Intro to the Human Brain

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Intro to the Brain

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Page 1: Intro to the brain pp

Intro to the

Human Brain

Page 2: Intro to the brain pp

Today’s Objectives

Content Objective

I can explain how the brain works and how it is studied.

I can display critical thinking about research studies.

Language Objective

I can define

Localization of

Function and Brain


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Today’s Key Terms


Localization of Function

Frontal Lobe



Brain Plasticity

MRI and fMRI

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Top Myths about our Brains

What ideas or theories have you heard

about our brains?

Top Myths about Our Brains Video

Which of the ideas that we listed can we

take off?

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The study of the brain and its functioning.

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Localization of Function

The principle that certain areas in the

brain are responsible for certain


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Localization of Function:

The Frontal Lobe

The Frontal Lobe is responsible for self-

control, planning, social judgment, and

other higher-order thinking tasks.

Sociopaths (Far Right) have been shown to

have less activity in their Frontal Lobe.

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Localization of Function:


The Hippocampus is an area deep in the

brain responsible for the storage of new


Damaged Hippocampus = No New


Page 9: Intro to the brain pp

Neurons Neurons are cells that make up the

nervous system (including the brain) that

specialize in communication of

information throughout the body

Brains consist of billions of Neurons and

Trillions of Neural connections.

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Brain Plasticity The Principle that the brain changes over

time and depending on our environment.

Our brains are always changing.

Use it or Loose It!

How Our Learning Occurs in the Brain

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How do Neurologists study the


Throughout history Neurologists have used a variety of tools to study the brain.

Post-Mortem Examination

Brain Damage Case Studies

Modern Technology (MRI, fMRI, PET)

Key Question: Why might each of these methods have been used? What are the strengths and limitations of each?

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Post Mortem Studies

After individuals (or animals) die, their

brains are dissected and compared to

normally functioning brains.

Example: Rosenweig (1972)

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Rosenzweig (1972) Aim: To determine how the environment can impact the

neurological development of rats.

Method: Randomly assigned lab rats to one of three conditions.

Control: Typical Laboratory Cage (other rats, adequate room and food/water.)

Impoverished: Small cage, isolated, adequate food/water.

Enriched: Large space, Multiple Toys, Companions, adequate food/water.

After living 4-10 weeks, they were killed and autopsies were performed on their brains (randomly assigned numbers to eliminate researcher bias).

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Rosenzweig (1972) Cont. Findings: The enriched rats had…

1.Thicker and heavier cerebral cortexes

2. Larger Neurons

Conclusion: An enriched environment produced more developed and bigger brains.

Critical Thinking:

Artificial environment limited Ecological Validity.



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Brain Damage Cases

The close examination of individuals with

traumatic brain damage.

By studying how their behavior has

changed, we can understand what that

part of the brain is responsible for.

Example: Dimasio et al (1994) – The case

of Phineas Gage

Gage Video

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Dimasio et al (1994)

Aim: To determine what areas of Phineas

Gage’s brain was damaged in the


Method: Used MRI technology to create a

model of the accident and determine

what areas were damaged.

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Dimasio et al (1994) cont.

Finding: The frontal lobe, and only the

frontal lobe were damaged in the


Conclusion: The frontal lobe is responsible

for self-control and social processing.

Critical Thinking:


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Brain Imaging Technology In recent decades, scientists can use non-

invasive technology to take images of the

brain of functioning brains.

MRI- Creates an Image of the structure of

the brain

fMRI- Shows activity in the brain.

Example: Corkin et al. (1997): HM

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Corkin et al (1997) Aim: To determine the extent of damage

done to HM’s brain.

Method: Performed an MRI on HM.

Finding: All of HM’s Hippocampus and Amygdala were removed.

Conclusions: The hippocampus is responsible for the storage of new memories.

Critical Thinking:



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Homework for Tonight

1. Select One of the Articles Online and

read it in full.

2. Complete a 3-2-1 note guide for the


3: New/Important ideas that were not

discussed in class.

2: Pieces of Critical Thinking/Methodological


1. Question you still have about the Study.

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Wrap-Up: Pepper

Be Prepared to answer a question based

on the vocabulary and ideas which we

have discussed today.