Introduction to Greenhouse Gas Inventories

Introduction to Greenhouse Gas Inventories By Renewable Choice Energy

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In this presentation from Renewable Choice, you will learn about our climate challenges, an introduction to inventories, the greenhouse gas protocol, and motivations for corporate action. Renewable Choice Energy is a leading provider of climate change solutions including green power, carbon offsets, and renewable energy advisory services. Recognized as a trusted partner to numerous major brands, Renewable Choice was the recipient of the prestigious Green Power Supplier of the Year award in 2012 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and has been featured in hundreds of media outlets. To learn more, visit www.renewablechoice.com.

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Introduction to Greenhouse Gas Inventories

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Renewable Choice Services

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A Partner to Leading Brands

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Our climate challenges

Introduction to inventories

Greenhouse gas protocol

Corporate actions

Renewable Choice services

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Greenhouse Gas Inventories

Renewable Energy Standard

Carbon Offsets

Cap & Trade

Verified Emission

ReductionsClimate Change

Energy Security

The American Clean Energy and

Security Act of 2009

Kyoto Protocol

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The Problem

Climate-related impacts are occurring now and are expected to increase

Global warming is unequivocal and primarily human-induced

Future climate change and its impacts depend on choices made today

Source: United States Global Change Research Program (June 2009)

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Addressing Climate Change: No Silver Bullet

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Renewable Choice’s Mission:

• 20% wind by 2030

• CO2 at 1980 levels

“Geo-Greenism"—is not only what we need to save the planet from overheating; it is what we need to make America healthier, richer, more innovative, more productive, and more secure.

Thomas Freidman, Hot, Flat & Crowded

Harness commercial and consumer demand to help drive the growth of renewable energy and clean technologies

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Greenhouse Gas Inventory

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Greenhouse Gas Inventory - Defined

• A comprehensive and documented accounting of all greenhouse gas emissions attributed to an organization’s activities

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Inventory Basics

Identify sources

Choose boundaries

Collect data

Calculate emissions

Document results

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Greenhouse Emissions

• Purchased electricity & steam

• Corporate fleet

• Natural gas

• Air travel

• Propane

• Refrigerants

• Waste stream

• Employee commuting

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Greenhouse Gas Protocol

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GHG Protocol


• Business goals

• Accounting for reductions

• Identifying GHG sources

• Managing inventory quality

• Verifying GHG emissions

• Setting GHG targets


• Accounting principles

• Organizational boundaries

• Operational boundaries

• Tracking emissions over time

• Reporting GHG emissions

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Corporate Voluntary Actions

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State of Corporate Activity

Source: The Conference Board, 2006 & U.S. EPA Green Power Partnership, 2008

• 75% actively measure GHG emissions

• 60% of corporate boards have carbon on agenda

• 50% have programs to reduce or offset emissions

• 15% engage in voluntary emissions trading

• 40% considering voluntary purchase

• >1000 EPA Green Power Partners

• Green Power Partners purchase >16 billion kWh of RECs annually

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Voluntary Climate Registries

• U.S. EPA Climate Leaders

• WWF Climate Savers

• Carbon Disclosure Project

• California Climate Action Registry

• US DOE 1605b Registry

• The Climate Registry

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Momentum is Building

Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting

Source: Groom Energy Solutions (2009)

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Corporate Motivations

• Fulfill voluntary reduction targets

• Create internal incentives for reductions

• Prepare for regulations

• Enhance the brand

• Differentiate a product

• Provide information to stakeholders

• Participate in GHG reporting programs

• Identify opportunities to reduce energy and costs

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Carbon Offsets & Renewable Energy Credits

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What is a Carbon Offset?

A carbon offset (also referred to as a

verified emission reduction, or VER)

represents the reduction of carbon

dioxide, or its equivalent in other

greenhouse gases

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What is a Renewable Energy Credit (REC)?

• A REC represents the environmental benefits associated with the generation of electricity from a renewable energy source

• A renewable energy source is credited with RECs as it produces electricity

• The owner of the REC receives the property rights to its environmental benefits

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Offsetting Emissions

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RECs & Carbon Offsets

SCOPEUse of Carbon Offsets Use of RECs

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Climate NeutralA dynamic ongoing process ~ Clean Air-Cool Planet

1. Embrace a stretching boundary

2. Demonstrate a broad understanding of your carbon footprint before making a claim

3. Exhibit caution before making a corporate-wide claim of neutrality

4. Consider whether a blanket claim of neutrality will resonate with stakeholders

5. Use the carbon management hierarchy before making claims

6. Be completely transparent

7. Exhibit leadership on climate change

8. Treat neutrality as a long-term commitment

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Energy Efficiency Advisor

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The Energy Efficiency Advisor (EEA) Service

Available to all GHG Inventory customers

Library of information that helps a company reduce energy demand and identify cost savings strategies

Consists of three sections:

Commercial Energy Advisor

Operations & Maintenance Advisor

Purchasing Advisor

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Commercial Energy Advisor

Provides sector-specific insights including: Typical usage breakdown

Common load shapes

Energy saving ideas:– No cost– Low cost– Cost-effective investments

Identifies the most cost-effective savings available for numerous industries: Find out where energy dollars are going

Get money-saving advice

Select the equipment that makes the most sense

Identify key purchasing criteria

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Operations & Maintenance Advisor

Develop a regular maintenance plan

Improve equipment performance and

increase energy efficiency with:

• Controls and systems optimization

• Re-lamping techniques

• Cleaning schedules and filters

Identify what equipment needs maintenance

Judge what tasks can be done ‘in house’ and what is worth outsourcing

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Purchasing Advisor

When purchasing new equipment:

Understand what the technology does and why

Discern the real options without vendor bias

Make purchases with a transparent decision-

making process

An up-to-date library of buyer’s guides and energy-management tips

for over 45 energy technologies, including:

Best lamps and ballasts

HVAC options and configurations

Energy management systems

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Legislative Landscape

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Proposed Mandatory Reporting Rule

• Report if emissions > 25,000

MtCO2e/yr (facility)

• 85%-90% of national GHG

emissions covered

• Affects ~13,000 facilities

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Reporting Breakdown

Source: EPA Proposed Mandatory Reporting Rule – Draft (March 2009)

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About Renewable Choice

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Renewable Choice


LEED projects

GHG inventories

Helps companies

do the right thing

RECsReduce and

understand your

environmental impact


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Choice Inventories


• Establish an emissions baseline to understand and/or

report your greenhouse gas emissions


• Conduct a yearly inventory to track your progress toward

a reduction goal


• Identify high carbon intensive activities and target with

process, infrastructure changes or offsets

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Renewable Choice Offset Portfolio

Renewable Energy Credits

• American Wind – Green-e Energy

• Clean Source – Green-e Energy

Verified Emission Reductions

• Choice Carbon – American Carbon Registry Standard

• Global Carbon – Voluntary Carbon Standard

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Business Essentials

What you get:• Dedicated Client Services Manager

• CD of images and graphics

• RCE website exposure

• Business Essentials Starter Kit– Custom certificate of purchase

– Messaging guide

– Window clings and magnets

– Custom poster

– Image library

– Facts and figures

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Customized Marketing Support:Choice Programs

1. Determine commitment level

2. Choose a Choice Program that fits with

your company’s or project’s

communication & outreach goals

3. Renewable Choice customizes the

program you choose and provides on-

going consultation and support

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2500 55th Street, Suite 210 . Boulder, CO 80301 . 877.810.8670 . www.renewablechoice.com


Matt WoodGreenhouse Gas Channel Manager

[email protected]
