Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

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Page 1: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

Page 2: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

Сomparative analysis of the geographical distribution of petroglyphs of the region have been system systematized on the basis of scientific materials of Kazakhstan and foreign researchers. Theoretical contribution and the potential of tourist geo-archaeological rock paintings have been generalized, as well as the prospects of preserving and international significance of stone monuments have been identified. The broad overview has been done about the recreational and archaeological features and the geographical location of the object, description of the philosophical content and the natural values of the ancient monuments in the tracts of Kungei Tarbagatay, Taskesken and Akperly. The long-term objectives of sustainable development and the formation of the region related to the implementation of the state program of development of tourism industry in Kazakhstan have been defined. The necessity of drawing up tourist and archaeological electronic card of stone pictures of tourist and archeological complex of "Kungei Tarbagatay" has been grounded as a holistic content of an archaeological map of Kazakhstan with the use of digital (digital archeology map) technology «Google Earth».

Keywords: tourist-geo-archaeological potential, petroglyphs, KungeiTarbagatai, recreation, East Kazakhstan, potential, Urdzhar, Taskesken, Akperly, archaeological tourism, geography rock paintings.

Page 3: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

The number of foreign tourists increased in recent years, who visit the unique archaeological sites, so nazyvaemymye «Art Rock tourism». These include petroglyphs "Tamgaly", "Arpa-Uzen", "Tau", "Ak-bauyr" "Eshkiolmes", "Tamgaly Tas", some of which are listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

State policy in the sphere of development of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan has become a key factor and a stimulus for the development of the System Plan the cluster approach regional character, where a special area of interest of foreign experts and scholars are the territory of East Kazakhstan .

We believe that the inclusion of the territory Kungei Tarbagatay, in particular, gorges Akperly, Ush-Bulak (Taskesken), which is a unique monument of the Bronze Age, in the list of priority tourist routes will contribute to the rapid development of international tourism in the region.

Page 4: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

The great Kazakh scientist-educator Ciocan Valikhanov, make a trip to China along the route Novosibirsk-Urdzhar-Chuguchak, visited the mausoleum of "Goats Korpesh and Bayan Sulu". On the way he talked closely with the population he studied the geographical position of the region, assessed the demographic situation, and also studied folklore and etnogorafii.

According to A. Margulan he was aware of the stone figures (blogged about hunters), parking medieval town "Nyman-challah" royal golden path around the mountain slopes Tarbagatai (founders paths are Kazakh batyrs Kabanbai and Ahtamberdy zhyrau) and much more. Trip Ciocan Valikhanov confirms historical site "Shokan tasy" (Stone bench Ciocan), which is located on a hill near the Zhi-tobe s.Makanchi (70 km. From Taskesken).

In archaeological terms prospective academician A. Margulan was once planned an extensive archaeological research expedition to the region "Kung Tarbagatai". Of course, the above mentioned attractions in the region may become a tourist and archaeological site of international scope, and. It Margulan understood.

Page 5: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

Taskeskenskim stone figures were devoted to study materials A.Kozhaev, O.Turgazin, Zh.Shakarimov and G.Kulahmetov. In spite of the collected material, the area does not become the object of scientific and archaeological research.

In 2006 Taskesken petroglyphs steel duplicate objects of attention of initiative groups of T.Musanov, A.Kuatbekuly, M.Kydyrbayuly, F.Muhtarkyzy, A.Muhamedrahimuly et al. Who have committed tourist and local lore expedition. As a result, the material has been collected, which is of great interest.

According Zharkyn Shakarimuly, while still a student, he received a personal endorsement from academic Margulan for the informative material about Taskesken petroglyphs, which were published by him in the sixties and seventies in the media.

Great attention should be given study group of scientists NurkasymovK, Isin A, Tuganov C, G.Omarov, R.Zhumatev through which rich archaeological material of rock paintings "Akperly" was assembled.

