Stacey Shor, JFCS Vice President and Chief Development Officer, helps check in our talented staff

JCFS/JVS Employee Appreciation Event

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  • 1. Stacey Shor, JFCS Vice President and Chief Development Officer, helps check in our talented staff

2. Stacey Shor, Howard Sitron and Shirley Maeir help pass out food 3. Shirley Maeir and Stacey Shor 4. The ISS team gets some relaxing time in at the employee event. (Left to right: Alyx Hanson, Michall Ganiel, Craig Nakamoto and Sameera Fatima) 5. Developments Sarah Perl intently watches as Challah is being made 6. New Board Member Neil Posner speaks with Dana Rhodes from JCFS Development 7. New Board Member Neil Posner speaks with Dana Rhodes from JCFS Development 8. New Board Member Neil Posner speaks with Dana Rhodes from JCFS Development 9. BFFs Danielle Brosch and Tammy Dean 10. HRs Danielle Brosch, Gail Gerson and Tammy Dean. Thanks for helping to plan the event! 11. Ed Reed, Director of Community Counseling Centers , shows off his volleyball skiills 12. Line-dancing, JCFS style. 13. Howard Sitron expresses his appreciation for all of the employees at JCFS and JVS 14. Howard and Margaret with staff who are celebrating five years of working at JCFS 15. Howard and Margaret with staff who are celebrating 10 years of working at JCFS 16. Howard and Margaret with Kristi Ihara, Sergio Camarillo, Thomas Martin and Sabrina Townsend, all winners of the Robert B. Bloom award! 17. JCFS Robert B. Bloom Award winners have got talent! And Howard has got great hair! 18. Howard Sitron, Craig Nakamoto (celebrating 15 years with JCFS) and Margaret Vimont