Moses Quinion Galabuzi BA EDUC I.U.IU

How to effectively use the Internet; The teacher's role

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Page 1: How to effectively use the Internet; The teacher's role

Moses Quinion GalabuziBA EDUC I.U.IU

Page 2: How to effectively use the Internet; The teacher's role

A computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission ...

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks. A computer that connects to the Internet can access information from a vast ...

The specific internet consisting of a global network of computers that communicate using Internet Protocol (IP) and that use Border Gateway ...

Internets - "Internets" is a Bushism-turned-catchphrase used humorously to portray the speaker as ignorant about the Internet or about technology in general ...

Selling product to consumers through a website over the Internet.

is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP).

The series of interconnected networks allowing communication of data among millions of computers worldwide.

The Internet is the largest Internet in the world. It is a three level hierarchy composed of backbone networks (eg ARPAnet, NSFNet, MILNET), mid ...

A large global network comprised of thousands of smaller networks. The World Wide Web is one element of the Internet.

International Network

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The global, public computer network

A global communication network that allows computers worldwide to connect and exchange information.

A worldwide system of computer networks; a network of networks in which users at any one computer can get information from any other computer.

The open global network of interconnected commercial, educational and governmental computer networks that use a common communications protocal TCP/IP.

A vast network of interconnected computer systems which permit users to communicate and share information. ...

Page 4: How to effectively use the Internet; The teacher's role


Internet search sites can search enormous databases of Web pages, using titles, keywords or text. You can maximize the potential of search engines by learning how they work, and how to use them quickly and effectively.The challenge is to ask your question the right way, so that you don't end up overwhelmed with too many search results, underwhelmed with too few, or simply unable to locate the material that you need. As with most skills, practice makes perfect!

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Getting StartedBefore doing a search, it's important to define your topic as completely and succinctly as possible. Write down exactly what information you're looking for, why you're looking for it, and what you're not looking for. This will help you to discover the best keywords for your search.KeywordsWith the exception of search engines such as AskJeeves.com, which will take questions in the form of actual queries, most work best if you provide them with several keywords. So how do you determine which keywords will work best? Most users submit 1.5 keywords per search, which is not enough for an effective query - the recommended maximum is 6 to 8 carefully chosen words, preferably nouns and objects. (Search engines consider articles and pronouns clutter.) Avoid verbs, and use modifiers only when they help to define your object more precisely - as in "feta cheese" rather than just "cheese." Now you have your keywords. How do you enter them into the search engine?

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Use of Phrases Your most powerful keyword combination is the phrase. Phrases are combinations of two or more words that must be found in the documents you're searching for in the EXACT order shown. You enter a phrase - such as "feta cheese" - into a search engine, within quotation marks. Some searches provide specific options for phrases, while others don't allow them at all; but most will allow you to enter a phrase in quotation marks. Check the "Help" files of the search engine you're using to be sure what it accepts. Punctuation and Capitalization Most search engines are insensitive to case: you can type your queries in uppercase, lowercase, or a mix of cases. If you use lowercase, most engines will match on both upper and lower case; so for general searches, lowercase is the safest form to use. Not all search engines handle punctuation the same way. When in doubt, consult the "Help" file.

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Boolean Basics "Boolean" searching (named after George Boole, the 19th-century mathematician who founded the field of symbolic logic) is a powerful technique that can narrow your search to a reasonable number of results, and increase the chance of those results being useful. Boolean searches are simple to learn and tremendously effective. The three most commonly used Boolean commands (or "operators") are AND, OR and AND NOT. AND means "I want only documents that contain both/all words." For instance, the search "London" AND "Big Ben" AND "Buckingham Palace" AND "Trafalgar Square" would return only documents that contained all four keywords or phrases. AND is the most frequently used Boolean command. OR means "I want documents that contain either word; I don't care which." The query "London" OR "Big Ben" OR "Buckingham Palace" OR "Trafalgar Square" would return all documents that contained even one of these four keywords or phrases. Use OR to string together synonyms; be careful about mixing it with AND. AND NOT means "I want documents that contain this word, but not if the document also contains another word." The query "London" AND "Big Ben" AND NOT "Buckingham Palace" would return documents that include London and Big Ben, but not those that also include Buckingham Palace. Remember that AND NOT only applies to the word or phrase that immediately follows it.

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Most search engines support the AND NOT command.  It is sometimes called BUT NOT or NOT, and is sometimes indicated by placing a minus sign (-) before the term or phrase to be removed.  (Check the search tips of the engine you're using to see which form of AND NOT it accepts). Before you apply AND NOT, see what results you get from a simpler search. AND NOT is a great way to weed out results you don't want, such as pornography.

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Use nouns as query keywords. Never use articles ("a," "the"), pronouns ("he," "it"), conjunctions ("and," "or") or prepositions ("to," "from") in your queries

Use 6 to 8 keywords per query

Where possible, combine keywords into phrases by using quotation marks, as in "solar system"

Spell carefully, and consider alternate spellings

Avoid redundant terms

Check the "Help" function of the particular search engine you're using, since they all have their own quirks and preferencesA successful Internet search can take several tries. But remember: it's estimated that there are between 200 and 800 million documents online - with no master system for organizing this information! No wonder effective searches take knowhow, patience and ingenuity.

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Regardless if you use the Internet for work or online shopping from home your choice for an Internet Service Provider is important. Your ISP can mean the difference between a great experience and a frustrating one.There are nearly 7,000 ISPs in the United States alone. Some are massive telecommunications conglomerates with user populations larger than many nations. Others are mom-and-pop operations that know every customer by first name.How do you decide whether to use a traditional online service or an Internet service provider? Figuring out which is best for you involves asking the right questions, of both yourself and your provider.The online services connect you to the Internet, so do ISPs. The big difference between the two is “content.” The online services provide proprietary content…and lots of it. Most ISPs provide very little original content, you must venture out yourself (onto the Web, Usenet, ect…) and find it.Once you choose your internet provider, its useful to know if they are able to deliver on their promises in terms of speed. Using the speed test below you can try it right now.

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You will probably discover that an ISP can provide you with just as good of service, or better, at the same price or less.Not all ISPs are created equally. Some are very good, some are very bad. Here are some questions that you should ask of any potential ISP before you sign on the bottom line:What’s the cost? This may not be the most important factor but it’s a good place to start. Most ISPs charge around $20 a month. If you shop around you may find one for around $10 a month. Broadband cable may cost as much as $50 a month.Do they offer discounts if you prepay the entire year upfront? (This is a good option, providing that it fits into your budget, if you choose a good ISP. It’s a bad option if the ISP turns out to be less than desirable.)What modem speed do they support? Broadband? DSL? Dial-up? A good ISP will support 56K. You may not have 56K modem yourself but this will provide some indication of the commitment that this ISP is willing to make.Do they offer a free trial? Try-before-you-buy is always a good thing.What’s the ratio of modems to users? 6 to 8 users per modem is quite acceptable. Find out what number you would dial in on…and try it a few times.

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URL:Abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator, the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web. The first part of the address is called a protocol identifier and it indicates what protocol to use, and the second part is called a resource name and it specifies the IP address or the domain name where the resource is located. The protocol identifier and the resource name are separated by a colon and two forward slashes. For example, the two URLs below point to two different files at the domain pcwebopedia.com. The first specifies an executable file that should be fetched using the FTP protocol; the second specifies a Web page that should be fetched using the HTTP protocol: ftp://www.pcwebopedia.com/stuff.exe http://www.pcwebopedia.com/index.html

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