Film Review: Based on the Moonfruit Comic, 'Reasons', the heartbreak of moving on from a relationship is illustrated in ‘I Miss you' by Nick L'Barrow's and Anton Sheptooha's romantic short film. With very little dialogue between the two protagonists, the stages of their relationship is shown through a nostalgic lens and somber piano music, chronologically highlighting the 4 stages of young love - the first meeting and the honeymoon stage to the constant bickering and the eventual end of it all. It also condenses these memories into a fast paced montage with a narration voiced by the male character. This leads the film away from the classical plot of a romantic film, which normally concludes with a happy ending, creating an aspect of voyage and return with the moral of conveying and evoking the feeling of what it's like to miss someone - affirming human experiences which establishes a connection between the viewer and the film. The varying depths of field of the protagonists and object as well as music choice and cinematography guides the audiences attention throughout to maintain focus on the emotions of the characters and the meaning of the film.

I Miss You

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Film Review:

Based on the Moonfruit Comic, 'Reasons', the heartbreak of moving on from a relationship is illustrated in ‘I Miss you' by Nick L'Barrow's and Anton Sheptooha's romantic short film.

With very little dialogue between the two protagonists, the stages of their relationship is shown through a nostalgic lens and somber piano music, chronologically highlighting the 4 stages of young love - the first meeting and the honeymoon stage to the constant bickering and the eventual end of it all. It also condenses these memories into a fast paced montage with a narration voiced by the male character. This leads the film away from the classical plot of a romantic film, which normally concludes with a happy ending, creating an aspect of voyage and return with the moral of conveying and evoking the feeling of what it's like to miss someone - affirming human experiences which establishes a connection between the viewer and the film. The varying depths of field of the protagonists and object as well as music choice and cinematography guides the audiences attention throughout to maintain focus on the emotions of the characters and the meaning of the film. All in all, 'I Miss You' is a short boy meets girl film with connotations of a voyage and return that illustrates the aftermath of a break-up.