Page 6: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

Saturation research resources in the field of stone figures in Kazakhstan and abroad is widely reflected in the works of many scientists: a complex historical and cultural synthesis of past and present (Margulan A. Masson VM Alpysbayev H., Taymagambetov JK) geoarchaeological park and the phenomenon of cultural genesis (Kadyrbaev MK Maryash AN Rogozhinsky AE, AG Medoev, NovozhenovVA Baytileu DA), a mythological space and the intelligent integration of ancient people (Samashev 3.C., Baipakov KM, Okladnikov A.P Akpanbet G. Kubarev VD, Sher YA), the standard configurations of the historical and cultural values of human civilization (Benson LV, VF Seibert , Watchman A., Kifishin AG) multmediynye, empirical and literary sources about Tarbagatai petroglyphs (Shakarima J., B. Қozhaev, Turgazin O. Maldybaev K. Kulahmetov G. Nurkasymov K., A. Yixing, Tuganov C.) and others.

Page 7: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

It should be noted the great value of available materials, and based on many years of analytical experience, has developed in the course of collecting materials and the results obtained. Currently, in our view requires a new interpretation of the wide coverage and comprehensive systematization petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai the example of domestic and foreign science.Tarbagatay ridge extends from the north to the south. Taskeskenskyportion has a small height (Sopka Ak-Shaul 256 m, 178 m Shaulder, Bijka Kyzyl-125 m). From the north-eastern part of the ridge originates river Karakol (184 km.). River full-flowing, clear and drinkable. Around the river are common forest shrub. Mining and scrub of the river rich in flora and fauna. The lower reaches of the river is placed on a semi-desert feather-saline areas. The floodplain of the river and the dam is used for land treatment. The river is rich ichthyo- and avifauna. In the river are found Marina, minnow and carp. Oasis top (of the mountain), the river is a unique ecosystem. In the mountains, there are bear, lynx, beaver, fox, wolf, birds - the eagle, golden eagle, hawk, wild ducks.Rock paintings of ancient people are located 3 kilometers from the tract Taskesken Ush-Bulak. Ush-Bulak is very suitable for grazing. There are several objects agronomic purposes (a few houses, winter facilities for livestock, temporary dwellings for shepherds, herdsmen). Along Ush-Bulak from east northward flowing river with little water .

Page 8: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

According to research scientists first stone figures on the territory of Kazakhstan (Taskesken not only, but also in other places such as Tamgaly, Karatau, Terekty Aulie, Ulytau, Arpauzen, eshki-Holmes and OE) appeared about 4 kDa years ago. This is evidenced by the description of archaeological research in national publications .

All the archaeological sites of the East Kazakhstan made in the archaeological map of Kazakhstan. In this great merit A.Margulan, Baypakov K., K. Akishev, J. Taymagambetov, V.F.Zaybert, Z. Samashev, AN Maryashev. An analysis of research materials related to the petroglyphs, showed that "taskesken petroglyphs" are not included in the list of the objects. On the archaeological map of Kazakhstan are also no data on petroglyphs Tracts "Altyn-Emel" (Almaty region, Panfilov district, Zharkent).

According to research data, the coastal zone of the river Irtysh is an ancient abode of representatives of the Stone Age. In the works of M. Hraznov (archaeological evidence Irtysh, stone artifacts, cave, parking), J. Taymagambetov (Kozybai parking, a settlement near the river Kalgutty, artifacts of the Stone Age) as well as the fundamental works and Z. Samashev V.F.Zaybert about ancient migrations pastoralists in Kazakhstan give reason that Taskesken and other areas have become the object of attention of the ancient herdsmen .

