How to succeed in telesales By: Ramy Enab

How to succeed in telesales

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Telesales key points and how to improve you skills

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Page 1: How to succeed in telesales

How to succeed in telesales

By: Ramy Enab

Page 2: How to succeed in telesales

Presentation Goals

Adopt the right attitude

Drive yourself to success

Have belief in yourself

Never Assume

Develop good verbal skills

Be prepared

Handle all calls professionally

Close each call professionally

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Why use the phone ?

• It is far more cost effective than field sales

• It is immediate, no appointment necessary

• It is one-to-one (personal)• It is Less formal than writing• It is common place, everyone uses the


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1. Adopt the Right attitude

• F eel successful• A ct successful• and you will Be successful• Dress for yourself, not the customers• Enjoy selling by phone

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• Focus on the customers’ needs not your wants

• “Go the extra mile”• Always use the prospect/client’s name• Keep records of all calls• Keep your promises• Follow up relentlessly

1. Adopt the Right attitude (Contd.)

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• Smile

It takes only a second, but can last a lifetime

It is the shortest distance between 2 people

It is a little curve that puts everything straight

• EnthusIASM – you do what you do, because

“I am selling myself”

1. Adopt the Right attitude (Contd.)

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2. Drive yourself to success

• Set personal goals• What number of calls will you make today• What number of appointments will you make• What number of sales will you make• What increase on target will you achieve• How many customer service calls will you

make• Challenge others in your shift to a competition• Reward yourself when you reach “your”

target or goal

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3. Have belief in yourself

• Have belief in YOU and YOUR Products

(enthusIASM – I am selling myself)• Knowledge breeds confidence• KNOW everything about your products• Uncertainty breeds uncertainty• Ask for testimonials or references from

satisfied clients – quote from them on your calls

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• Stand up for important calls, (incoming and outbound)

• The brain can think 2-3 times faster when you are standing up

• You fell more forceful and alert• It can also stop interruptions from other

people as they can see you are making an important call

3. Have belief in yourself (Contd.)

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4. Never ASSUME

• Listen to the customer carefully• NEVER ASSUME, for if you do -

You make an ASS out of U and ME• When God created man, he gave us two

ears and one mouth, use them in that order!

• Find out all you can about your customer• The more you listen, the more you will

sell• Avoid interrupting

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4. Never ASSUME

• You will pick up buying signals and signs of interest the more you listen

• The more you talk, the more they’ll walk…

• People will talk for ages when talking about themselves

• Use trial closes regularly –“If you were to buy, what colour…”“If you were to order, when would….”

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5. Develop good verbal skills

• In traditional face-to-face selling









the words we say

the way we say them

non verbal signals



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• In telephone selling you cant concentrate on non verbal signals

• Therefore you are operating 45% less effectively

• You must improve your vocabulary and the way you “come across”

5. Develop good verbal skills

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• Remember, clients CAN’T see YOU• You can’t demonstrate a product• You can’t show them literature• They can’t see that you are sincere

(Be polite and courteous at all times!)• You can’t see THEIR reactions• You need to present yourself clearly and

confidently, get their feedback, know when to ask for the order & when to hang up

5. Develop good verbal skills

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• Don’t Shout• Don’t mumble• Don’t talk quickly• Be sincere• Get the prospect to say “YES” often in

your conversation• Nod your head as you ask a positive


5. Develop good verbal skills

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• Use POSITIVE LANGUAGE• “I am sure” or “I am certain” or “I know”• Not “maybe”, “perhaps” or “possibly”• Ask questions often to keep control and

get feedback• Use closing questions like “wouldn’t

you?”, “isn’t it?” and “won’t you?”

5. Develop good verbal skills

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6. Be prepared

• P roper• P lanning• P revents• P athetically• P oor• P erformance

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6. Be prepared

• In order to make calls, get appointments, give quotes and take orders, you must KNOW:-– Your company sales literature– Your product/service facts, features and benefits– Your company’s history and personnel– Your price lists and order forms– Your competitors– To keep a record of all calls – To update your diary regularly

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7. Handle all calls professionally



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• Smile, when you pick up the phone within 3 rings

• Establish:– Who is calling– What they want– Which company they are from– Who they wish to speak to


7. Handle all calls professionally

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• FIRST impressions last• You want to sound warm and friendly,

positive, professional, helpful polite and courteous

• You do not want to sound harassed, busy,

“distant” or uninterested

7. Handle all calls professionally

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8. Close each call professionally

• 7 steps to ending calls correctly:• Confirm with the caller, agreed details in

detail• Thank them for the call/enquiry/sale/lead

etc• Look forward to the next call• Ask for help (If appropriate)

– how to find them etc• Leave on a pleasant note• Say goodbye• Put the phone down last

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9. Dealing with complaints

• Listen and don’t interrupt• Ask for more information and clarification• Summarise with caller and gain agreement• Thank them for drawing it to your attention• Promise action, and do call them back on time• Tell the customer what will be done and when• Ensure the matter IS resolved• Call them after the resolution is achieved

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