adapted from slides by Alan Smith and Paweł Dorofiejczyk . Web Information Systems - 2015 Client Side Programming 1

Lecture 5: Client Side Programming 1

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Page 1: Lecture 5: Client Side Programming 1

adapted from slides by Alan Smith and Paweł Dorofiejczyk.

Web Information Systems - 2015

Client Side Programming 1

Page 2: Lecture 5: Client Side Programming 1

Javascript IntroductionJust an overview


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Javascript Introduction

Javascript is

◦ A prototype-based scripting


◦ Dynamic

◦ Loosely typed

◦ Multi-Paradigm

▫ Object-Oriented

▫ Functional

▫ Imperative

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Javascript Introduction

What’s it Good For?

◦ Web Apps (Client Side)

▫ Provides programmatic access to

certain browser features, your

page's elements, their properties,

and their styles

◦ Server Side

▫ node.js

◦ Databases

▫ MongoDB, CouchDB

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Javascript Introduction

Anything Else?

◦ Scripting

▫ OpenOffice

▫ Adobe CS




◦ Cross-Platform

▫ Enyo

▫ WinJS

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Javascript BasicsHow to use it


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Javascript Basics

Local Variables

Introduce Variables with “var”

◦ var myString = “Hi”;

◦ var myNumber = 1;

◦ var myOtherNumber = 1.1;

◦ var myBoolean = true;

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Don’t Create a

Variable Without

var!This is a Global Variable Declaration.

Don’t do this!

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Javascript Basics

Variable Types


◦ typeof “hi”; // string


◦ typeof []; // object

◦ typeof null; // object

◦ typeof NaN;// number

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Javascript Basics


◦ Are objects

◦ Can be anonymous with reference

stored in a variable

▫ no name necessary

◦ Can create other functions

▫ try not to do this

◦ Are closures

▫ have there own scope

◦ Prototypes

▫ more on this later

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Javascript Basics

Function Syntax

function foo() {

console.log(“hello world”);


is equivalent to the anonymous

var foo = function() {

console.log(“hello world”);


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Javascript Basics

Function Args


◦ always passed by value


◦ passed by reference

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Javascript Basics

Function Args

var test = function(a, b, obj) {

obj.modified = true;



var obj = {};

console.log(obj.modified); // undefined

test(1, 'a', obj);

// { '0': 1, '1': 'a', '2': { modified: true } }

console.log(obj.modified); // true

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Javascript Basics

Function Scope

◦ Static (lexical)

◦ Created only by function

◦ Function arguments becomes part of


◦ Child scope have reference to

parent scope (scope chain)

◦ this is not scope (!!!)

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Javascript Basics

Function Scope

var accumulator = function(x) {

this.sum = (this.sum || 0) + x;

return this.sum;


console.log(accumulator(1)); //1

console.log(accumulator(1)); //2

console.log(accumulator.sum); //undefined

console.log(sum); // 2 !!!

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Javascript Basics

Notes on “this”}

var bar = function(x) {

this.x = x;

return this.x;


} ← this refers to the global scope by default

In the browser, “this” refers to window

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Javascript Basics

Objects◦ Dynamic

◦ non-ordered

◦ key-value pairs

◦ Array access or object access

◦ Iterable

◦ Created in runtime

◦ Object literal {}

◦ No privacy control at object level

◦ Prototypal inheritance

◦ Constructor functions

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Javascript Basics

A Simple Object

◦ var obj = {};

A Little More

◦ var obj = {

name: “Simple Object”


Access via

◦ obj.name

◦ obj[“name”]

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Javascript Basics

Special Operators◦ “+” will also concat two strings

▫ 1 + 2 = 3 (as expected)

▫ “foo”+”bar” = “foobar”

◦ Unary “+” will change type

▫ +”1” = 1

◦ “===” and “!==” should be used

instead of “==” and “!=” as the former

will not attempt type conversion.

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Javascript Basics

More Special Operators ◦ “&&” and “||” can be used outside of

conditionals for smaller, though less

readable code.

▫ “&&” will guard against null refs

return obj && obj.name;

▫ “||” will let you assign values only if

they exist.

var x = name || obj.name;

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The Document Object ModelJavascript in the browser


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In the DOM, everything is a node:◦ The document itself is a document node

◦ All HTML elements are element nodes

◦ All HTML attributes are attribute nodes

◦ Text inside HTML elements are text nodes

◦ Comments are comment nodes


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Programmatically access page


Create new elements by:

◦ var paragraph = document.createElement('p');

◦ paragraph.id = 'content';

◦ paragraph.appendChild(document.createText

Node('Hello, world'));

Don’t forget to add the element to the DOM

◦ document.body.appendChild(paragraph);

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Manipulate them by:

Setting properties

◦ var element =


element.style.color = 'blue';

Calling methods

◦ var firstNode = document.body.childNodes[0];


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Understanding the DOM is important…

But it is verbose, tedious, may not

behave as expected across browsers.

This leads to implementation and

maintainability issues.

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Javascript LibrariesUsable Javascript in the browser


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Javascript Libraries

Popular Libraries

◦ jQuery

◦ Underscore

◦ Backbone

◦ Angular

Let’s take a look at the difference...

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var element =


element.style.color = 'blue';

var firstNode =



Javascript Libraries


var element =$(“#content”);

element.css(“color”, “blue”);

or element.css({color:”blue”})


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Javascript Libraries

$ is the global jQuery object

◦ It has its own properties and methods

$ is also a function you can call

◦ $.getJSON('student-list.php');

Relies heavily upon the familiar CSS selector

syntax and the Composite design pattern

◦ $('.urgent').css({ backgroundColor: 'red', color:

'white' });

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Javascript Libraries

Many methods are both getters and setters,

depending on the parameter(s), or lack thereof

Many of its functions return a jQuery object as

well, which allows method chaining

◦ $("p.neat").addClass("ohmy").show("slow");

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Javascript Libraries

More advanced topics next time...

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Special thanks to:

◦ Alan Smith

◦ Paweł Dorofiejczyk

▫ http://www.slideshare.net/PaweD


