Human Resource Management and its Objectives

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This presentation is all about HRM and its Objectives. HRM is the most important function of any bussiness.

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BY:-Mithilesh Trivedi 1

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Staffing Policy› Selecting individuals with requisite skills to do

a particular job› Tool for developing and promoting corporate

culture› View People as Resource ($in profit out)

Types of Staffing Policy› Ethnocentric› Polycentric› Geocentric 3

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Ethnocentric Policy

Key management positions filled by parent-country nationals

Advantages:› Overcomes lack of qualified managers in host nation› Unified culture› Helps transfer core competencies (and skills back)

Disadvantages:› Produces resentment in host country› Can lead to cultural myopia


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Polycentric Policy

Host-country nationals manage subsidiaries

Parent company nationals hold key headquarter positions

Best suited to multi-domestic businesses Advantages:

› Alleviates cultural myopia.› Inexpensive to implement› Helps transfer core competencies

Disadvantages:› Limits opportunity to gain experience of host-

country nationals outside their own country.› Can create gap between home-and host-

country operations5

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Geocentric Policy

Seek best people, regardless of nationality› not always possible

Best suited to Global and trans-national businesses

Advantages:› Enables the firm to make best use of its human

resources› Equips executives to work in a number of cultures› Helps build strong unifying culture and informal

management network Disadvantages:

› National immigration policies may limit implementation

› Expensive to implement due to training and relocation› Compensation structure can be a problem.

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1. Human Resource or Manpower Planning:- HRP determines as to how many and what type of personnel will be determined by the jobs which need to be staffed. Job-related information is, therefore, necessary for HRP.

2. Recruitment, Selection and Placement of Personnel:- Different sources of manpower supply are tapped. The applications of various applicants are screened and the selected applicants are required to take certain employment tests, Those found successful are asked to appear in the final interview. 8

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3. Training and development of employees:- Train each employee properly to develop technical skills for the job for which he has been employed and also to develop him for the higher jobs in the organization.

4. Appraisal of performance of employees:- Performance appraisal involves assessment of the actual performance of an employee against what is expected of him/her. Such assessment is the basis for awarding promotion, effecting transfers or assessing training needs. 9

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5. Remuneration of employees:- Wage and Salary administration: This function is concerned with the determination of adequate and equitable remuneration of the employees in the enterprise. The sub-functions concerned with the determination of equitable wages include the followings

A. Job evaluation to determine worth of various jobs in terms of money.

B. Comparing the wages of the enterprise with those in the Industry and remove inconsistencies if any.

C. Formulation of policies regarding pension plans, profit sharing plans. non-monetary benefits, etc.

6. Good Working Environment: It Is the responsibility of personnel department to provide good working conditions to the employees. These include drinking water facilities, bath-room facilities, hygienic environment, good lighting, safety of employees. etc. Working conditions certainly Influence the motivation and morale of the employees.


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7.Welfare Activities:-These activities relate to the physical and social well-being of the employees and their families. They Include provision of medical facilities and first-aid box, provision of rest-room, creche, recreation, education of children, canteen, etc., employee counselling, housing, group Insurance, etc.

8.Human Relations:- In most of the big organizations, the HR managers help in collective bargaining, joint consultation and settlement of disputes, whenever they arise. It is Important to point out that the responsibility of fulfilling the requirements of various labour laws like Factories Act. Industrial Disputes Act, etc., also rests with the personnel department.

9.Grievance handling:- He helps in laying down the grievance procedure to redress the grievances of the employees.The personnel manager can do a great deal in maintaining industrial peace in the organisation as he is responsible for setting various committees on discipline, labour welfare, safety, grievance. etc. He helps in laying down the grievance procedure to redress the grievances of the employees. 11

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10. Records and Statistics:- The records and statistics about the workforce are important for various reasons.

Firstly, they help in taking decisions relating to transfer and promotion.

Secondly, they help in performance appraisal of the employees.

Thirdly, they reveal the human resource talent available with the organisation. Finally, they help in identifying the weaknesses in the employees and the areas in which they need training.

It is the duty of the personnel department to maintain records of the employees working in the enterprise. It keeps full records about their training, achievements, transfer, promotion. etc. It also preserves many other records relating to the behaviour of personnel like absenteeism and labour turnover and the personnel programmes and policies of organisation.


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11. Reviewing and auditing manpower management :-The HR managers audits the organization to determine the  organization gaps  and the  needs of manpower

12. Miscellaneous

› Role Analysis for job occupants.› Job Rotation.› Quality Circle, Organization development and Quality of

Working Life› Potential Appraisal. Feedback Counseling


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Objectives of the HRM Function

1. HRM contributions to organizational effectiveness:-

Helping the organization reach its goals Employing workforce skills and abilities

efficiently Increasing job satisfaction, self-actualization, and

quality of work life Communicating HRM policies to all employees Maintaining ethical policies and socially

responsible behavior Managing change to the mutual advantage of

individuals, groups, the enterprise, and the public


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Objectives of the HRM Function

2.Increasing employees’ job satisfaction and self-actualization

Employees must feel that the job is right for their abilities and that they are being treated equitably

Satisfied employees are not automatically more productive

However, unsatisfied employees tend to be absent and quit more often and produce lower-quality work

Both satisfied and dissatisfied employees can perform equally in quantitative terms 17

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3.Quality of work life (QWL) is a general concept that refers to several aspects of the job, including:

Management and supervisory style Freedom and autonomy to make decisions on the

job Satisfactory physical surroundings Job safety Satisfactory working hours Meaningful tasks

4.The job and work environment should be structured to meet as many workers’ needs as possible 18

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Objectives of the HRM Function

5.Communicating HRM policies to all employees:

HRM policies, programs, and procedures must be communicated fully and effectively

They must be represented to outsiders Top-level managers must understand what HRM

can offer6.Learning provides a framework for decreasing cycle time


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Objectives of the HRM Function

7.Maintaining ethical policies and socially responsible behavior:

HRM managers must show by example that HRM activities are fair, truthful, and honorable

People must not be discriminated against Their basic rights must be protected

8.These principles should apply to all activities in the HRM area


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9.Increased urgency and faster cycle times:

Firms are placing a growing emphasis on: Increasing customer serviceDeveloping new products and servicesTraining and educating technicians,

managers, and decision makers

10.Shorter cycle times mean less time to:

Train, educate, and assign managers Recruit and select talented people Improve the firm’s image


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