Page 9: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

The favorable climate, rich flora and fauna have become a decisive factor for the intensive development of these areas, mainly for the expansion of livestock farming geography. Stone caves inhabited by representatives of the Stone Age (ridges Kalba, Saur-Tarbagatay) and tributaries of the Irtysh (Bukhtarma, Kurchum, Oba, Ulba, Ball), provided a favorable soil and vegetation (mountain-steppe oasis) for the economic activities of ancient people (parking Koytas, channel Zhelezinka, Ablaketka, Nurmambet, Zevakino, Kokdombak other Andronovo village).Surprisingly, nature is preserved in the form of a first edited. Little River originates not from glacial peaks Tarbagatai, and from the spring. The water in the spring is clear and drinkable. Along the river grows many kinds of shrubs: wild cherry (moyyl), raspberries, currants, great abundance of wild apple trees, different kinds of berries. The favorable atmosphere creates an unusual comfort for travelers.One of the unique objects, which came to the attention of our observation, is a tourist and archeological complex "Akperly". Rock carvings that are common in the mountainous hills of the central part of the range Tarbagatai, are poorly studied archaeological site of the Stone Age. The presence of diverse species and ideogramnogo totemic nature of the sample of the Bronze Age petroglyphs may be subject to the tourist recreation and scientific research of international importance.

Page 10: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

On the one hand Taskeskens region was selected pastoralists artists as a place for summer pastures, and on the other hand, as the best relief for the realization of creative and fine arts. Ancient artists lived in these parts temporarily. It is evident that they were here mostly in warm seasons. Lush mountain the covering-grove and optimal land cover area indicate loss in the region of maximum rainfall (from 350 to 88 mm a year).

Tract Ush-Bulak is located between small hills. Soil and vegetation around the hill is a unique and picturesque natural environment. Along the nameless river grows dense bush. There are several varieties of trees and shrubs. In some areas there are mountain scenery small cave, but suitable for temporary housing.

Place of stay and location of the ancient artists in the area of Ush-Bulak was associated with the development of livestock farming in the region. The organization of economic activity largely depends on the annual cyclical nature and climatic conditions. As we know, the ancient herdsmen in the summer was removed cattle to the foot of the mountain ranges (dzhaylyau), and in the winter - in the semi-desert or steppe wind zone (kystau)

Page 11: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

By the researchers, these places for "taskeskenovtsev" served not only skotovedchesko and economic base, but have cultural and mythological significance. In the story of the stone figures, you can see that there was an ancient human belief in svehestestvennye force. The drawings are mostly zoomorphic and natural associative character. Among them special place takes the image of the camel and deer with seven horns.Deep worship the mighty power of the animal world as the beginning of human protototemisticheskoe worldview, artists used to transfer the achievements and traditions of his generation. [9] It follows from this that the ancient people, for various reasons (natural disasters, the movement of tectonic plates, earthquakes, fires, droughts, floods), eating meat processing skins and bones of wild animals perceive these phenomena as a gift of supernatural forces.These first religious and mythological ideas formed in their midst not only cultic traditions of ancient totemic "architects", but enabled the emergence of the empirical concepts of philosophical and religious ideas about the world in the form of stone monuments.Taskeskenskie petroglyphs spread out at the foot of the ridge Tarbagatai (near s.Uch-Bulak) in three ways:1. South-east direction;2. The central direction;3. North-eastern direction.1. South-east direction.

Page 12: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

One of the main attractions Kungei Tarbagatai a mountain-landscape of tourist and archeological complex "Akperly". Members of the scientific ekpspeditsii (Nurkasymov K Yixing A Tuganov C et al.), Who visited this place in the summer of 2015, found many unique stone figures, which differ from other petroglyphs of Kazakhstan a variety of genres of religious and philosophical direction.

Tourist and archaeological complex is a complex of historical and cultural site, where the concentrated spiritual, moral, social and household values, testifying empericheskom and totemic worldview inhabitants of the area of the Bronze Age.

Ancient haven chosen by chance. Custom mountain and inaccessible terrain, accompanied by steep slopes and rocky boulders, combined with the amazing wild landscapes edge. Semantics iconic ideograms, declaring the unity of thought and remarkable similarity of the stone textual information to confirm the existence of parallel geographical Harel on the territory of the Eurasian continent. Akperly (translated means Holy hill) is located near the city Urzhar. The absolute height of the hill sostavlyaetya 1450 m above sea level. Acute and rectangular stone walls, curved elongated angle, complicate access to the location where you saved the unique rock carvings.

Page 13: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

Given simmitrichnost and Parallel rod petroglyphs location, it can be stated that the stone figures repeated mythological representations of ancient man and have a common bond and concepts that are often found in remote areas of Kazakhstan and beyond.

