Language, Institution Ideology Audience Representation

Liarr analysis

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Page 1: Liarr analysis

Language, Institution

Ideology Audience Representation

Page 2: Liarr analysis

3 Front Cover Pages

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The main image of the front cover has four men aged approximately mid-twenties. The men have typical sixties looks to them and this is presented through their clothing (polar neck jumpers and knitted cardigans), their hairstyles which are typical of the time (the length, parting and style of it) and finally their poses are very sixties in the sense that they are all looking directly at the camera, pulling smug faces. The fact that the men all have brightly coloured clothing juxtaposes with the dark, plain background which works really well as the picture stands out. The image is a mid-shot which is a shot which focuses on the waist upwards and particularly emphasises body language. The photo is quite serious which possibly could reflect the serious music they have created as they want to be taken seriously.

The masthead in this image says ‘mojo.’ This music magazine focuses specifically on the 60s and included huge artists of that time including the Beatles, Rod Stewart and Al Green. The font of the masthead is very relevant to the theme of the magazine as it is very 60’s and is quite quirky. The masthead has text which is the biggest font of the magazine. This therefore makes it clear it is the masthead and is the main focus of the magazine, along with the image on the front. The masthead follows magazine conventions by being placed at the top of the magazine, covering nearly the whole width of the page. The white colour in comparison to the black/grey background makes it stand out therefore, captures the audiences attention.

The secondary images are the three other images inserted on the magazine cover. The images at the top link to the piece of text they are placed next to. This is there for effect as some readers may not be interested in reading the text, but when they see the image, they recognise the face which will mean they are more incline to read it. The image at the bottom of the magazine is a cd case which is really relevant as the magazine seems to focus on this one band. It would appear that the band are trying to promote their CD and the list of well-known celebrities on the top of the CV draw attention to this. The title of the CD case is the same as the one on the magazine.

The selling line ‘The Music Magazine’ is also very simple and straight to the point which reduces any confusion. The selling line makes it easier to identify the specific genre of magazine and this is made very clear as you can immediately tell this is a music magazine.

At the bottom right corner and on the left hand side, the cover lines are presented. The cover lines provide information with who is actually in the magazine, it tells you what is included in the magazine and gives a couple of straplines with information about what articles are inspected inside of the magazine.

Media Language

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The hook is at the top of the magazine and is used to attract fans of the band. It says ‘free small faces CD!’ so that any fans of the band who created that CD would be more likely to pick up and read the magazine because their favourite band has a free CD included in the magazine.

The plug is under the masthead and near the main image. It is used to inform the audience about a specific topic that may interest them. This specific plug is visible as it has a completely different colour boarder around the text which is bright red so it stands out significantly. It says three simple words, ‘R&B, Speed, Betrayal!’ These words are short and simple and tell the audience little but enough information about the bands new music. This will leave the audience wanting to know more so will hopefully lead to them purchasing and supporting the bands music.

The bar code is included in this magazine. The magazine follows codes and conventions and it includes a magazine which has a price,, bar code number and the date of release of the magazine. In the little black and white image, you can tell a lot of information about this specific magazine.

Media Language

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InstitutionPublisher, company?

MOJO is a popular music magazine published initially by Emap, and since January 2008 by Bauer, monthly in the United Kingdom. The magazine name is very sixties so is relevant to the theme and genre of the magazine.

Publishers of EMAP were looking for a title which would cater for the burgeoning interest in classic rock music

The company behind the magazine, Bauer also produced a digital radio station. The is station was called MOJO Radio and was transmitted on the digital television networks in the UK.

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IdeologyMessage, moral values..?

MOJO was first published on October 15th 1993 in keeping with its classic rock aesthetic.

The first addition had Bob Dylan and John Lennon as the cover stars.

MOJO regularly includes a cover mount CD which ties in with a current magazine article or theme. In 2004 it introduced the MOJO Honours list, an awards ceremony which is a mixture of readers and critics awards.

After the success of one issue based entirely on The Beatles, MOJO have been produced, devoting an entire magazine to one artist or genre.

More recently, the magazine has taken to publishing many ‘Top 100’ lists including the subjects of drug songs, rock epics, protest songs and even the most miserable songs of all time.

To celebrate 150 issues, they published a ‘Top 100 Albums of Mojos lifetime’ list.

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AudienceWho's reading it?

MOJO’s audience is quite varied as it can apply to older people who were listening to rock music at the time when it was being published. It can also be for people in this century who enjoy listening to music from this time. Both men and females will be the target audience however men more so than women.

The majority of the images on the front covers of the issues have been young male celebrities. The males are presented in a way which will appeal to boys and men of a similar age who aspire to be like them. Their dress sense and style may influence the readers own dress sense and style. Age range is between 16-27 years old however could expand this depending on the situations.

