Great Pairs: HB Associates & CVB Sales Professionals Terri Roberts Training & Communica.ons DMAI Danielle Boyles Managing Director HelmsBriscoe Chris?ne “Shimo” Shimasaki, Moderator Managing Director, empowerMINT DMAI Presenters: A collabora.ve webinar between HelmsBriscoe and DMAI’s empowerMINT.com Thursday, July 5, 2012

HB Associates & CVB Professionals-Great Pair

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The Better to Serve You With: HB Associates and CVB Sales Professionals empowerMINT, an initiative of Destination Marketing Association International (DMAI) that advocates for the DMO value proposition in the meetings community, and HelmsBriscoe who serves their clients with streamlining the meetings procurement process, have joined forces to better serve any organization looking to find the right fit for any size meeting. It’s certainly a powerful one-two punch to better serve the meetings market! The HelmsBriscoe associates can rely on their DMO partners in any destination to provide the additional insurance of local expertise and direction. DMAI, as the trade association for DMOs has proactively worked with Helms Briscoe to open doors between DMO destination experts and HB associates to combine forces to make sure no opportunity is missed and to give a full arsenal of resources in the site selection process to the end user. Join us to learn more about our extended partnership, as more HB associates and CVB sales professionals build trusted relationships in the meetings marketplace to ultimately better serve the client and leverage each other’s value to the fullest extent. During our webinar you will learn about: • The joint efforts continuing between HelmsBriscoe and DMAI to “keep doors open” for mutually beneficial working relationships between HB Associates and CVB Sales Professionals • Update on HB Partner Program • Using DMAI’s empowerMINT Destination Profiles to send smarter RFPs and take full advantage of local expertise • Success stories and best practices from HB and CVBs who are working together to complement each other

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Page 1: HB Associates & CVB Professionals-Great Pair

Great  Pairs:    HB  Associates  &  CVB  Sales  Professionals

Terri  RobertsTraining  &  Communica.ons


Danielle  BoylesManaging    Director  


Chris?ne  “Shimo”  Shimasaki,  ModeratorManaging  Director,  empowerMINT



A  collabora.ve  webinar  between  HelmsBriscoe  and  DMAI’s  empowerMINT.com

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Page 2: HB Associates & CVB Professionals-Great Pair

Our  Goals  for  Today

• Share  our  combined  efforts,  educa?on  and  outreach

• Hear  success  stories  and  best  prac?ces  from  those  in  the  field

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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What makes a great PAIR?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

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“Our  reputa.ons  do  not  come  from  how  we  talk  about  ourselves.    

Our  reputa.ons  come  from  how  others  talk  about  us.”

-­‐-­‐-­‐Simon  Sinek

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Patricia  Zollman,  CMPSenior  Director,  Global  Accounts  


 “If  I  didn’t  work  with  a  CVB,  I  would  be  leM  with  a  lot  more  leg  work,  and  have  to  rely  more  on  the  hotels  in  the  area  to  give  me  des.na.on  informa.on.  I  would  not  be  as  certain  that  my  clients  would  know  the  newest  hotels  coming  in  the  area  or  the  changes  that  the  city  has  planned.  

I  think  all  planners  should  know  that  CVBs  make  great  strategic  partners.  They  can  support  your  search  and  help  you  leverage  local  rela.onships  with  vendors  and  venues,  so  you  can  make  the  right  decision  on  the  des.na.on  for  your  mee.ng.  They  have  both  the  informa.on  and  the  rela.onships  to  help  you  with  your  program  needs  before  the  contract  is  signed  as  well  as  aMer  the  contract  is  in  place.”

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Dyhalma  TorresSenior  Na?onal  Sales  ManagerPuerto  Rico  Conven?on  Bureau

“As  a  CVB,  establishing  and/or  building  rela.onships  with  HB  associates  has  led  me  to  the  greatest  connec.ons  I’ve  made  through  my  career.  They  all  have  well  rounded  backgrounds  and  posi.ve  aspects  when  assis.ng  corpora.ons  and  associa.ons  in  any  kind  of  mee.ng,  conven.on  or  incen.ve.  They’re  all  crea.ve,  resourceful,  influen.al  and  experienced  professionals  achieving  the  highest  level  of  customer  sa.sfac.on.  

All  of  these  aRributes  topped  by  a  strategic  partnership  with  the  CVB,  provides  the  ul.mate  value  to  the  end  client  thus  resul.ng  in  the  success  of  their  program  within  that  des.na.on.  I’ve  created  a  bigger  impact  in  fulfilling  goals  based  on  my  partnership  with  HB  associates  rather  than  aRemp.ng  to  target  direct  business  alone.  HB  associates  book  mul.ple  programs  a  year  through  the  different  clients  they  represent  and  can  truly  influence  their  client  into  further  considering  my  des.na.on.”

