PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & & FITNESS FITNESS Stay Active = Stay Healthy Stay Active = Stay Healthy A message to A message to Parents Parents ! ! By: By: Kesley Dean Kesley Dean KINS. 377 KINS. 377

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The importance of physical activity

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FITNESS FITNESS……Stay Active = Stay HealthyStay Active = Stay Healthy

A message to A message to ParentsParents!!


Kesley DeanKesley Dean

KINS. 377KINS. 377

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The Importance of Physical ActivityThe Importance of Physical Activity

The Surgeon General’s report on physical activity and health emphasizes that The Surgeon General’s report on physical activity and health emphasizes that regular participation in moderate physical activity is an essential component of regular participation in moderate physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle.a healthy lifestyle.

When kids are active, their bodies can do the things they want and need them When kids are active, their bodies can do the things they want and need them to do. Why? Because regular exercise provides these benefits:to do. Why? Because regular exercise provides these benefits:

• Strong muscles and bones

• Weight control

• Decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes

• Better sleep

• A better outlook on life

Healthy, physically active kids also are more likely to be academically Healthy, physically active kids also are more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful. And physical competence builds self-esteem motivated, alert, and successful. And physical competence builds self-esteem at every age.at every age.

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Physical Activity Vs. Physical Physical Activity Vs. Physical Education Education

Physical Activity and Physical Education are Physical Activity and Physical Education are NOTNOT the same thing. the same thing.

Physical ActivityPhysical Activity is a is a behaviorbehavior

Physical EducationPhysical Education is part of a school’s curriculum that leads to is part of a school’s curriculum that leads to

remaining physically active for a lifetime.remaining physically active for a lifetime.

Although these terms are not the same, they are extremely intertwined Although these terms are not the same, they are extremely intertwined with one another…with the promotion of physical education, children with one another…with the promotion of physical education, children will be more susceptible to engaging in physical activity throughout will be more susceptible to engaging in physical activity throughout their entire life their entire life

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Physical Activity Needs Physical Physical Activity Needs Physical EducationEducation

In order to promote physical activity within someone’s lifestyle, children need Physical Education. By becoming “Physically Educated” children can ultimately remain physically active throughout their lifetime.

The need for physical education connects to the overall need for physical activity

Why children need Physical Education:

Regular, Healthful physical activity Skill Development Improved physical fitness Reinforcement of other subjects Self-discipline Goal Setting Leadership & Cooperation Enhanced self-efficiency Stress Reduction Strengthened peer relationships

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Are Children Today Physically Are Children Today Physically Active?Active?

Only about one-half of U.S young people (ages 12 to 21yrs.) regularly participate in vigorous physically activity. One-fourth report No vigorous physically activity.

About 14% of young people report NO recent vigorous or light to moderate physical activity

Participation in all types of physical activity declines strikingly as age or grade in school increases

The percentage of high school students who were enrolled in physical education and who reported being physically active for at least 20 minutes in physical education classes declined from approximately 81 to 70 percent during the first half of the 1990’s

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The Problem:The Problem: Although regular physical activity enhances health and reduces the risk for all-Although regular physical activity enhances health and reduces the risk for all-

cause mortality and the development of many chronic diseases among adults, cause mortality and the development of many chronic diseases among adults, many adults remain sedentary.many adults remain sedentary.

Although young people are more active than adults are many young people do Although young people are more active than adults are many young people do not engage in recommended levels of physical activity In addition, physical not engage in recommended levels of physical activity In addition, physical activity declines precipitously with age among adolescents Comprehensive activity declines precipitously with age among adolescents Comprehensive school health programs have the potential to slow this age-related decline in school health programs have the potential to slow this age-related decline in physical activity and help students establish lifelong, healthy physical activity physical activity and help students establish lifelong, healthy physical activity patternspatterns

Given the numerous health benefits of physical activity, the hazards of being Given the numerous health benefits of physical activity, the hazards of being inactive are clear. Physical inactivity is a serious, nationwide problem. Its scope inactive are clear. Physical inactivity is a serious, nationwide problem. Its scope poses a public health challenge for reducing the national burden of poses a public health challenge for reducing the national burden of unnecessary illness and premature death.unnecessary illness and premature death.

