Aztec, and Inca Civilizations

Incas and aztecs

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Describes the main points of the Inca and Aztec Civilizations.

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Where did the Aztecs live?

The Aztecs lived in what is known as the Valley of Mexico in central Mexico.

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Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec Empire.

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Legend of Tenochtitlan

The gods told the Aztecs to search for an eagle holding a snake in its beak perched atop a cactus. This is where they were to build their capital city. The Aztecs saw this sign on a swampy island in lake Texcoco.

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The Aztecs created an empire through conquest

Conquered people and local rulers had to pay tribute to the Aztecs

The Aztecs had an emperor The Aztec Emperor’s main job was to

lead in war

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Religion & Mythology

Aztecs were polytheistic Huitzilopochtli was

the main Aztec god.

The Aztecs built massive temples and pyramids dedicated to their gods

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Hernando Cortes Born around 1485 in Spain

He came from a noble family

Between 1504-1511, he made expeditions to Hispaniola and Cuba

In 1518, Cortes set sail to Mexico with 500 men and 11 ships

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Conquering the Aztecs

Upon arrival, the Spaniards formed alliances with the Native People who hated Aztec rule

Eventually the Spaniards reached the capital, Tenochtitlan

Montezuma, the Aztec leader, tried to get the Spaniards to leave by giving them riches

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Conquering the Aztecs

Cortes then captured Montezuma and tried to rule the Aztecs by giving commands through Montezuma

Eventually fighting broke out between the Spanish/Spanish allies and the Aztecs in 1520

The Spanish lost 1,800 men and left Tenochtitlan

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Conquering the Aztecs

In May 1521, Cortes led his men back to Tenochtitlan

The Aztecs became severely weakened by the spread of small pox, which had been brought over by the Spanish

Tenochtitlan fell in August 1521 and lay in ruins

The Spanish built up the city again and called it Mexico City

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Aztec Video Clips

“Engineering An Empire”http://www.watchknow.org/Video.aspx?VideoID=6255

“What the Ancients Did For Us”http://www.watchknow.org/Video.aspx?VideoID=10964

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Where did the Inca live?

The Inca controlled an empire in the Andes Mountain region of South America.

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The Sapa Inca (emperor) had absolute power.

The emperor claimed to be the son of the sun.

The emperor was also the empire’s religious leader.

The empire was divided into four regions with the capital at Cuzco.

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Uniting the Empire

The Inca built a massive road network through mountains and across rivers and gorges.

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The Inca constructed stone temples without using mortars yet the stones fit together so well that a knife would not fit between the stones.

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The Inca were polytheistic. The primary god was Inti, the sun


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Medical Advances

The Inca performed successful skull surgery.

The Inca also used medicines to make patients unconscious during surgery

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Francisco Pizarro

Was born in 1476 in Spain

He came from humble/poor beginnings

Desired to explore the New World in search of fame and fortune

Discovered the Pacific Ocean along with Vasco Nunez de Balboa

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The Fall of the Incas Pizarro came to Peru in 1531 with 180 men

The Spaniards attacked, killed thousands of Incas, and took the leader, Atahualpa captive

Atahualpa gave the Spanish gold and treasures to save his life but was killed anyway

With Atahualpa dead, the civilization collapsed and Spain took over Peru

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Inca Video Clip
