'Bewerbung für das 1. Demokratische Stipendium von Julia'

I finally graduated in 2009, after a

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Page 1: I finally graduated in 2009, after a

'Bewerbung für das 1.

Demokratische Stipendium von Julia'

Page 2: I finally graduated in 2009, after a

I finally graduated in 2009, after a long struggle between studying and working

Page 3: I finally graduated in 2009, after a

I asked for a scholarship in the Dominican Republic High Education Council, to enroll in the Universidad Jaume I and study an International Master in Peace, Conflicts and Development in Spain, but it was denied because I did not fill the 3.00 GPA minimum, mine was 2.7 and I did not have political connection. 

Page 4: I finally graduated in 2009, after a

I I sold my car, took my savings and asked my mom for money in order to come to Castellon de la Plana, Spain

Page 5: I finally graduated in 2009, after a

Everybody from the master welcomes me and everything was peaceful, till Master staff told me I have to go to Innsbruck in order to conclude the master next year, otherwise it will be in 2012 

That is


Everybody from the Master welcome me and everything was peaceful, till the master staff told me I have to go to Innsbruck if I want to finish the Master next year , otherwise I will finish in 2012.

Page 6: I finally graduated in 2009, after a

I contacted Norbert from Innsbruck University and by then it was too late for a full scholarship:

 From the total they will cover 1,150.00 and I have to cover the rest: 2,450.00 Euro

Page 7: I finally graduated in 2009, after a

I am desperate because I don’t have money, neither my family, but I have to do it, I am a peaceful fighter!! Day and days looking for scholarship and I found Absolventa.

Bitte: Helft mir meinen Traum zu erfüllen und stimmt für mich!!!