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Statistics Show…Statistics Show… Although children and adolescents are more physically active than adults, Although children and adolescents are more physically active than adults,

many young people do not engage in moderate or vigorous physical activity at many young people do not engage in moderate or vigorous physical activity at

least 3 days a week, For example, among high school students, only least 3 days a week, For example, among high school students, only 52% of girls and 74% of boys reported that they reported that they exercised vigorously on at least 3 of the week. Physical activity among both girls and boys tends to Physical activity among both girls and boys tends to

decline steadily during adolescence. For example, decline steadily during adolescence. For example, 69% of young people 12–13 years of age but only 38% of those 18–21 years of age of age

exercised vigorously on at least on at least 3 of the preceding 7 days and and 72% of 9th-grade students but only 55% of 12th grade students engaged in this level of physical activity.engaged in this level of physical activity.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study shows that while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study shows that while the great majority of schools do provide physical education, the amount of class great majority of schools do provide physical education, the amount of class minutes per week in most schools does not meet national recommendations.minutes per week in most schools does not meet national recommendations.

According to the CDC’s School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS) According to the CDC’s School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS) 2006, 2006, only 4% of elementary schools, 8% of middle schools and and 2% of high schools provide daily physical education for all grades for the entire school provide daily physical education for all grades for the entire school year. Overall, year. Overall, 22 % of schools did not require students to take any physical education.

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Health Benefits from Health Benefits from Physical ActivityPhysical Activity

Regular physical activity that is performed on most days of the week reduces the risk of developing or dying from some of the leading causes of illness and death in the United States. Regular physical activity improves health in the following ways:

Reduces the risk of dying prematurely. Reduces the risk of dying from heart disease. Reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure. Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure. Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer. Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety. Helps control weight. Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints. Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling. Promotes psychological well-being.

Images from: http://www.fotosearch.com/clip-art/physical-activity_2.html

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More Benefits of Physical ActivityMore Benefits of Physical Activity

When kids are active, their bodies can do the things they want and need them to do. Why? Because regular exercise provides these benefits:

Strong muscles and bones

Weight control

Decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes

Better sleep

A better outlook on life

Healthy, physically active kids also are more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful. And physical competence builds self-esteem at every age.

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Characteristics of a Quality P.E ProgramCharacteristics of a Quality P.E Program Although the main focus is to promote physical activity, developing quality physical education within schools

will provide people with a lasting need to implement physical activity within their life.

A Quality P.E Program Includes:A Quality P.E Program Includes:

Time (At least 150 Min. each Week)

Class Size (Should be the same as the number of a classroom) Sequential, Developmental Curriculum Minimum of 50% MVPA (Students should be have 50% of Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity) Plenty of Practice Opportunities (Practice makes Perfect!) High Rates of Success (Teachers should make lessons & activities that students are able to succeed in) Positive Developmental Environment (The P.E class should be positive and encouraging)

Teacher Background (Having a quality, experienced, and knowledgeable teacher is very important!) Realistic Expectations (Don’t overestimate a students potential when only a small amount of time is given) Adequate Equipment and Facilities (Each P.E program should have equipment for every student) Enjoyable (Children should forward to coming to P.E class Psychomotor, Cognitive, and Affective Domains (Students should be able to complete physical tasks and work

cooperatively in every kind of setting and activity as well as be able to recall information.

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Recommendations for School & Community Support Promoting Physical Activity

1. Policy: Establish policies that promote enjoyable, lifelong physical activity among young people.

2. Environment: Provide physical and social environments that encourage and enable safe and enjoyable physical activity.

3. Physical education: Implement physical education curricula and instruction that emphasize enjoyable participation in physical activity and that help students develop the knowledge, attitudes, motor skills, behavioral skills, and confidence needed to adopt and maintain physically active lifestyles.

4. Health education: Implement health education curricula and instruction that help students develop the knowledge, attitudes, behavioral skills, and confidence needed

5. Extracurricular activities: Provide extracurricular physical activity programs that meet the needs and interests of all students.

6. Parental involvement: Include parents and guardians in physical activity instruction and in extracurricular and community physical activity programs, and encourage them to support their children’s participation in enjoyable physical activities.

7. Personnel training: Provide training for education, coaching, recreation, healthcare, and other school and community personnel that imparts the knowledge and skills needed to effectively promote enjoyable, lifelong physical activity among young people.

