“Snow Surprise”

Grade 1 lesson 18 vocabulary powerpoint

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“Snow Surprise”

Page 2: Grade 1 lesson 18 vocabulary powerpoint


If a container bulged, its sides stuck out as if it were going to burst.

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bulgedWhen the mitten was empty, it was flat, but when the animals crawled

inside, it bulged.

My suitcase bulged when I put too much in it.

When your backpack bulged, what was inside?

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bulgedIf your friend’s lunch bag bulged, would

the bag be full or empty? Tell why.

What might you put in your pocket to make it bulge?

What animal may have bulging cheeks? Why?

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jostledWhen you have jostled people, you have bumped

them or poked them to make them move.

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jostledThe hedgehog jostled the mole and rabbit to make room for itself in the


When might you need to jostle someone to make them move over

and give you some space?

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jostledAre you more likely to jostle someone when you are in the middle of a crowd or when you are standing in an empty

hallway? Tell why.

Would you get mad if someone jostled you? Why?

Tell about a time when you jostled someone.

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argueWhen you argue with someone, you disagree loudly.

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argueThe animals did not argue when the bear came in because they did not

want to make him mad.

If you said it was snowing when it was really warm and sunny, your classmates might argue with you.

What else do people argue about?

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argueIf your friend told you to get out of the way because a car was coming,

would you argue? Why?

What kinds of things do children argue about?

How can friends make up after they argue?

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When you command someone, you tell him or her what to do.

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commandJoan commands her dog Sport to

come along when she says, “Come with me.”

I can command my dog to sit.

Would you command a dog or a goldfish to roll over? Why?

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commandI will say some sentences. If I command you to do something, you must do it. Otherwise, do


Touch you toes. Who is wearing red?

Today is Tuesday. Say your name.

Open you mouth. I read many books.

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If you labored, you worked very hard.

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laboredJoan labored to make the snowman,

using snow, sticks and food.

On Saturday, I labored all day to clean my home.

Would you have labored if you built a sand castle or if you took a nap?


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laboredI will name some activities. If the activity is

something a person would labor to do, stand up. If not, remain sitting.

Take a nap. Color in a coloring book.

Build a house. Climb a mountain.

Eat an apple. Complete math work.

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When you are cautious and unsure about something that might be dangerous, you are wary.

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waryThe animals are wary of Joan and do

not go near the snowman until she goes inside the house.

I would be wary if I heard a strange noise outside my door.

Would you be more wary about going into a dark cave or a bright room?


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waryI will name some things. If you would be wary

of those things, cover your eyes. If not, you should put your hands at your sides.

snake friend rockcampfire sand ladybugflower bumblebee lionhat dark room stranger