Literature Review: Humanism and Literary Theory Paper No: 3 (Literature Review) Enrollment No: 2069112220170004 Course: M.Phil Submitted to: Department of English MKBU Submitted by: Dipti Vaghela

Humanism and literary theory

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Literature Review: Humanism and Literary Theory

Paper No: 3 (Literature Review)Enrollment No: 2069112220170004

Course: M.PhilSubmitted to: Department of English

MKBUSubmitted by: Dipti Vaghela

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What is Literature Review?

• It is about what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers.

• It is the process of standing on the shoulders of giants.

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Introduction• This Review deals with some points as under,• 1) Concept of Man• 2) Two tracks of theory• 3) Why reading literature important• 4) Concept of Humanism or secular humanism• 5) Religion as supportive to human• 6) Religion makes harder to be peaceful• 7) Culture and customs are connected• 8) Humanity in right sense• 9) Conclusion: human suffers out of religion

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Concept of man

• According to materialism ‘man’ is material components. His intellectual, emotional aspects are nothing but a product of mind.

• According to idealism body of man is nothing but a shell for the spirit of the intellect.

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Two tracks of theory

• First one is practical criticism it means close reading of books

• Second is text as key to understand ideas beyond text. Rather to focus on only text it asks big picture.

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Why reading literature important?

• The purpose is to enhancement of human values, to show true nature of society, get more understanding of human behavior, etc.

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Concept of Humanism/ secular humanism

• It is the belief that people can live using their intelligence and reason rather than depending on a god or religion.

• Secular humanism means denoting attitudes, activities, or other thing that have no religious or spiritual basis, not bound by religion rule, etc.

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Religion as a supportive to human

• It converts animal qualities of man to human qualities, agent of social control, organizing social life, etc.

• So, it is very important to survival of human being, without it human can’t survive.

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Religion makes harder to be peaceful

• It promotes tribalism, always to be obey, it diverts good intentions, it teaches helplessness, it seeks power, etc.

• These many things are bad things about religion.

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Religion, Culture and customs are connected

• We can’t make it separate because these all words are related with each other.

• Culture and customs are somewhere part of religion.

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Humanity in right sense

• It is about building a bond amongst the society with the help of a sustainable value.

• Where happiness will come? ‘ where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, where knowledge is free. Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls…

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• From those pie charts we come to know that numbers of nonreligious people are increasing. It may possible that one of the reasons is that human beings are suffering from our religions while nonreligious people are free. As also describing in secular humanism. . Religions also provide for rites of passage such as marking birth, marriage and death. (Buckingham)

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Reference• Balaji, Balamurali. Service to Humanity. Gandhian Institution.

<www.mkgandhi.org/articles/servicetohumanity.htm>.• Buckingham, Janet Epp. "The Relationship between religion and a secular society." Vol. 9:3.

2012.• Davies, Tony. "The Religion of Humanity." Davies, Tony. Humanism. 2nd Edition. New York:

Replika Press, 2008. 25-28.• Gunasekara, Victor A. "The Core Principles of secular Humanism." vgweb.org.

<www.vgweb.org/manussa/coreprint.htm>.• Hoebeler, J David. "New Humanism." First Principles (10): 1-2.• Hokema, Anthony A. "Man." googleweblight. • Klages, Mary. "Humanism and Literary Theory." uidaho.edu.

<http://www.colorado.edu/English/ENGL2012Klages/humanism.html>.• Mische, Patricia. "The Significance of Religions for social justice and a culture of peace."

Journal of Religion, Conflict, and Peace 1 (2007).• Taline, Ja. "10 most important functions of religion." December 2010.• Tarico, Valerie. "6 Ways of Religion Does more Bad than good." 12 November 2014.• Tucker-Ladd, Clay. "Why we need values and morals." talentdevelop.com.

<https://talentdevelop.com/articles/WWNVAM.html>.• Yelnic, Juli. "Cultural values: definition, examples & importants." study.com.


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