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Kathy  HedlundDirector  Global  Accounts

Presidents  Club,  HelmsBriscoe

“I  love  working  with  our  CVB  partners  whether  I  know  the  city  well  or  don’t.    They  enhance  the  value  I  bring  to  my  clients  in  many  ways  and  are  a  true  extension  of  the  services  HelmsBriscoe    provides.    They  help  me  so  much  with  the  site  inspec.on  process  by  seUng  up  appointments,  accompanying  my  clients  and  me  on  the  site  inspec.ons,  provide  ac.vity  op.ons,  restaurant  op.ons  and  so  much  more.    Their  value  is  endless  to  me.”  

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Dawn  Rockas,  CMPNa?onal  Sales  Director

San  Diego  Visitors  and  Conven?on  Bureau

“There  has  never  been  a  beRer  .me  for  CVB’s  to  work  with  HelmsBriscoe  than  now.    The  CVB  compe..on  s.gma.sm  is  fading  as  more  HB  Associates    and  their  CVB  des.na.on  partners  are  coming  to  trust  each  other  to  add  value  to  the  search,  site,  marke.ng  and  over  all  group  mee.ng  experience.    

Both  en..es  are  working  hard  to  improve  communica.on;  evidenced  through  the  HB  Des.na.on  Partnership  program  and  DMAI’s  advocacy  for  improved  best  prac.ces  for  all  CVBs.    Business  is  being  booked,  rela.onships  are  being  strengthened  and  clients  are  realizing  their  return  on  investment.”

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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What  about  lead  distribu.on?

How  do  CVBs  protect  their  value  with  their  hotel  


How  do  HB  Associates  protect  their  value  with  

their  clients?

How  do  we  best  share  credit?


Thursday, July 5, 2012

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DMAI’s  Outreach  and  Educa?on

• Inside  Out  Campaign

• Let’s  talk  in  the  same  language

• Let’s  promise  the  same  thing

• Build  trust  through  transparency

• Clearly  ar?culate  our  promise  and  value

• Our  3rd  party  planners  are  just  like  any  other  planner

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Our  Promise  and  Value  To  HB  Associates

– Comprehensive  View  of  the  Des?na?on

– Local  Exper?se– Extensive  In-­‐Market  Rela?onships

– FREE  to  YOU!  

CVBs  are  the  best  first  point  of  contact  in  any  des?na?on    to  help  HB  Associates  

FIND  the  right  fit  for  any  size  mee?ng  and  to  help  you  expertly  serve  your  client.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Comprehensive  View  of  the  Des?na?on

• Help  educate  planners  on  the  value  of  their  mee?ng  in  the  des?na?on

• Give  real  expert  advice  on  best  op?ons

• Ensure  planners  don’t  miss  a  thing  and  can  take  advantage  of  all  the  des?na?on  has  to  offer!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Local  Exper?se  

• Know  what  only  the  locals  know

• I  invest  my  ?me  being  fully  educated  on  the  des?na?on,  so  planners  don’t  have  to

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Extensive  In-­‐Market  Rela?onships

• Years  spent  building  rela?onships  in  the  local  community

• Planners-­‐one  to  many-­‐can  leverage  this  great  base  of  knowledge,  connec?vity  and  buying  power

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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We’re  not  FREE,  but  FREE  to  YOU!

• Help  planners  understand  what  complimentary  really  means

• Educate  planners  on  how  the  services  in  the  des?na?on  are  funded

• The  ul?mate  no  brainer!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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HBs Destination Program

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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HBs Destination Program

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Ongoing Communication

• Easy  to  Find  –  HB  Intranet,  HB  Insite,  empowerMint.com

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Ongoing Communication

• HB  Connect


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Ongoing Communication

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Ongoing Communication

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Destination Panel Discussions

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Building Confidence

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Building Relationships

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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HBs Outreach and Education

• Des.na.on  Program  –  Value  Proposi.on

• Ongoing  Communica.on  –  Keeping  Front  of  Mind,  Included  from  the  Start

• Des.na.on  Panel  Discussions  –  Breaking  Myths,  Being  Transparent

• Building  Confidence  -­‐  Building  Rela.onships

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Mike  Saberfield,  Regional    VP  HelmsBriscoe

• What’s  unique  about  your  des.na.on…uncommon  knowledge?

• Is  our  RFP  over  city-­‐wide,  special  event  or  construc.on?

• If  brand  hotels  are  “centralizing”  their  sales  force,  use  as  an  opportunity  to  become  a  local  expert  on  your  hotels

• Use  HB  associates  tes.monials  or  success  stories  to  gain  credibility  

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Dyhalma  Torres,  Senior  Na?onal  Sales  ManagerPuerto  Rico  Conven?on  Bureau

• Call  us  FIRST  to  help  you  make  the  best  recommenda?ons

• Ask  the  CVB  about  des?na?on  promo?ons  or  sponsorships

• Ask  for  FREE  site  inspec?on  assistance

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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Thank You for Coming!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012