Level 2 photographs

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Page 1: Level 2 photographs
Page 2: Level 2 photographs

Angle:The angle in the picture is straight – it does not look up or down on any of the people in the picture.

Picture 1Focus:The picture is focused on the three men in the middle – presumably the winning team of the match – while the losing team are unfocused. This could be to signify the blue team’s status as winners and the red team’s as losers.

Lighting:The main body of the picture is brightly lit, fitting the seemingly happy scene. However, this contrasts with the night sky in the top third of the picture.

Positioning:The winning team’s men are positioned in the middle of the picture, meaning the viewer’s eyes are drawn to them first. On the other hand, the red team are positioned in the outside of the picture, so you notice them after the red team.

Rule of Thirds:The picture partially obeys the rule of thirds. It has something to catch the eye in each third vertically; with the main attraction of the picture in the middle.

Category:Sports News

Purpose:To be used in a newspaper article.

Meaning:This picture is intended to make it clear that the red team lost, and the blue team won.

Page 3: Level 2 photographs
Page 4: Level 2 photographs

Picture 2Angle:This picture has been taken from a high angle, but not high enough to make any of the people in it seem insignificant or weak. The angle is also very wide, giving a view of the entire room.




Rule of Thirds:This picture obeys the rule of thirds, having something to look at in every part of the image. By the presence of the men in the two sides of the image and the coffins in the middle, it is also clearly divided into thirds.

There is no specific point of focus in the picture; everything in it is in focus. This suggests that the viewer should take notice of the entire picture, coinciding with the wide angle used to take it.

The lighting in the picture is centrally focused, creating deep, eye-catching shadows underneath the coffins. This serves to draw the viewer’s attention to the center of the picture, but does not discourage them from looking around.

The various objects in the picture are positioned so that there is something to look at in every part of the picture, while maintaining a focus on the middle of the picture. This appears to have been done so people will examine every part of the picture, instead of just one area. This coincides with the wide-angle of the shot and the spread out focus.


Purpose:To be used in a newspaper article/report.

Meaning:The picture here is of a killing outside a nightclub in England, and was used as part of a report on the incident.

Page 5: Level 2 photographs
Page 6: Level 2 photographs

Picture 3Angle:The low angle used serves to add a feeling of drama to the picture, which fits the subject of two people standing on top of a flooded house. The angle also encourages people to look around the picture.




Rule of Thirds:The picture clearly follows the rule of thirds, with the main attraction of the two people standing on the roof in the left third. On the right are several large trees, and in the middle background is a second house.

The focus is spread across everything in frame in this picture. This makes sense due to the picture being of an overall ‘scene’, as it allows people to look at the entire thing instead of just one part of it.

The not-too-bright lighting serves to make the various parts of the picture clear and easy to look at, but is not strong enough to affect the mood of the picture. If it were slightly darker it would contribute to the depressing nature of the picture.

The positioning in the picture provides emphasis on the flooding. It shows another house in the background, with trees and a bridge for scale. It gives a feeling of wide-spread despair, as if the flood is everywhere.


Purpose:A newspaper article picture.

Meaning:This picture is of a large-scale flood that happened in America, and was used in various newspapers and other news articles.

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Page 8: Level 2 photographs

Picture 4Angle:The angle in this picture is fairly level. It gives a flat view of the two women in the picture.




Rule of Thirds:This picture does not follow the rule of thirds. The contents of the picture are all over the place, and the most eyecatching part of the picture is the pink on the woman on the right’s bag.

This picture has clearly been taken in a rush, due to the fact that it is completely out of focus.

The picture has very poor lighting, which impedes the viewer’s ability to see. This adds to the impression of the picture being rushed.

The two women take up the entire picture. The woman on the right’s handbag is only half in the picture, which looks quite strange.

Category:Fashion News

Purpose:This picture was likely taken to be used in tabloid newspapers.

