Improving Institutional QA throught student's participation Mihai VILCEA, Alina GAVRA ASPR International Conference of Psychology Students, 6-9 May, 2010

impstudents participation in QA at institutional level

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Improving Institutional QA throught

student's participation

Mihai VILCEA, Alina GAVRAASPR International Conference of Psychology Students, 6-9 May, 2010

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First of all

the idea of EHEA

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Bologna process

Action lines like:

- three cycle system

- social dimension

- mobility

- qualification framework

- QA

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Quality Assurance is an ongoing process that ensures the delivery of agreed

standards in a educational institution.

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QA can be approached from two points of view:

- internal QA

all process in which are involved the members of academic community

- external QA

includes all the action and feedback from stakeholders outside the university

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Why should involve students in quality assurance?

students are aware of what they need

students have a fundamental interest

the quality of their education affect professional careers

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Report on the Implementation of Bologna Process 2009 – student perspective

Realized by ANOSR

23 universities

36 students organizations

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Main Conclusions on internal QA

Students tend not to be regarded as equal partners in educational and decision-making structures

Not all the universities in Romania involve students in QA departments – 12% of the HEI don’t involve students

Only 10% of the QA Departments focus on research on social dimension regarding students

In only 22% of universities students are directly involved in curriculum design

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• Adaptation of the teaching methods (<50% changed their teaching styles and instruments for SCL improvement)

• Organizations consider that ECTS was implemented just formally

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External QA

One of the main role is played by the institutional evaluation program

Romanian case: ARACIS is the Quality Assurance Agency in Romania

Students are equal partners

Need for better understanding of QA (students view)

Enhancing quality through creating a quality culture

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Being equal partners at national level, students began to acquire experience and knowledge in QA.

The feedback from stakeholders was gratifying

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Next stepInvolving students in internal QA:

– Being recognize like partners

– Full members in all commissions

– Starting a QA culture with the student education

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Thank You


your attention!

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