The Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010 Stereotyping, Linguistic Imperialism & Otherization

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  • 1. The Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010
    Stereotyping, Linguistic Imperialism & Otherization
  • 2. An international, multi-sport event, held quadrennially, involving thousands of athletes representing the Commonwealth Nations.
    The head of the Commonwealth Nations is Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom who is also monarch of 16 of the Commonwealth members.
    Many Commonwealth countries are former colonies of the British empire and thus hold legal, political, sporting, and cultural similarities.
    Sports included are those popular in the Commonwealth and aim to celebrate their shared sporting and cultural history.
  • 3. Expresses the differences between the culturally, socially, politically, historically, and economically dominant in-group and thus subordinates the out-group
    In the process of stereotyping, the out group (or the people in the subordinate position) are made to believe that they themselves and their culture are somehow inferior to the dominant in-group.
  • 4. Transference of a dominant language and aspects of its culture onto speakers of other languages
    Expression of the dominant culture exposes active power of the powerful over the powerless
    Linguistic Imperialism
  • 5. Ascribing identity of the self through the negative attribution of characteristics to the other.
    The culture you belong to tells you who you should be as a member of that culture and what is done by others if not the same is by contrast deemed incorrect.
  • 6. P1: I dont know why they are holding the games in India when there is so much trouble there.
    P2: But there could be that kind of trouble anywhere, they will have plenty of security Im sure.
    P1: Yes, but this is supposed to be the Commonwealth Games, the buildings should be up to the same standard as they are in the other Commonwealth countries. I dont think they would just get on with the show if a footbridge collapsed in England.
    Personal Interaction:
  • 7. http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/commonwealth-games/4152860/Bridge-collapse-adds-to-Commonwealth-Games-woes
  • 8. Implications:
    More than what should be put up with
    Bother, worry, inconvenience, discomfort
    Referring to recent terror threats experienced in the area
    British culture expects/would produce better quality
    The way things are done in England is the right way to do things
    A footbridge for the Commonwealth games wouldnt collapse in England
    We only want the best environment for our athletes to compete in, and this is not it
    so much
    should be up to same standard
    I dont think they would just get on with the show if the same thing happened in England
  • 9. Slums cleaned up and cleared out in Delhi
  • 10. In the Indian capital, slum dwellers living in tourist destinations and key Commonwealth Games venues were booted out of their makeshift homes by the police and the city's notorious fleet of buses taken off the road.
  • 11. booted out
    makeshift homes
    tourist destinations and key Commonwealth Games Venues
    Thrown out/ forcibly removed
    Temporary housing not adequate to be lived in long term
    This elite event should not be exposed to people living in dire conditions
    The area need to be seen to conform to the living norm of British culture
  • 12. Stereotyping
    India has trouble and poor standards
    India is out-group of Commonwealth Nations as it does not resemble conditions in England
    Linguistic Imperialism
    Even though the Commonwealth games are being held in India, the concept is British, so the obligation is there to comply along British lines of organisation and running of the tournament
    Implies things are done better in England and thus things should be done as they would
    India is a member of the Commonwealth Nations and therefore should look and act as is done in England
    Slum dwellers are made to feel like aliens in their own living environment because them remaining there during the Games would tarnish the image of what it is to be a member of the Commonwealth
  • 13. Julie Huston 2010