Meaning:This picture is of two fashion models. From their stances in the picture, they don’t look like they want to have pictures taken of them, but are unwilling to do anything about it.

Page 9: Level 2 photographs
Page 10: Level 2 photographs

Picture 5Angle:The angle of the picture is seemingly slightly lopsided, which combined with the people’s tilted heads looks a bit strange.




Rule of Thirds:This picture does not follow the rule of thirds. The first picture’s main attraction – the man – is in the middle of the picture and not on any thirds. This is slightly better in the second picture.

The focus is poor and undirected, suggesting the picture was taken in a rush.

The man in the center’s face is greatly overexposed in the first picture, which causes the viewer’s eye to be drawn to the man in the back left. This is likely not intentional, and could be a result of the picture’s rushed nature.

Due to the fact this picture was taken in a hurry, the positioning of the various parties is poor. The man in the center only draws your attention for a second, before your eyes go to the man in the top left and then the top right.


Purpose:The picture looks like it was taken in a rush by a reporter, suggesting it would have been used in a magazine or news report.

Meaning:In the second picture, the two men appear to be looking for something on the street.

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Page 12: Level 2 photographs

Picture 6Angle:The angle in this picture is straight, intended to give a good view of the woman in the picture.




Rule of Thirds:This picture perfectly follows the rule of thirds. The woman is standing in the left horizontal third of the picture, and your eye is immediately drawn to her as soon as you see the picture.

The focus is spread around the whole picture instead of just on the woman, allowing the viewer to observe the sand and waves.

The picture is brightly lit, the lighting coming from behind the woman giving her an almost angelic appearance.

The woman is positioned in the left of the picture, standing in front of the sea, with waves crashing behind her. The sun is behind her, which gives her good illumination.


Purpose:This picture would be put in fashion magazines.

Meaning:The picture would probably be used as a front cover for a fashion magazine.

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Page 14: Level 2 photographs

Picture 7Angle:This picture has been shot from a 90 degree angle, giving a view of the side of the model.




Rule of Thirds:This picture follows the rule of thirds. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the man’s jawline and then his face, which is in the upper left third.

The focus is on the man. The white background is out of focus, and there is nothing else in the picture that draws the viewer’s eye.

This picture has been shot inside of a studio, and therefore will have used artificial lighting. The lighting is positioned so that it illuminates his face and casts a shadow on the rest of his head & neck, which causes the viewer’s eyes to be drawn to his face.

The man is positioned in the center-right of the picture, the picture being big enough to focus on his shirt, hair, and face.


Purpose:This picture would be put in fashion magazines.

Meaning:The picture would probably be used as a picture in a fashion magazine.

Page 15: Level 2 photographs
Page 16: Level 2 photographs

Picture 8Angle:The angle is a close-up on the face of the artist in the picture, making them look large and important.




Rule of Thirds:This picture follows the rule of thirds, as the artist’s face occupies the top right third. It is also present on the edge of the top-left third, and takes up the middle third.

The focus in the picture is directed onto the artist’s face, so all attention will be drawn to them.

The lighting is designed to illuminate the artist and cause your eyes to fall onto them.

The artist is positioned to take up all the space in the picture – they are the only thing you can look at. This gives them a sense of importance.


Purpose:This picture would be on the front cover of an album.

Meaning:The picture would be used as art for an album.

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Page 18: Level 2 photographs

Picture 9Angle:The angle is somewhat lopsided, making the call box stretch away from the viewer.




Rule of Thirds:This picture follows the rule of thirds; the fingers are located in the middle/upper vertical thirds.

The phone box & phone is the center of focus in the picture. Everything else is blurry.

The picture looks like it was taken outside, which would mean the lighting was natural.

The fingers coming out of the telephone box are positioned in the center of the picture so that they are the first thing the viewer sees.


Purpose:This picture was designed to raise awareness of unhygienic phoneboxes.

Meaning:The picture is a metaphor for phonebox buttons. The fingers represent the thousands of other people who have touched the buttons.