Teaching Excellence Framework at Middlesex

Keynote 1: 'TEF at Middlesex' by Jacqui Boddington

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Teaching Excellence Framework at Middlesex

Page 2: Keynote 1: 'TEF at Middlesex' by Jacqui Boddington

© Middlesex University

Success as a Knowledge Economy: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice (May 2016)

— Introduction of a Teaching Excellence Framework

— Link to fees

— Office for Students

— Easier entrance for new providers

— Publication of student intake data by gender, ethnicity and social background

— Switching universities

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© Middlesex University

Teaching Excellence Framework

— TEF Year OneProviders meeting an existing satisfactory quality assessment will automatically achieve a rating of ‘Meets Expectations’ for 2016–17 and will be able to raise fees with inflation from 2017–18.

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Teaching Excellence Framework

— TEF Year TwoProviders meeting baseline quality thresholds will automatically achieve a rating of ‘Meets Expectations’.

For higher ratings, a full assessment process is required.

Assessments will take place during autumn and winter of 2016–17. Judgements will be available for the 2017–18 admissions cycle with institutions able to increase fees with inflation from 2018–19.

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Teaching Excellence Framework

— TEF Year ThreeProviders meeting baseline requirements will automatically achieve a rating of ‘Meets Expectations’.

TEF 3 will be subject to lessons learned from TEF 2 and will see the- introduction of a differential fee cap

- the incorporation of new metrics

- piloting of discipline level assessments

This award will inform the 2018–19 cycle for admission to 2019–20.

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© Middlesex University

Teaching Excellence Framework

— TEF Year FourSubject to lessons learned from TEF 3, discipline level assessments will be introduced.

Taught postgraduate students may be included.

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© Middlesex University

Eligibility requirements

— Having passed a recent quality assessment review

— Demonstrating a commitment to widening participation

— TEF 1, 2 and 3: Any provider who opts to apply for TEF and meets the baseline quality threshold will achieve at least 'meets expectations'

— For higher ratings, institutions need to undergo the full assessment process

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Assessment Framework

— Technical Consultation

— Combination of core set of quantitative metrics and supporting evidence provided by institutions

— Metrics for TEF 2:• NSS (Questions 1-4, 5-9, 10-12)• non-continuation rates (HESA)• employment/further study outcomes (DLHE)

— Institutional evidence should focus on the ‘impact and effectiveness’ of teaching

— Metrics and institutional submission considered by assessment panels

— Additional metrics considered for TEF 3

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© Middlesex University

The assessment framework – model (BIS)

Aspect of quality

Areas of teaching and learning quality

Teaching Quality Learning Environment Student Outcomes and Learning Gain

CriteriaStatements that identify what assessors will be looking for


Teaching Quality criteria Learning Environment criteria Student Outcomes and Learning Gain criteria


The evidence base that will be used to form a judgement against the criteria, made up of core metrics and additional evidence

In future years this may be expanded to include further metrics, e.g. teaching intensity or HMRC data.


Core metrics

National Student Survey (Q 1-4 – teaching on course; Q 5-9 – assessment and feedback)

National Student Survey (Q 10-12 – academic support)

Retention/continuation (HESA)


Employment/destination (DLHE)

Potential highly-skilled jobs metric

Additional evidence (provider submission) 

Statement of findings

Description of performance in each aspect Teaching Quality statement of findings

Learning Environment statement of findings

Student Outcomes and Learning Gain statement of findings

Possible Commendations

Overall outcome

TEF ratingTEF Rating

Page 10: Keynote 1: 'TEF at Middlesex' by Jacqui Boddington

© Middlesex University

TEF Awards

— 'Meets expectations': a higher education provider meets national expectations […] reflecting areas covered in a quality review.

— 'Excellent': a provider demonstrates excellent teaching, learning and student outcomes, building on national expectations for quality and standards.

— 'Outstanding': a provider demonstrates outstanding teaching, learning and student outcomes, building on national expectations for quality and standards.

Awards will be valid for three years, provided an institution submitted three years of metrics.

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© Middlesex University


— For distinction in particular areas of practice

— Details are subject to outcomes of Technical Consultation

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© Middlesex University

TEF panels

— Individuals with HE expertise

— Students or their representatives

— Employer representatives

— TEF officers

— Metrics/analytics experts

— Guidance for panels to be based on outcomes of Technical Consultation for TEF 2

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© Middlesex University

Link to UG home/EU student fees

— ‘Meets expectation’ - inflationary increase by RPI rate

— Differential increases linked to ratings from 2019/20

— Confirmed in July for new and continuing students

— Middlesex is on HEFCE list of eligible providers for 2017/18 increase

— Fee increases require approval by Board of Governors

— Working with Students’ Union to ensure any increases improve experience and outcomes

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TEF 2 illustrative metrics for Middlesex

— Average over the most recent three years of available data

— Benchmarked to take into account characteristics of student intake

— Reported separately for key groups and characteristics

— Non-continuation for FT students beneath benchmark – red flag

— Non-continuation for PT students above benchmark – green flag

— Highly skilled employment for PT above benchmark – green flag

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Middlesex Institutional Submission

— Focus on measures put in place to improve continuation and retention

— Emphasis on sector-leading practice in peer learning

— Assessment and feedback practice which has led to above sector scores in the National Student Survey

— Free E-book scheme (nominated for THE award)

— HER commendation on the use of Tableau data in AME

— Consultation with Faculties and Services

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Indicative list of additional evidence

— Collecting and acting on student feedback

— UK Engagement Survey (UKES) and other mechanisms focused on monitoring and maximising student engagement

— Impact and effectiveness of teaching observation schemes

— Impact and effectiveness of innovative approaches, new technology or educational research

— Use and effectiveness of learner analytics in tracking and monitoring progress and development

— Learning gain and distance-travelled by students

— Evidence and impact of initiatives aimed at maximising graduate employability

— Extent, nature and impact of employer engagement in course design/delivery

— Impact and effectiveness of initiatives aimed at understanding, assessing and improving retention and completion

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Continuation and Retention— Review of regulatory framework and teaching year

— Development of an inclusive curriculum

— Review of assessment and feedback against assessment criteria

— Increasing the number of meaningful engagement points throughout the academic year, captured on engagement dashboards available to students

— Personal Tutoring scheme linked to central services support from 2017/18

— Extending peer support schemes (SLAs for all programmes)

— Working in partnership with the Students' Union to engage students in curriculum/module development

— University-wide initiatives supported by clear lines of responsibility and communication and improved representation of staff and student groups

— University-wide co-curricular projects

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Thank You.

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