DigiPals” at Blackburn College and The student engagement toolkit : supporting institutions to set up, implement, develop and sustain student partnerships” 13 May 2015 Change agents’ network webinar

Jisc Change Agents' Network Webinar 13 May 2015

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“DigiPals” at Blackburn College and

“The student engagement toolkit : supporting institutions to set up, implement, develop and sustain student partnerships”

13 May 2015 Change agents’ network webinar



Clare Killen

Independent consultant

Peter ChattertonEllen Lessner

Change Agents’ Network Webinar series – 27 April 2015

Peter Chatterton

Independent consultant and CAN

Advisory Group member

The Student Engagement Toolkit: Supporting institutions to set up, implement, develop and sustain student partnerships

A key strand of work for the Change Agent’s Network is to keep abreast of trends and emerging practice in student partnership work and to

share this knowledge more widely through our network and webinar events and by providing a central and easily accessible place for the

resources via the CAN website.

One of the resources available from the CAN website is the“Viewpoints change toolkit” which was developed to support institutions through

the change processes associated with student partnership initiatives. The toolkit is of value to both institutions that are new to this area of work

and to those looking to develop and sustain existing initiatives. The webinar will provide:

• A brief overview of the resources available from the CAN website and how they can be used to grow effective student partnerships

• An exploration of good practices.

Sarah Knight

DigiPals – Changing the Learning Landscape project

When Deborah did a live presentation for the Jisc FE Digital Student Consultation Workshop in Manchester, Scott Hibberson blogged, “„

the inspiring Deborah Millar was unleashed on us with her infectious enthusiasm and unique style of presenting. As Head of e-Learning at

Blackburn College Deborah was no stranger to the challenges faced by college staff and emphasised the need to be brave, to not shy away

from trying new things and most of all – to include the learners themselves. Deborah’s presentation explained how the Digipals project at

Blackburn College had recruited an invaluable team of learners to help share and cascade best practice in technology use throughout the

college. More details on this can be found in Deborah’s somewhat cheesey (her words, not mine!) YouTube video where it’s clearly evident

that a bit of humour is injected into everything they do to make learning fun.

Deborah Millar

Head of eLearning, Blackburn



Change Agents’ Network

#JiscCAN http://can.jiscinvolve.org

http://can.jiscinvolve.org @CANagogy

» The Change agents’ network supports students working as change agents, digital pioneers, student fellows and students working in partnership with staff on technology related change projects

» Over 270 members subscribed to the CAN community mailing list

» Facilitates the sharing of best practice through

› Face to face networking events

› CAN monthly webinar series – next on 13th May at 12:30 – 13:30

› CAN case studies – launch of 2 institutional case studies

» Student partnership toolkit

What is the Change agents’ network (CAN)?

Launched the Journal of Educational innovation,partnership and change

http://can.jiscinvolve.org @CANagogy

» A peer-reviewed online journal that welcomes articles, case studies and opinion pieces relating to learning, teaching and assessment within the context of students and staff as change agents or working in partnership

» http://bit.ly/Jisccanjournal

» Submissions for next edition by 8th June

http://can.jiscinvolve.org @CANagogy

» The award supports staff and students working in partnership on curriculum innovation projects in UK further education and skills and higher education

» Pilot course has over 70 participants registered and runs from March –June 2015 with next cohort opening for registration in September

» Two modules – module 1 is formative and online through Moodle with module 2 assessed by portfolio and should be taken whilst completing a partnership or change project

» Contact Mark Kerrigan for more information: [email protected]

SEDA accredited Jisc Institutional Change Leader award

Change Agents’ Network Webinar series – 13 May 2015

When Deborah did a live presentation for the Jisc FE Digital Student Consultation Workshop in Manchester, Scott Hibberson blogged, “„

the inspiring Deborah Millar was unleashed on us with her infectious enthusiasm and unique style of presenting. As Head of e-Learning at

Blackburn College Deborah was no stranger to the challenges faced by college staff and emphasised the need to be brave, to not shy away

from trying new things and most of all – to include the learners themselves. Deborah’s presentation explained how the Digipals project at

Blackburn College had recruited an invaluable team of learners to help share and cascade best practice in technology use throughout the

college. More details on this can be found in Deborah’s somewhat cheesey (her words, not mine!) YouTube video where it’s clearly evident

that a bit of humour is injected into everything they do to make learning fun.


