Learn All About, Dogs By:Maddie Whiting

Learn all about dogs by Maddie

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Page 1: Learn all about dogs by Maddie

Learn All About,


By:Maddie Whiting

Page 2: Learn all about dogs by Maddie

1. Introduction 2. Breeds 3. The Indoors 4. The Outdoors 5. Helpful Advice 6. Stray 7. Vet 8. About The Author

Table Of Contents

Page 3: Learn all about dogs by Maddie



Dogs, dogs dogs! If you don't like em, you love em!Your going to learn a ton of facts and turn into a dog expert just like me! That's why I wrote this book for the dog lovers of the world.This book is totally packed with dog information.It's love at first sight! Enjoy!



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Wolves formed together making dogs.Most of the brilliant canines looked a lot like wolves.Some of the most popular breeds of dog would be,the husky, golden retriever, border collie,German shepherd,St.Bernard,and beagle.These playful and sweet animals are lovable but have important jobs.The husky pulled dog sleds with medicine to sick people.The border collie herded sheep. German shepherds were police dogs and very good guard dogs wile St.Bernard's saved people from avalanches.Last but not least the golden retriever and beagle are hunting dogs.


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The indoors is where dogs like to sleep,eat,and rome.It's a place your dog can be lazy when he wants anytime he wants.(That does not mean your dog can go on the coach).So if you don't know what to do your in luck.First off your dog needs somewhere too sleep.If your dog is little don't wast your money buying him a bed! That would be too much work.Don't you think? All you have to do is find an old pillow that nobody uses anymore and voila!You got a dog bed.Now if your dog is medium sized or big,I would get him a pet store bed.So,now you know how to get a pet bed.

The Indoors

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The outdoors is a place too stay active,go on walks,and play.If your dog wants to go outside,before you do anything else,make him feel comfortable.Dog houses are usually at local pet company's.Such as Pet Quarters and Pet Smart. If your dog likes too run away,you should get him a invisible fence.After you contact the company (and they put up those cute little flags)you get an Invisible fence collar.You put this around your dogs neck and always and I mean always remember too take the collar off before walks or your dog will learn the hard way!(-:

The Outdoors



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If you want too take your dog for a walk,you have too get a leash.If your dog loves too run get him a leash where you can control how much leash you give your dog.That way, both you and your dog will be happy.For else, just get a normal leash and you dog will be just as happy.plus,always bring a bag just incase you have to go number 2!!!

continued...... (The Outdoors)

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Getting ready for your dog can be hard work.Here is a helpful list of stuff you will need. *Bed,food/water bowl,a crate,and some chewy toys.you can get these items at pet stores. Choosing the right dog can be tough.But since I am a good person,I will help you throe it.Look at him and ask the owner how big he will get.After you have decided, you can complete the next task. Can you guess?A name! What do you think your dogs name should be?Check his personality. Maybe if he is fast you can name him flash. If he is small you could name him tiny or bitty, but remember to have fun!

Helpful Advice

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Here is hunter my sporty canine scoring some goals for his fans in the backyard.Look at him go!!!!

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You can never have to much beauty sleep! My aunt Lisa's dog spoiled

pooch Diamond getting pedicures and manicures at "pedicures for pups"in Denver.


Aunt Lisa's other dog Pearl lounging on her fuzzy bed in her bedroom.You can never get too much beauty sleep!!!(:




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When you find a dog on the street, you probably don't know what to do.Well I can help you with that!You first take it to the vet and have her check if the dog has a microchip or a collar.A microchip is a chip put into your dogs fur instead of a collar.if it does not have either, you drive around town or anywhere close,with posters of pictures of the lost dog.If no one says It's there dog you have two choices. Either to keep the dog or bring him to a dog shelter.Both go for me but remember to ask a parent first!(:


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Also this is Rosie's puppy goldy.Such a cutie and a sweet heart too!

This is Rosie my uncle Matt's dog getting a nice long drink from the water fountain on a hot summer day.

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Do you know how you go to the doctor?Well to dogs,the vet is like a doctors office. Your dog goes to the vet for shots,fleas,ticks,injures,worms,or as sad as it is, putting your dog down forever.But usually just for a check up. If your dog is worried, comfort him by stroking his neck.But remember, once he is out of there, he's good as new!!!


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Hi! My name is Maddie Whiting.I wrote this book because I love dogs.I have a dog named Sammy Sammy and I have had many adventures and I learned a lot.I wanted to write down what I've learned so I made this book.I hope you love dogs to!!!(-:

About The Author



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