7/20/2015 Instructions to survive a Tornado Instructions to survive a Tornado

Instructions to survive a tornado

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Instructions to survive a Tornado

Instructions to survive a Tornado

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http://www.patriotdirect.org/ Patriot Direct – Dedicated to upgrowing

Instructions to survive a Tornado

Much obliged here to both the Government Crisis AdministrationOffice (FEMA) and the Illinois Crisis Administration Organization(IEMA) for their point by point data on how one can best plan for atwister – before it hits, as it’s clearing over you, and promptly after theoccasion.

Numerous may assume that they require just stress over the channelcloud as it breadths over them; however without the rightarrangements in advance or keeping up the right conduct a short timelater, a man could in any case effectively wind up turning into one ofthose harmed, if not more awful. Keep away from such issues bycomprehending what to do before it happens.

Prior to a Tornado

The best safety measures before a twister hits:

Focus the best area in both your home and where you work orgo to class where you can take cover when undermined by atornado. A storm cellar or basement will normally bear the costof the best insurance. On the off chance that an underground

Page 3: Instructions to survive a tornado

http://www.patriotdirect.org/ Patriot Direct – Dedicated to upgrowing

safe house is not accessible, recognize an inside room orpassage on the most minimal floor.

Conduct occasional tornado wellbeing drills with your crew.

Particularly on the off chance that you live in ‘tornado rearway’, you ought to know the areas of assigned sanctuaries inspots where you and your family invest energy, for example,open structures, nursing homes and strip malls. Ask whetheryour children’s’ schools have recognized safe house space.

In the event that a tornado is exposing down, put on a headprotector. Head protectors with face assurance (generally wornon earth bicycles and road bicycles) are the first decision toswing to. An optional decision is a football head protector orbaseball catcher’s cover with face monitor. Third decisionwould be a head protector worn by skiers/snowboarders, oreven a baseball cap.

Crisis Supplies

Have crisis supplies available: Candles, electric lamps, 3-5 daysof nourishment for every individual in your family, 3-5 days offiltered water for every individual in your family, propane

Read more at patriotdirect.org