Changing the Learning Landscape project

Deborah Millar

Head of eLearning, Blackburn College

@DebMillar24 #DigiPals #lfutures

DigiPals: Changing the Learning Landscape project

Deborah MillarHead of eLearning

@DebMillar24 #DigiPals #lfutures

Aims of session

1. To explore the role of change agents/champions/pioneers and what skills are required for such roles

2. To share our journey from students working as change agents, digital pioneers, student fellows/ambassadors… DigiPals.

3. To share lessons learned from students working in partnership with staff on technology related change projects across further and higher education

Changing the Learning Landscape is about enabling higher education institutions in England, including colleges of further education providing higher education, to bring about change in their strategic approaches to Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL).

CultureShift: Embedding Technology in staff and student practice. (Part 1)

Most successful outcomes included:

- DigiSkills scan

- OpenBadges

- DigiPals


A CPD programme delivered by 10 DigiPals (four staff and six students) to roll

out professional development on the use of technology for learning. The ‘DigiPals’ will foster collaboration internally and externally and bridge the gap between teachers, learners and technical teams. They will work as a

collective team, in partnership with the Blended Learning Team and Computer Services department, to create learning opportunities in safe environments. They will support teachers, trainers, assessors and learners to develop new skills, gain confidence and trial new approaches to technology enhanced learning.

FELTAGLearners must be empowered to fully exploit their own understanding

of, and familiarity with digital technology for their own learning.

FELTAG’s research and conversations consistently referred to the under-

exploitation of learners’ skills, devices and technical knowledge when it

came to the use of learning technology. The greatest resource available

to Further Education and Skills providers in this domain is their learners.

More effort needs to be made to engage and empower learners’ use of

digital - and the use of their own devices – in the learning process.

Highlight which words you associate with how students feel about using digital technologies for learning?

A. Positive words e.g Fun, Collaborative, Positive, Confident, Pioneering, Contemporary, Enlightened, Empowered, Liberating, Exhilarating

B. Negative words e.g Bored, Frustration, Controlled, Blocked, Panic, Stress, Isolated, Challenging, Painful, Confusion, Bewildered, Fear, Insecure.

C. A selection of both but mostly Positive

D. A selection of both, but mostly negative

E. I don't know

The role of DigiPals…

Overview of DigiPals


Learning Futures students

Scholarship Students

Trainee Teachers


Learning Futures students

Scholarship Students

Trainee Teachers

The Digital Learning Scholarship is for those new students who are passionate about using digital resources such as mobile devices, software, apps and social media for the purpose of learning. They are available to students who demonstrate effective and creative use of technology to enhance their own and, most importantly, their peers’ learning experience.

Meet the DigiPals…

PLAYThe Dawn of the DigiPals


Prezi: DigiKnow monthly newsletter

Youtube: BlackburnCollegeVids

Twitter: @DigiPals #DigiPals

Facebook: DigiPals


Learning Futures students

Scholarship Students

Trainee Teachers

An unexpected win, win, win!


Learning Futures students

Scholarship Students

Trainee Teachers


DigiPals all around us

Highlight which words you associate with how you/your staff feel about using digital technologies for teaching?

A. Positive words e.g Fun, Collaborative, Positive, Confident, Pioneering, Contemporary, Enlightened, Empowered, Liberating, Exhilarating

B. Negative words e.g Bored, Frustration, Controlled, Blocked, Panic, Stress, Isolated, Challenging, Painful, Confusion, Bewildered, Fear, Insecure.

C. A selection of both but mostly Positive

D. A selection of both, but mostly negative

E. I don't know

Compare the TOP 5 answers from each survey…

STUDENT results:

1. Fun

2. Positive

3. Exciting

4. Enlightened

5. Playful

STAFF results:

1. Fun

2. Positive

3. Exciting

4. Frustration

5. Contemporary

If the top 3 results are the same from both staff and students…What is it that is holding themback from technology enhanced learning methods?

CULTURESHIFT: Embedding technology in staff and student practice. (Dissemination Day)

• https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cultureshift-embedding-technology-in-staff-and-student-practice-dissemination-day-tickets-16751827166?utm_campaign=order_confirm&utm_medium=email&ref=eemailordconf&utm_source=eb_email&utm_term=eventname

Thank you all for listening.

Any Questions?

Change Agents’ Network Webinar series – 13 May 2015

A key strand of work for the Change Agent’s Network is to keep abreast of trends and emerging practice in student partnership work and to

share this knowledge more widely through our network and webinar events and by providing a central and easily accessible place for the

resources via the CAN website.

One of the resources available from the CAN website is the“Viewpoints change toolkit” which was developed to support institutions through

the change processes associated with student partnership initiatives. The toolkit is of value to both institutions that are new to this area of

work and to those looking to develop and sustain existing initiatives. The webinar will provide:

• A brief overview of the resources available from the CAN website and how they can be used to grow effective student partnerships

• An exploration of good practices.

