतः सरकित इकित (सृञ्=गतौ) Guḍūcī = गुडकित-र?कित इकित (गुड= र?णे)

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किनघण्टुना किवना वैद्यो किव�ान् व्याकरणं किवना |अनभ्यासेन धानुष्कस्त्रयो 3ास्यस्य भाजनम् ||९||

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Basic Sanskrit SkillsProblems with:

अल्पप्राण and म3ाप्राण charactersAgnimāndhya agnimāndya; methas medas


Prabhuta/āvila mutrata prabhūta/avilamūtratā; madhurābhāva, āmlābhāva


Dhātvāgni pāka (Dhātu+agni-pāka) Dhātvagni-pāka

Srotas avarodha srotāvarodha sroto'varodha

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Gender Vibhakti-Vacana-Purusha Etymology/Derivation Synonyms

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शास्तं्र ज्योकितः प्रकाशार्थd दश1नं बुन्द्रि�रात्मनः ।ताभ्यां भिभषक् सुयुक्ताभ्यां शिJकिकत्सन्नापराध्यकित ।।

śāstraṃ jyotiḥ prakāśārthaṃ darśanaṃ buddhirātmanaḥ ।tābhyāṃ bhiṣak suyuktābhyāṃ cikitsannāparādhyati ।।

sastram jyotih prakasartham darsanam buddhiratmanah ।tabhyam bhishak suyuktabhyam cikitsannaparadhyati ।।

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Ayurvedic ResearchLiterary Research

Experimental Research

Pre Cilinical Research

Clinical Research

Post Clinical Studies

Efficacy Studies

Invention of new drug/therapy

Types in literary research

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Critical Edition of Charaka Sutrasthana Bhaishajya ChatushkaAyurvedic texts form the base or foundation of knowledge of Ayurveda for Academic, Research, Practice, Manufacturing of Medicines etc. all purposes. We the Indians are very lucky in having a rich heritage of knowledge in the form of texts. This has been inherited from thousands of years, from generation to generation. The mode of transmission of knowledge was initially by mouth to mouth and later on was through manuscripts. While copying it is likely that some errors creep up in manuscripts. Since the texts are base of all applications in Ayurveda, these need to be rectified.

Oral tradition we have lost, but the available manuscript can be used to edit the texts. To resolve this issue we will use manuscripts from all over India. Manuscripts from various families of manuscripts will be used to edit the present text.

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2. Computer aided

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Anandakanda Knowledge Base

To develop the digital lexical resource for Ānandakanda, methodically the

printed book has thoroughly been skimmed to categorize terms

pertaining to plants, animal products and minerals. This classification is

based on Cakara Saṃhitā. Subsequently, 663 terms are indexed, which

are unique words. To each term, that belongs to respective categories,

additional information such as liṅga (gender), varṇānta

(vowel/consonant ending), niṣpatti (grammatical derivation), vyutpatti

(etymology), paryāya (synonyms) and udhṛtasaṃkhyā (reference

number) has been manually tagged, taking the help of Sanskrit and

Ayurveda Nighaṇṭus. For the terms which do not have any associated

synonyms in Ānandakanda, they are incorporated from Ayurveda and

Sanskrit Nighaṇṭus.

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Topic index – This module contains all topics which were discussed in Ānandakanda.

For instance, 'Rasotpatti', 'gandhaka Śuddhi', 'Yantras', 'Koṣṭhīs', 'Mūṣās' and so on.

Totoal 567 topics have been identified. The following screen shot provides topical

information on 'gandhaka druti'.

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Ullāsa search – This module provides information on the total 36 Ullāsas spread in two Viśrāntis

(Amṛtīkaraṇaviśrānti, Kriyākaraṇaviśrānti). All 36 Ullāsas are termed as A.K-1.1 through

A.K.2.10. The numbering system followed is in two levels. The first level refers to the Viśrānti

and the second level refers to the Ullāsa. So, A.K-1.1 means first Ullāsa in first Viśrānti in

Ānandakanda. All the 36 Ullāsas are searchable through an option with respective headings.

This is evident from the image 2 given below.

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Word search – This module has a provision to search from the index of 663 terms that are classified into three groups

pertaining to plants, animal products and minerals. The terminology, category wise, has been alphabetically

arranged. One can select the required category to get information on a word while selecting the desired encoding

scheme. Two notations are used here – 'wx' and 'unicode-devanagari'. As the user start to enter characters in the

text field, the software offers an on-fly suggestion. After making a hard enter the s/w produces the output with

information on शिलङ्गम् (gender), वणा1�तम् (endletter), किनष्पभित्तः (derivation), व्युत्पभित्तः (etymology) उद्घतृसंख्या

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Rasaśāstra Ontology – This the a module that provides ontological structure of the terminology in an

expanding tree form. The basic building block is 'पदार्थ1 '. For a term like अग्नि�नजार, the hierarchical

link is as follows – पदार्थ1> द्रव्य> जाङ्गम> अण्डज> अग्नि�नजार. To each constituent of Rasaśāstra

ontology, it is possible to go back and forth to retrieve the desired information. Needless to say,

Rasapañcaka is also available with the queried term. Image 4 demonstrates the ontology described.

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Rasapañcaka search – This module provides information on the phramaco-dynamics of

drugs i.e.रस, गुण, वीय1, किवपाक, कम1 along with Latin names and families. For instance, if

the desired word is गजकिपप्पली, the output is produced as in the following image

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PlantsAnimal ProductsMinerals

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Liṅgam Varṇāntam Niṣpattih Vyutpattih Paryāyāh0







700663 663 663



Latin NamesFamily Names













527 521 526 514535

Word Search Rasapancaka

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Sage Advise

“It is a living system, even today millions of people in India are being treated according to this system. A system which has stood the test of centuries, and which still hold its own against its rival systems of the day, can not be lightly brushed aside unscientific” - Kaviraja Kunjalal Bhishagratna (1916).

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