How is it represented?

The image of the men has a shadow in the background to see the reflection of the guys. The main stars, as mentioned before are wearing typical sixties clothes and posing like men would have posed during the sixties.

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Media Language

The masthead in this image says ‘Black Music.’ This music magazine focuses specifically on Black Music and Black artists and their music. The masthead has text which is the biggest font of the magazine which makes it clear it is the masthead and is the main focus of the magazine, along with the image on the front. The masthead follows magazine conventions by being placed at the top of the magazine, covering a significant amount of the page. The yellow font and red boarder of the font juxtaposes with the plain black background. The yellow and red colours allow the audience to focus on this as it is clear and stands out significantly and is put in the way it is for effect.

The selling line ‘Soul, Reggae, Jazz, Disco’ is very simple and straight to the point which reduces any confusion. The selling line ensures it is simple to identify the specific genre of music magazine, which in this case is Black Music and it includes the types of music included. It states there are four different genres of Black Music included in the magazine which will make the audience engaged as everybody has different tastes in music.

The main image of the front cover has six men aged roughly between thirty and forty. The men have typical looks to them as the magazine is attempting to portray which is presented through the mise en scene and their clothing (baggy tops, tight trousers), their hairstyles which are typical of black people (afro/plaited hair) and finally their poses are very typical of black people in the sense that they are all facing away and laughing which portrays black musicians to be fun and happy which gives the impression that their music will be jolly and fun to listen to. The men all have brightly coloured clothing which gives the impression that their music will be bright and vibrant too. The image is a long-shot which is a shot which includes most of the length of the person in the image and also includes some background which helps set the scene. The background in this particular image includes trees and plenty of greenery which gives the sense that their music is about real life and is pure.

At the bottom left corner, the cover line is presented. The cover line states ‘Third World: re-rooting reggae. The word ‘re-rooting’ matches with the greenery in the background. In addition to this, it informs the reader that the image is presenting people from a third world country. It briefly summarises the focus of the magazine which will be trying to bring back reggae in third world countries. It is effective as it is clear and straight to the point.

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The hook is at the top of the magazine and is used to attract fans of this type of music. It says ‘Disco Special’ which allow the audience to be aware of the fact that this is a disco special edition and regular readers will be more attracted to buy this as it is different to what they usually get.

On the front cover, the audience are presented with four boxes which state what is presented on some pages. It is likely they have picked the four most exciting headlines to attract the reader to turn to that specific page and read the article.

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InstitutionPublisher, company?

First there was Blues & Soul, later there was Black Echoes and between the two came Black Music and with it some of the finest and consistent Reggae journalism of the early 1970 s courtesy ′of one man, Carl Gayle.

From its first issue in December 1973 the monthly Black Music, though dominated by coverage of Soul music in all it’s forms, became the first UK magazine to take more than a token interest in Reggae Music. Here we present, in all their glory, the front covers of the magazine that featured Reggae artists between December 1973 and the end of 1976, plus a few from ’79 and the early 80 s.′

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AudienceWho's reading it?

In this magazine, it is evident the audience will be people interested in this type of Black Music or people interested in new music they haven't heard of before because this is quite a different and unique style of music.

The image and colour scheme conforms to a typical reggae music magazine and if you look at the front of the music magazine.

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Direct mode of address

Cover Lines


Cover Lines


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The image is very large and covers nearly the entire front cover which attracts the reader. The magazine will sell very well because it is very clear as to who the celebrity on the front cover is. Readers may be attracted to this magazine as their role model may be on the front of it.

The Masthead of the magazine is very big which makes it really effective as if the magazine was not close to you, you would still be able to read the masthead.

The colours used portray a mood of glamour and beauty. The image and colours used in the magazine immediately allow the audience to become aware that the magazine is for women interested in beauty.

The magazines cover lines may be very appealing to female readers as they include different quotes that females will be interested in or interested in reading about.

The image shows the customer the target audience for this magazine is females. The magazine quote “get the love you deserve” and “make more money and be the boss” shows Tyra Banks is a good example for ladies as she is an independent strong women who many females will look up to. In addition to this, people will want to read this magazine because of her popular talk show ‘The Tyra Banks Show.’

Media Language

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An overall impression I believe would be that the magazine wouldn’t be that attractive and appealing towards me because I am not a fan of Tyra Banks and do not know much about her whatsoever. However, I know that many other teenage girls and older women would be attracted to this magazine because she may be a role model to them and they may enjoy reading about her. In addition to this, I believe that this magazine is very eye-catching because of the pretty and effective picture and the font colour and style which match it.