8. Health services: Assess physical activity patterns among young people, counsel them about physical activity, refer them to appropriate programs, and advocate for physical activity instruction and programs for young people.

9. Community programs: Provide a range of developmentally appropriate community sports and recreation programs that are attractive to all young people.

10. Evaluation: Regularly evaluate school and community physical activity instruction.

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NSPE StandardsNSPE StandardsNational Standards for Physical Education

Physical activity is critical to the development and maintenance of good health. The goal of physical education is to develop physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.

A physically educated person:

Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity.

Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction ..

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Enhancing Physical ActivityEnhancing Physical Activity Programs that provide students with the knowledge, attitudes, motor skills, behavioral

skills, and confidence to participate in physical activity may establish active lifestyles among young people that continue into and throughout their adult lives.

These programs can promote physical activity by establishing physical activity policies:

Providing physical and social environments that enable safe and enjoyable participation in physical activity;

Implementing planned and sequential physical education and health education curricula and instruction from kindergarten through 12th grade;

Providing extracurricular physical activity programs;

Including parents and guardians in physical activity instruction and programs;

Providing personnel training in methods to effectively promote physical activity;

Providing health services that encourage and support physical activity;

Providing community-based sports and recreation programs;

Evaluating school and community physical activity instruction, programs, and facilities.

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WHAT TO DO…AND WHAT NOT TO DOWHAT TO DO…AND WHAT NOT TO DOThis physical activity can be a great guide to showing your kids a few physical

activities as well a few activities that they should stay away from.


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Moderate to Vigorous ActivitiesModerate to Vigorous Activities

Racking Leaves for 30 Min.

Jumping RopeFor 15 Min.

Shoveling Snow For 15 Min.

Dancing Fast (Socially)

For 30 Min.Bicycling

4 Miles in 15 Min.

Walking StairsFor 15 Min.

Swimming Laps For 20 Min.

Playing Touch FootballFor 30-45 Min.

Playing BasketballFor 30 Min.

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What Can Be Done At Home?What Can Be Done At Home? There is a lot to gain from regular physical activity, but how do you encourage kids to do it? The There is a lot to gain from regular physical activity, but how do you encourage kids to do it? The

three three keys are:keys are:

1. Choosing the right activities for a child's age: If you don't, the child may be bored or frustrated.

2. Giving kids plenty of opportunity to be active: Kids need parents to make activity easy by providing equipment and taking them to playgrounds and other active spots.

3. Keeping the focus on fun: Kids won't do something they don't enjoy.

When kids enjoy an activity, they want to do more of it. Practicing a skill — whether it's When kids enjoy an activity, they want to do more of it. Practicing a skill — whether it's swimming or riding a tricycle — improves their abilities and helps them feel accomplished, swimming or riding a tricycle — improves their abilities and helps them feel accomplished, especially when the effort is noticed and praised. These good feelings often make kids want to especially when the effort is noticed and praised. These good feelings often make kids want to continue the activity and even try others.continue the activity and even try others.

* Also at home set an example for your child; don’t just suggest and motivate them to be physically active, do it yourself too!! Show your children that adults need to be physically active as well so that they will continue to incorporate physical fitness into their life forever! And it won’t hurt you to get that heart pumping either!!

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Why We Need Your HelpWhy We Need Your Help Comprehensive school health programs have the potential to slow this age-related decline

in physical activity and help students establish lifelong, healthy physical activity patterns

Schools and communities have the potential to improve the health of young people by providing instruction, programs, and services that promote enjoyable, lifelong physical activity

Schools are an efficient vehicle for providing physical activity instruction and programs because they reach most children and adolescents.

Within the school, efforts to promote physical activity among students should be part of a coordinated, comprehensive school health program, which is “an integrated set of planned, sequential, and school-affiliated strategies, activities, and services

This coordinated program should include health education; physical education; health services; school counseling and social services; nutrition services; the psychosocial and biophysical environment; faculty and staff health promotion; and integrated efforts of

schools, families, and communities

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Parents can help their children maintain a physically active lifestyle by providing encouragement and opportunities for physical activity. Family events can include opportunities for everyone in the family to be active.

