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HA5 evaluation

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Here I have to do an evaluation of my project of my sidekick and I start with how I read the assignment I read most of assignment expect the fact I only overshot the deadline by a week or so and but I managed to remember the planning of the assignment and this made it very easy to get it all done on task unlike the last assignment I did read the assignment and I knew what I needed to do. I am answering about the structure and the language used in my assignment and the structure and the language was not a problem since we have be doing assignment sheets for a while now so it was nothing hard so we could deal with what it asked of yourself to do efficiently and to a good standard of work. then I asked myself did I use the Moodle materials the teacher has set up to my own advantage Yes but sometimes I didn’t but for the most part I did use the Moodle materials to an upmost standard to keep on task with my work and to get the next piece of work required to complete the unit.

This time I was asking myself about how I keep the timescale of the project to an extent but I have finished slightly over still I plan to work faster in the future but for this project I was slightly slow with the finishing of my sidekick. I have in the future then I was asked if I set short term goals but the answer was the same I never did set short term goals. I just did the work as it was being slightly aware of the timescale but I still think even though I didn’t set my self-goals I got to where I needed to be and what I needed to do even if it was a little over the deadline set. I simply worked from day to day but I slightly plan ahead when the deadline was close but in all honesty I just worked from day to day it worked mostly expect I missed some deadlines and some were overdue but I believe it worked anyway. I got the end result and managed to finish it before the end but then that got me thinking on how I used my production log and schedule efficiently this time and I came back to it to see where I was and remind myself and it made it a lot easier at the end because I only had to do the presentation and this evaluation not the planning as well so am happy with that result

While planning my sidekick I had fewer things than the original design but one features of the design was lose in the fact that the shield and power supply was not put on the final design but am happy to the fact that it still turned out the way I wanted it to and also I added some finite details to it that my designs didn’t have I still reached the essential design that I was aiming for a military robot for the game so I believe I got there in the end even if it was with a different design slightly

Page 2: HA5 evaluation

I would not change it for if I could do it again I probably do it sooner and then finish it earlier but other than that it what I wanted it to be