Clare Killen

Independent consultant

Peter Chatterton

Independent consultant and CAN

Advisory Group member

The Student Engagement Toolkit:

Supporting institutions to set up, implement, develop and sustain student



Student partnership toolkit

Has far is your institution on the “student partnerships” journey?

A = Considering

B = Starting out

C = Piloting

D = Scaling up / embedding

E = not sure

Student partnership toolkit

Supporting institutions to set up, implement, develop and sustain student partnerships


Student partnership toolkit


» Sector resources - categorised

» Case studies

» Practice points & top tips

» Discussion cards

New detailed case studies


Practice points, top tips and discussion cards

Four themes:

» Partnership set-up

» Partnership implementation

» Capabilities, development and accreditation

» Evaluation, impact & sustainability

Practice points, top tips and discussion cards

ThemePractice point



Link to further resources

Practice points, top tips and discussion cards

Top tips

Creative Commons


Practice points, top tips and discussion cards

Practice points, top tips and discussion cards

Practice points, top tips and discussion cards

Practice points, top tips and discussion cards

Practice points, top tips and discussion cards

Which of the following applies?

A = you are using (or have used) these resourcesB = you intend to use the resourcesC = you don’t intend to use themD = not sure

Practice points, top tips and discussion cards

Which of the following applies?

A = the resources have been or could be usefulB = they have not been (or not likely to be) usefulC = not sure

Practice points, top tips and discussion cards

Are these the “right” themes?

Partnership set-upPartnership implementationCapabilities, development and accreditationEvaluation, impact & sustainability

Practice points, top tips and discussion cards

Which theme would you like to discuss further?

A = Partnership set-upB = Partnership implementationC = Capabilities, development and accreditationD = Evaluation, impact & sustainability

Practice points, top tips and discussion cards

Partnership set-up

» Carry out a baseline study to research current position.

» Establish the case for student partnerships and align with strategies and policies.

» Establish motivation, reward and recognition options for students and staff

» Devise novel recruitment and induction approaches for students.

» Identify a partnership model that encompasses options for different student roles together with a range of stakeholders.

» Identify an outline project plan including resources and funding

» Identify and learn from exemplars and case studies of student partnerships

Partnership implementation

» Establish, implement and monitor a project plan (based on agile methodology)

» Develop a set of principles of good practice to follow for student partnerships

» Allocate significant time and resource for stakeholder engagement and communications

» Develop/acquire guides, toolkits and resources

» Clarify detailed student and staff roles, responsibilities and activities.

» Identify risks and how to manage them

» Establish/join external and internal communities of practice

Capabilities, development and accreditation

» Define core student capabilities, attributes and development frameworks for student innovation and change activities.

» Develop/acquire courses and training/learning resources for students and staff

» Implement student personal & professional development planning using reflective practice and e-portfolios

» Develop academic and professional body recognition and accreditation opportunities for students

» Provide student/staff support

» Provide relevant staff training and link to CPD

Evaluation, impact & sustainability

» Identify the rationale and need for evaluation.

» Choose appropriate qualitative and quantitative evaluation approaches

» Adopt a range of data collection techniques to support evaluation.

» Identify impact on a range of stakeholders and the institution

» Develop case studies for use with stakeholder communications and engagement.

» Develop recommendations for sustaining student partnerships as part of evaluation

» Explore options for institutionally embedding student partnerships.

Student engagement toolkit

Would anyone be interested in piloting the “discussion cards”?

A = Yes

B = No

C = not sure

Student engagement toolkit


Change Agents’ Network

» Join the network mailing list [email protected] by visiting http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/CAN

» Follow us on Twitter @CANagogy #JiscCAN

»Visit our website for the CAN Student Partnerships Toolkit –resources to support staff-student partnership working http://tiny.cc/can001

»Participate in the series of CAN webinars to share best practice

»Share your experiences with us as part of the CAN case studies

»Submit your practice to our Journal of Educational Innovation , Partnership &Change by 8th June http://bit.ly/Jisccanjournal


Change Agents’ Network

Next webinar30th June, 12:30 - 1:30pm

Dr Eleanor Quince, University of Southampton

“Mission Employable: Student-led employability activity”

In 2014 the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Southampton launched 'Mission Employable', a range of interconnected employability activities driven by the student body. The launch was central to a revision of the Faculty's employability strategy, undertaken in order to engage a diverse student community with the employability agenda. The overarching aim: to encourage students to think about career-planning much earlier whilst simultaneously gaining valuable experience, by enabling them to lead, shape and run events for themselves and their peers.



Please complete the evaluation survey!