Instittional research

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The BBC Film Network is an online streaming website that releases four short films weekly, and known for the distribution of short British films. This website allows many short film makers to upload their projects and receive feedback through the ratings and comments such us advice on ideas as well as exchange tips. This BBC Film Network is extremely beneficial for British short makers as it allows their projects to also be recognized by in partnership with other organizations and experts who are invited to curate programs of short films. This includes, Film Festivals, competitions and recognition of other famous short film distributors. It is also beneficial as it The BBC Film Network is based online, therefore allowing these films to be access by a broader audience for example younger generations as the online streaming plays a key role in their day to day lives

Examples of short films distributed by this institute:-Photograph Of Jesus by Laurie Hill ]-Post-It Love by Si & Ad-Keith Reynolds Can’t Make It… by Felix Massie- The Black Hole by Olly Williams & Phillip Sanson

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DNA Films was set up in 1997 is one of the Uk’s most successful production and distribution companies in the industry. The company was founded by Andrew Macdonald and Duncan Kentworthy. DNA films have succeeded commercially and critically in the production of their short film. One of the main reasons for DNA Film’s success is their partnership with Fox Networks Group. This Partnership has allowed the company to create their new TV company known as DNA TV Limited, which allows them to produce Dramas, Comedies and Limited TV series for world-wide distribution. It is evident that one of the main reasons this British institute have become so successful is due to the fact that it is in a partnership with an American Institute such as Fox. Therefore allowing the projects that are produced to be distributed and gain recognition world-wide.

Examples of short films distributed by this institute:-The Last King Of Scotland-28 Days Later -28 weeks Later-Sunshine -The Beach

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Coffee Films is an independent British film production company and was founded in a 2003. It became one of Europe’s leading production companies within a year of it’s founding. The companies fast growing success steered them into progressing music and documentaries. Today the company has won critical acclaim and progressed into seven figure budget filmmaking.

Examples Of Films Produced By This Institute:In 2005 Coffee Film’s most famous project Last Of The Scottish Wildcats went into

production. This was a documentary based on Britain’s rarest mammal and only feline cat. The capturing of the unique footage of the animal intrigued their audience and allowed the company to reach new heights of film making as only the BBC have been successful of filming this quality of wildlife a decade before this documentaries release. Introducing the company to the high end wildlife and current affairs market a new slate developed directed at the nature television sector whilst the film itself gained critical acclaim in the national UK press. Ultimately coming to market in 2008 as a DVD the film donated half it's profits to wildcat conservation through the Scottish Wildcat Association, a charity inspired and largely set up by the Coffee team.