Linkin park ad analysis

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  1. 1. LINKIN PARK The Hunting Party Tour Magazine Advertisement Analysis Linkin Park are an American Rapcore band who are currently one of the biggest bands on the planet. This poster shows the bands latest tour and album release, The Hunting Party. The magazine advert is very effective and displays the information in a slightly different manor to that of the other advertisements. The main image is the first aspect that stands out to me as an audience member, with the main image being that of a stone bowman. This image is the symbol of the album, the bowman representing the band and their followers. The bowman has an important role in the narrative of the album and tour, being the beacon of hope in a world filled with war. Unlike the peaceful and subtle imagery of A Thousand Suns, the bowman is more aggressive, displaying the new attitude of the band and the shift in their style of music. The bowman also represents the silent assassin, with the bow being more a symbol of peace giving in this case than of war, with the stoned and frozen look being a connotation of the halt of battle and the refusal of violence. This powerful image represents the bands views and experiences across the world, seeing poverty, violence and unrest and striving to have the attitude towards the planet changed. This image captures the bands intent and the albums message. The next eye-catching area of the advert is the colours, with them being similar across all album covers Linkin Park have done since 2007. These uses of blacks, whites and greys show the albums narrative in a different way, similar to that of A Thousand Suns, with it being a fight between good and evil, wrong and right, love and hate. These are here to represent the evil and hate in the world, specifically in war this time, and to show that they are going to attack and eradicate it. The colours are also there for the benefit of the audience, allowing the bands name to stick out off the page and become incredibly eye-catching, drawing the audience to look at the advertisement. One of the less eye-catching features is the font, being basic sans-serif bold font. This may seem like a waste but is overly effective, allowing for more of an emphasis to be made on the bands title and a bigger impact when it catches the eye of the audience. Another common feature is that of the size of the various fonts, having the main bands name as the largest, attracting the eyes of the fans, and having the tour title and supporting bands name large also, having a huge impact on their fans. Finally is the page layout which is done effectively and efficiently, displaying the priority information first in order to draw people into the advert. The Guttenberg Design Principle has clearly been considered here, with similarities to the other advertisements, but also a few major differences. For one, the primary optical area and the strong fallow area have been filled by the main image this time, centralising the bands name to draw the audiences eyes to the pages center, where the bulk of the information is. Again, the weak fallow area has been made use of in the same manor, attracting the eyes of the audience there in order to promote their album. However, unlike the other adverts, the terminal area has also gained a use, displaying the website and album of the supporting band, Of Mice & Men. This layout is very effective in attracting the audiences eyes to the advertisement. Overall, this advertisement is effective and attractive to audiences, drawing their attention to the desired information as well as clearly displaying the message and purpose of the album and tour.