Guide dogs need you! By Lucy Boult

Guide dogs

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Guide dogs need you!

By Lucy Boult

What is guide dogs about?

Guide dogs is a charity that was set up in 1931 to help blind soldiers in WW1. Guide dogs now have over 4,500 working partnerships in the U.K alone and is hoping to have 6,500 by the end of 2020.


guide dogs have




The life of a blind person

Imagine if you were blind. Try it yourself, shut your eyes all-day and carry on with everyday life. Now see how hard it is? imagine if you went through that for not just one day but for the rest of your life. Living blind has a big impact on even the tiniest of tasks including walking. We all take sight for granted so you can help make a blind persons life just that little bit easier by helping us give them a guide dog.

The training and life of a guide dog

Guide dog puppies are born in the national breeding centre in Warwickshire.

The puppy is then sent to live with a puppy walker until they are 12-14 months old were they will learn the basic puppy training e.g. sit.

The dog now equivalent to a teenager is then taken through guide dog training then through advanced training before a final exam.

If the dog passes then it will be carefully matched up with a blind partner when they will start there life as a working guide dog.

when the dog reaches around 10 years old it is time to hang up the harness and retire they either stay with their owner as a or are rehomed to have a relaxing and for filling retirement.

What do we do with the money?

What will you receive when you sponsor a guide dog?

You will receive:

regular Pupdates on how its training is going and which new toy it loves best! It's the next best thing to being right there; sharing in your puppy's little moments of achievement on their journey to becoming a guide dog;

cute photos and videos photo album personalised certificate And Each year you'll also receive a gorgeous puppy calendar!

Thank you!