A Statement for Health Professionals by the Committee on Exercise and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the Council on Clinical Cardiology, American Heart Association:

Parents must know the health benefits of regular physical activity and how exercise contributes to quality of life in order to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives and those of all family members. Moreover, parents should teach their children that proper physical activity is a fundamental part of normal healthy living. This commitment provides an incentive, sets an example, and creates in children a positive attitude toward physical activity. Parents and other family members must support each other's exercise habits by sharing responsibilities such as child care, food preparation, and shopping. Families at high risk for cardiovascular disease benefit from structured programs focused on specific health-behavior changes.

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……More Help from ParentsMore Help from Parents

Preschoolers: Preschoolers need play and exercise that helps them continue to develop important motor skills — they need to be taught the basics of skill themes and movement concepts. Organized and team sports are not recommended until they're a little older. Preschoolers can't understand complex rules and often lack the attention span, skills, and coordination needed to play sports.

School-age: With school-age kids spending more time on sedentary pursuits like watching TV and playing computer games, the challenge for parents is to help them find physical activities they enjoy and feel successful doing. These can range from traditional sports like baseball and basketball to Scouting, biking, camping, hiking, and other outdoor pursuits. As kids get older, differences in ability and personality become more apparent. Commitment and interest level often go along with ability, which is why it's important to find an activity that's right for your child. Schedules start getting busy during these years, but don't forget to set aside some time for free play.

Teenagers: Teens have many choices when it comes to being active — from school sports to after-school interests, such as yoga or skateboarding. It's important to remember that physical activity must be planned and often has to be sandwiched between various responsibilities and commitments. Do what you can to make it easy for your teen to exercise by providing transportation and the necessary gear or equipment (including workout clothes). In some cases, the right clothes and shoes might help a shy teen feel comfortable biking or going to the gym.

Parents: Every age group of children require something different when trying to promote physical activity.

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What Children Will LearnWhat Children Will Learn

• From becoming physically active in the early From becoming physically active in the early ages of their lives, children will implement ages of their lives, children will implement physical fitness as a part of their lifestyle.physical fitness as a part of their lifestyle.

• Learning about nutrition and standards Learning about nutrition and standards recommended by professional associations and recommended by professional associations and services will guide them in the right direction to services will guide them in the right direction to being physically and mentally healthy and fit being physically and mentally healthy and fit throughout their entire lives.throughout their entire lives.

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Ways to Motivate!Ways to Motivate!Weiss’s Ten Commandments for Maximizing Motivation Commandment Principles:

1. Focus on teaching and practicing skills: maximize equipment, facilities, instructors; don’t introduce competitive play too early; make sure it’s fun – provide variety.

2. Modify skills and activities: sequential progressions; modify space, equipment, rules; match the activity to the child, not the child to the activity.

3. Realistic expectations for each child: individual learning rates and goals.

4. Become an excellent demonstrator: lots of “show and tell”; repeated demonstrations; multiple angles.

5. Catch kids doing things correctly: compliment, instruct, and encourage; provide optimal challenge as a follow-up.

6. Reduce kids’ fears of trying skills: provide an encouraging atmosphere – performance errors are part of the learning process; reduce fears of getting hurt – show how you’ve ensured safety; show empathy.

7. KISS: Keep instructions short and simple; maximize practice and playing time.

8. Be enthusiastic: It’s contagious! smile, interact, listen.

9. Build character: Be a role model; identify and take advantage of teachable moments.

10. Let children make some choices: Involve them in the decision-making process; ask questions.

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ReferencesReferences“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” Guidelines for School and Community Programs to

Promote Lifelong Physical Activity Among Young People. MMWR 1997;46(No. RR-6): 1-29.

March 23, 2009. ftp://ftp.cdc.gov/pub/Publications/mmwr/rr/rr4606.pdf

Graham, George, Shirley A. Holt.Hale, and Melissa Parker. “Children Moving: A Reflective Approach to Teaching Physical Education”. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007. 4-10.

“President’s Council for Physical Education and Sports Research Digest.” Motivating Kids in

Physical Activity. 2000. Series: 3, Vol. 11. 1-6. March 23, 2009. http://www.fitness.gov/digest900.pdf

“Moving into the Future: National Standards for Physical Education”. National Standards for Physical Education. 2nd Ed. March 23, 2009.