Akperly tract is a complex and unique archaeological ensemble. Central to it devoted a holy place, where briefly reflects historical, cultural and religious and mythological events of the ancient world. Stone stele, especially on the perimeter beaten off strong red-hot stove, ottrazhaet the most important events of the era. It is emphasized and everyday life, traditions of hunting and hiking, religious holidays, wildlife and plants, vzvimootnosheniya man with nature and the cosmos.

The centerpiece of the ensemble aspires to the role of religious and mythological site titled "Map of the World."Huge stone slabs "Koi-tas" Stella "Kabyrga-tas" with surprising similarity is repeated almost all the semantic concept of worldview of the ancient people of the tracts "Terekty Aulie", “Eshki-Holmes", "Tau", "Ulytau", "Altyn Emel " and etc.

Page 14: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

As a result of the analysis, we believe that the region should be subject to comprehensive and systematic study on the part of government agencies and international scientific communities. Draw public attention to the solution of the urgent problems arising from the main content of our research:- Development of tourist and archaeological electronic card stone figures of tourist and archeological complex "Kung Tarbagatai" as a holistic content Archaeological map of Kazakhstan with the of use of digital (digital archeology Map) «Google Earth» technology;- Legal and consulting support activities for making petroglyphs "Ush Bulak", "Akperly" the Official List of the UNESCO sites;- Implementation of research results in the educational programs of modernization standard Bolonga Process to correct the condition in ArcGIS format;- Ordering of existing knowledge on the basis of reliable information and fundamental works in the field of study of the petroglyphs, pictograms, Runes, totems and other areas of archaeological science;- Organization of tourist and local lore expeditions and environmental events on the basis of the youth and students of

specially created programs on the basis of the state and the strategic initiative of public institutions;- The involvement of international financial institutions and representatives of major investment projects for infrastructure development in the region;- Preparation of the Draft Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the status of tourist and archaeological complex Kungei Tarbagatai";- Inclusion of tourist and archeological complex "Kung Tarbagatai" in priorietnye directions of development of the tourist cluster of East Kazakhstan;- Creation of an archaeological museum, an electronic database, bibliographic catalogs, publication of collections of works of representatives of scientific and public schools for the purpose of wide propaganda and expansion of ties in the scientific

Page 15: Kungei Tarbagatai in East Kazakhstan

Muhamedrahim Kursabaev, Alyia Ayapbekova, Arman Demeuov. Tourists and geoarchaelogical potential petroglyphs Kungei Tarbagatai, Astana 19.05.2016

As a result of the analysis, we believe that the region should be subject to comprehensive and systematic study on the part of government agencies and international scientific communities. Draw public attention to the solution of the urgent problems arising from the main content of our research:- Development of tourist and archaeological electronic card stone figures of tourist and archeological complex "Kung Tarbagatai" as a holistic content Archaeological map of Kazakhstan with the of use of digital (digital archeology Map) «Google Earth» technology;- Legal and consulting support activities for making petroglyphs "Ush Bulak", "Akperly" the Official List of the UNESCO sites;- Implementation of research results in the educational programs of modernization standard Bolonga Process to correct the condition in ArcGIS format;- Ordering of existing knowledge on the basis of reliable information and fundamental works in the field of study of the petroglyphs, pictograms, Runes, totems and other areas of archaeological science;- Organization of tourist and local lore expeditions and environmental events on the basis of the youth and students of

specially created programs on the basis of the state and the strategic initiative of public institutions;- The involvement of international financial institutions and representatives of major investment projects for infrastructure development in the region;- Preparation of the Draft Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the status of tourist and archaeological complex Kungei Tarbagatai";- Inclusion of tourist and archeological complex "Kung Tarbagatai" in priorietnye directions of development of the tourist cluster of East Kazakhstan;- Creation of an archaeological museum, an electronic database, bibliographic catalogs, publication of collections of works of representatives of scientific and public schools for the purpose of wide propaganda and expansion of ties in the scientific