Physical Education has lost its way in many schools across England Will Swaithes Head of Physical Education & Achievement #PECatalYST

Has secondary school PE lost its way in England?

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Physical Education has lost its way

in many schools across England

Will Swaithes Head of Physical Education & Achievement


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PE cannot be to blame for the health of the


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PE teachers cannot shoulder the burden of the lifelong wellness of all

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But because PE can be a part of the solution..

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Surely that’s where the job needs to focus?

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Core PE is the right of every young person…

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So, every young person has the right to receive what they need from it

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If 33% of 10 year olds are overweight or obese

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If just 14% of boys & 8% of girls are meeting daily 60 active minute targets

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If 33% of 11-16 year olds have poor body image

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If 10% of 5-16 year olds have a mental illness

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If 25% of 15 year olds have suffered from bullying

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If 20% of 15 year olds are self harming

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If 48% of 11-17 year olds don’t get enough sleep to function at school

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Then does your PE offer provide the solution? We know it could… Surely it should?

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What is the Power of your Physical Education offer?

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The biggest barrier to achievement...

Increased social, emotional and physical


Increased attainment and achievement

is declining pupil wellbeing

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There are pockets of great practice, and some individuals get what they need from curriculum PE…

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but we must re-imagine its purpose and

re-consider where it can have the greatest impact!

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To provide all students and all schools with what they deserve from our subject

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If PE provision has been effective then all students will have achieved a love for lifelong participation in physical activity

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We owe it to all students to become physically literate…

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to develop the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to …

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value and take responsibility for

engagement in physical activity throughout their


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As physical educators our job is not just to facilitate PE examination success for the few…

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not just to provide career pathways into sport for a few…

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… not just to recognise and direct talent in sport for very few…

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not just to provide competition opportunities for the same few…

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not just to provide physical activity during the timetable to break up the week…

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But to provide a strong foundation for lifelong

health, wellbeing and engagement of all

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So, why is that calling so exciting and important?

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If PE can successfully deliver and promote active lifestyles for all then it has earned its place in every school

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But is that even possible?

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Is it possible in your school?

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We talk a good game but can we deliver?

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Is your PE offer more obsessed by activities (sports)than outcomes?

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We are all different, does your current offer

excite & engage all?

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How far do you go to personalise your offer?

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So, you are a

well qualified PE professional

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who needs to be able to diagnose

as well as technique

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instil passion and belief

who needs to be able to

as well as skill

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who needs to be able to connect the

as well as the how

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If we get our PE curriculum right at


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young people will be physically literate

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If we get our PE curriculum right at secondary…

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young people will remain physically literate and become increasingly socially and emotionally literate

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PE teachers have the power to discover, differentiate and diagnose the how…

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As long as we remember the why Increased social,

emotional and physical wellbeing

Increased attainment and achievement

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Enjoy what you do… Make the most of what you can do! PE has the Power to make a difference Enjoy making the difference

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physical education

Mission statement for 21st Century

ALL young people, find Meaningful, relevant and fun

physical activity, which improves their physical

literacy and wellbeing, today and for life

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Is your PE offer ‘world leading’? Is your PE department ‘world leading’?

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Have you followed the 10 steps to a world leading PE


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Will Swaithes Head of Physical Education & Achievement #PECatalYST

Read my tips on creating a world leading PE Department here