The direct mode of address that is Tyra Banks is portrayed well as the image is very big. The colours create a glamorous effect since it has a bit of gold and gloss around it.

Potentially, the magazine can attract male readers from the image displayed showing a beautiful woman but it is about the information provide inside the magazine and the content of the magazine. Would it be useful to readers? What are readers able to get out of the magazine?

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Essence is a monthly magazine for African-American females between the ages of 18 and 49. The magazine covers fashion, lifestyle and beauty and an intimate girlfriend-to-girlfriend tone, and their slogan "Fierce, Fun, and Fabulous" suggests the magazine's goal of empowering African American women. The topics the magazine discusses range from celebrities, to fashion, to point-of-view pieces addressing current issues in the African American community.

AudienceWho's reading it?

IdeologyMessage, moral


Clearly, this magazines target market will be women aged between 18 and 49 years old however I believe women just outside of this range will still be interested in reading this magazine and they may be interested in these types of magazine.

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2 Contents Pages

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The contents page is divided into two sections with the top half focusing on a review of the band ‘My Chemical Romance.’ This is not the cover story and is hardly shown on the front cover but it is the main focus on the contents page as this is the next page the reader will look at when looking through the magazine. It is almost certain that any readers of the magazine will pass by this page which enticing the readers in.

Just over half of the magazine is filled with images and the text is split into different pages that the articles are on.

The page also has a section for the editors note at the bottom left of the magazine which gives it a personal touch and is relevant for any readers who would be interested in this. This also allows a connection between the editor and the readers of the magazine as it provides a clearer insight into the editors and people ‘behind the scenes’ of the magazine.

The headline of the contents page is very basic and simple and just states ‘contents’ is in the top left hand corner of the page which doesn’t take much attention away from the main article. The colours are very relevant to the magazine and stand out.

Generally, the images in the magazine are separated from the text but headings relating to the pictures often overlap the image, making it clear which image it is relating to. This appeals to the target market as it gives the contents page a rocky-theme and rebellious feel to it.

By using the layout of half being a picture and half being columns presenting what is inside the magazine, it means the page does a similar jog as the front cover. Despite the fact that My Chemical Romance are not featured largely on the front, it is the main feature on this page so the contents page is promoting new things showing the reader they are adaptable and are varying their tastes in music.


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The captions on this page overlap into the picture they are referring to which makes it clear to the reader what caption goes with what picture.

The contents of the magazine is listed in columns, making it easier for the reader to find easily the page they are looking for.

From the contents page, the reader is guided to the different features of the magazine. Firstly, the main feature (the image at the top) allows the reader to become aware that the band ‘My Chemical Romance’ are the main feature of this magazine. In addition to this, there is also an icon saying ‘cover story’ next to the articles which are featured on the front cover, meaning that the reader knows exactly the page they’re searching when looking on the front cover of the magazine.


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Image and Colours

The main image features a popular British band by the genre of rock which is very relevant as the magazine ‘Kerrang!’ focuses on rock music. This image is a relevant image as it will appear to its target audience who will be reading this magazine.

The image of the editor of the magazine, located on the bottom left hand corner of the contents page if very effective as it allows the readers to get up close and personal with the editor. It also attracts them to the writing underneath it and may encourage them to read it. The readers probably wouldn’t just read the text by itself so It helps to have the image with it which draws them in.

The use of very vibrant and rocky colours throughout the contents page are very effective. The green/black/white/yellow colours complements the rocky theme of the magazine which fits in very well.

There are several small pictures located around the contents page. This is very effective as it allows the reader to be aware of the fact that this magazine has a variety of band/rock related music artists throughout the magazine which entices the audience to turn over the page and read the entire magazines content.

The colour of the Kerrang! Logo is kept the same in every issue of this magazine which is extremely effective as it allows the audience to be aware of the fact that this magazine is consistent and when choosing a magazine to buy in the shops, it will be obvious they know what the magazine is. It is located next to yellow text in the same font and heading, adding fluency to the page, but also helping the heading stand out to catch the readers’ eye.

At the bottom right hand side of the page, there is an advert for a subscription for Kerrang! Magazine directly in front of a known band, connoting that the magazine is up to date, modern and worth buying as if the reader sees a picture of a new band they like this will influence their decision to buy that magazine because of how good the features on the front of the magazine are.

There are three posters displayed which present images of the posters the reader are presented with inside the issue. They can be torn out of the magazine. The fact that they don’t show a picture of the whole poster is clever and effective as it will attract the reader to buy the magazine so they will be interested to see the whole poster.

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Text and Language

All of the heading on the page are in capital letters which makes the magazine stand out. It also makes the text stand out and seem really important, enticing the reader into reading the headlines and ultimately acknowledging what the magazine will be about which will hopefully make the reader continue reading the magazine.

The mini-subheadings make it clear which picture they are linked with as well as the reason as to who is in the picture being displayed in this specific place on the contents page.

The colours that the text are in are in relation to the house style.

The bands names are subheadings and then underneath is a bit more information about the article which is really effective as it will entice the reader to continue reading on.

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Kerrang! is a UK-based magazine devoted to rock music published by Bauer Media Group. It was first published on 6 June 1981 as a one-off supplement in the Sounds newspaper

Named after the onomatopoeic word that derives from the sound made when playing a power chord on a distorted electric guitar, Kerrang! was initially devoted to the New Wave of British Heavy Metal and the rise of hard rock acts. In the early 2000s it became the best-selling British music newspaper.

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The subheadings feature and every month stand out as they are presented in big font and white font against a black background which contrasts. This strengthens the house style of the magazine and is really consistent which means that if somebody buys the magazine regularly, they will be aware of which magazine it is because of the consistent house style.

The music artists names feature on the magazine and are bigger and bolder than the other text which makes them stand out as being the main feature on the image and it makes them stand out significantly.

The image of The Courteeners makes the readers aware that they will be the feature of the magazine and it will focus on this band. It is clear this magazine is a rock magazine due to personification where the weather suits the mood. The dark grey clouds in the background give the impression they are a rocky band who are quite chilled out. Also, the clothes the artists are wearing allow us to be aware that they are a rock band due to the use of black, white and grey colours, shirts, baggy t-shirts and dark jeans which portray a typical rock look.

The don’t used in this magazine is very consistent throughout which makes it effective. Despite the fact tat the font is varied a little bit, for the majority of the magazine the font is consistent which makes it effective and unique to this magazine so if anybody reading this magazine is a fan of it or a regular reader, then they will be aware of the magazine as soon as they look at it.

The same colour scheme is used throughout which is black, white and red which are the logo colours and are the house style colours as the front cover on the Q magazine.

The page numbers next to the artists names relate to which page the artists will be featured on.

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1 Double Page Spread

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There is a combination of blue, black and white colours presented on this double page spread which connotes a less harsh image of the band in comparison to other magazines such as the one analysed previously (Kerrang!) who attempt to promote an angry image of the bands they feature. In addition to this, the background is white which juxtaposes to the black font to make it stand out to the audience with the bright blue colour emphasising its overall appearance to convey a positive message to the readers.

The design of the page includes a block lettering, emphasized by the various different styles of font featured across the page, which presents a cluttered feel to the page. The fact that there is a mixture of pugs, banners and text highlighted make it more visible to the audience and therefore more effective as they are positioned all over the page. This assists the reader as it introduces a variety of topics that will be included in the magazine.

Despite the fact that there is a mixture of fonts throughout the double page spread, which vary in size, colour and shape, they all still apply to the focal colour scheme of the magazine. The main image is situated on the left hand side which highlights the band named “The Teenagers” and shows that the story that subsides it is focused on this particular band. The larger title for the band which is situated over both the left and right hand side of the pages emphasises the bands story. With the title being soft and quite friendly, we assume the band is not a heavy, rock band but maybe an indie/pop band.

The image on the left hand side of the DPS is the main image of the story featured in this specific article. There is a picture of the band “The Teenagers” which attempts to present their message. Their message is a presentation of themselves as being relaxed and useful, which compliments their name as teenagers are usually known as the opposite, therefore presenting teenagers in a positive way which may mean more teenagers will buy this magazine. The pose in the picture is very laid back and casual, emphasising the type of guys they are and the type of music they are presenting. It also creates an insensible feel to them which highlights the “teenage” image they are portraying. Their posture adds to the laid back feel as does their clothes which are just jeans and trainers and a baggy t-shirt which are all very casual and very typical of a casual band.

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The language used across the page is slightly informal as a notification to the reader that the band are very laid back and casual, although the language could be perceived through a more complex range of vocabulary, so audiences may not understand the means of the words so it is effective to use basic language. In addition to this, it is made bold to the reader through quick and simple catch-phrases which grab the audiences attention in a way in which the audience can connect quicker. For example “Everyone’s talking about…” and “Need to know:” These catch phrases make the reader want to read on and see what it is about which is a great way to make them read on.

The overall impression we receive emits a more contemporary feel to the page therefore a wide range of people are able to connect to the imagery being conveyed instead of focusing on one specific thing which wouldn’t allow many people to connect to it. For example “Kerrang!” which emphasises on rock music only. This magazine appeals to a wider range because of its indication towards a combination of genres which are features across the DPS rather than only highlighting one main article. It works well as it produces a good suggestion as to what is featured across the page, which attracts the reader to read the article rather than to just flick the page and ignore it.